/xivg/ - Final Fantasy XIV: Heavensward General

Smol edition


>Callback Campaign

>FFXiV Amazon Promotion April 25th - May 8th

>Patch 3.57 Notes

>Letter from the Producer LIVE Part XXXII and XXXIII

>Fanfest interview with Yoshi:

>New info on class changes for 4.0

>Resources, Guides, Free Companies and Linkshells

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Fat cat is the best minion in the game.

gonna marry an elezen etc etc
>attached happy elezen pic

I better not catch your disgusting ass trying to lure people who don't know any better

Xth for please kill me

Thread made by the dirty inflation Spicneet.







Report the spic and report this thread. Pedophiles are not welcome.

Why is this game so full of manlets?

Блaжeн нeзлoбливый пoэт,
B кoм мaлo жeлчи, мнoгo чyвcтвa:
Eмy тaк иcкpeнeн пpивeт
Дpyзeй cпoкoйнoгo иcкyccтвa;

Eмy coчyвcтвиe в тoлпe,
Кaк poпoт вoлн, лacкaeт yхo;
Oн чyжд coмнeния в ceбe -
Ceй пытки твopчecкoгo дyхa;

Любя бecпeчнocть и пoкoй,
Гнyшaяcь дepзкoю caтиpoй,
Oн пpoчнo влacтвyeт тoлпoй
C cвoeй миpoлюбивoй лиpoй.

Дивяcь вeликoмy yмy,
Eгo нe гoнят, нe злocлoвят,
И coвpeмeнники eмy
Пpи жизни пaмятник гoтoвят...

Ho нeт пoщaды y cyдьбы
Toмy, чeй блaгopoдный гeний
Cтaл oбличитeлeм тoлпы,
Ee cтpacтeй и зaблyждeний.

Питaя нeнaвиcтью гpyдь,
Уcтa вoopyжив caтиpoй,
Пpoхoдит oн тepниcтый пyть
C cвoeй кapaющeю лиpoй.

Eгo пpecлeдyют хyлы:
Oн лoвит звyки oдoбpeнья
He в cлaдкoм poпoтe хвaлы,
A в диких кpикaх oзлoблeнья.

И вepя и нe вepя внoвь
Meчтe выcoкoгo пpизвaнья,
Oн пpoпoвeдyeт любoвь
Bpaждeбным cлoвoм oтpицaнья,-

И кaждый звyк eгo peчeй
Плoдит eмy вpaгoв cypoвых,
И yмных и пycтых людeй,
Paвнo клeймить eгo гoтoвых.

Co вceх cтopoн eгo клянyт
И, тoлькo тpyп eгo yвидя,
Кaк мнoгo cдeлaл oн, пoймyт,
И кaк любил oн - нeнaвидя!

Are you guys idiots or something?

Lalas and cats are bad. Post literally anything else.

You will not evade and you will not make threads, you dirty spic.

Female Au Ra are worse

We don't welcome avatarposting here.

Hi I'm one of the chemos. I play on Balmung and I'm pretty into raiding when I'm not chemoing. I try to target lesser know ebins before they reach stardom.

samefagging this hard

>tfw scared...of the possibilities stormblood will bring

do you think there will be stormblood weather?

Post weebm's.

No. Elezen highlanders and roegadyn are all ogretranny shitposters that need to be banned.

We already know, Colin.

It has been a long and bloody year since the end of the Dragonsong War. Though Ishgard has claimed victory, the peace that so many heroes gave their lives for has not settled on the lands. The hordes of Dravania, though leaderless, continue to taint the north lands of Eorzea. Vicious monsters attack merchant caravans, and raid isolated farms and villages.

The city's battle weary Dark Knights patrol the forests and hills, ever vigilant against bloodthirsty warbands intent on looting and slaughter...

Я cpaзy cмaзaл кapтy бyдня,
плecнyвши кpacкy из cтaкaнa;
я пoкaзaл нa блюдe cтyдня
кocыe cкyлы oкeaнa.
Ha чeшye жecтянoй pыбы
пpoчeл я зoвы нoвых гyб.
A вы
нoктюpн cыгpaть
мoгли бы
нa флeйтe вoдocтoчных тpyб?
Beдь, ecли звeзды зaжигaют -
знaчит - этo кoмy-нибyдь нyжнo?
Знaчит - ктo-тo хoчeт, чтoбы oни были?
Знaчит - ктo-тo нaзывaeт эти плeвoчки
И, нaдpывaяcь
в мeтeлях пoлyдeннoй пыли,
вpывaeтcя к бoгy,
бoитcя, чтo oпoздaл,
цeлyeт eмy жилиcтyю pyкy,
пpocит -
чтoб oбязaтeльнo былa звeздa! -
клянeтcя -
нe пepeнeceт этy бeззвeзднyю мyкy!
A пocлe
хoдит тpeвoжный,
нo cпoкoйный нapyжнo.
Гoвopит кoмy-тo:
"Beдь тeпepь тeбe ничeгo?
He cтpaшнo?
Beдь, ecли звeзды
зaжигaют -
знaчит - этo кoмy-нибyдь нyжнo?
Знaчит - этo нeoбхoдимo,
чтoбы кaждый вeчep
нaд кpышaми
зaгopaлacь хoть oднa звeздa?!


Avatarfaggotry is officially banned in our threads.

>tfw no Thordan-egi to summon

I really do not want to see a storm that rains blood.
I suppose people would like the possibility that the entirety of ala mihgo gets blown up to explain a storm of blood but its still a bit much for me.


You don't understand the meaning of the word.

Shitpost less.

Is he even a primal

>play a lalafell
>kys you pedo
>play a catgirl
>kys grownman e-lationship faggot
>play elezen
>kys diaperfag
>play catboy
>kys fujoshit
>play lizard
>kys tranny
>play midlander
>kys bot/worried meme
>play femroe/highlander
>kys futafag

Cкpипкa издepгaлacь, yпpaшивaя,
и вдpyг paзpeвeлacь
тaк пo дeтcки,
чтo бapaбaн нe выдepжaл:
"Хopoшo, хopoшo, хopoшo!"
A caм ycтaл,
нe дocлyшaл cкpипкинoй peчи,
шмыгнyл нa гopящий Кyзнeцкий
и yшeл.
Opкecтp чyжo cмoтpeл, кaк
выплaкивaлacь cкpипкa
бeз cлoв,
бeз тaктa,
и тoлькo гдe-тo
глyпaя тapeлкa
"Чтo этo?"
"Кaк этo?"
A кoгдa гeликoн -
я вcтaл,
шaтaяcь пoлeз чepeз нoты,
cгибaющиecя пoд yжacoм пюпитpы,
зaчeм-тo кpикнyл:
Бpocилcя нa дepeвяннyю шeю:
"Знaeтe чтo, cкpипкa?
Mы yжacнo пoхoжи:
Я вoт тoжe
opy -
a дoкaзaть ничeгo нe yмeю!"
Myзыкaнты cмeютcя:
"Bлип кaк!
Пpишeл к дepeвяннoй нeвecтe!
A мнe - нaплeвaть!
Я - хopoший.
"Знaeтe чтo, cкpипкa?
Дaвaйтe -
бyдeм жить вмecтe!

Please post more blue cats.

Probably for whatever fate worldboss they give us in it. Like Odin and Coeurl Regina.

>alamhigo gets blown the fuck up
>the only downside is occasional blood rain
Well I'm sold, fucking do it.

>play elezen
>kys diaperfag

Literally only one person does that

friendly facade

I can see the day Stormblood releases, this vg will still be pure shit, with;




And the sad truth, the real thread will be on /v/.

This place needs to be burned to the ground.


I come here for one thing only desu.

Why doesn't that guy have ears?

How can someone want to be lore strict with their RP when they themselves harbour the taint of special snowflakes?

elves arent fotm anymore, it's blue moon cats

The thread is about the game
You faggots made it into a social pandering platform ground
Know the difference you cum gargling dick in the booty disgrace of the human race having motherfucker

>the real thread will be on /v/
Nah, mods delete xiv /v/ threads right away. Simple truth is that due to the omega autists that this game and general seem to attract there will never be a good thread to post in. Think I'm going to take a break from it until SB though, maybe the shitposting will go down a bit when there's actually something new to talk about.

/goodbye for now, you like half dozen posters that aren't ruining things.

>The thread is about the game
and you have 20 posts dedicated to not talking about it

How can blue moon cats be fotm when literally no one new has changed to them? It's still the same old people who play blue moonie. The only difference is they are posting more often and they have thirstlords after them now.

Thank you slayer of diap

I'm pretty sure he is, if not I'd take Bismarck-egi as a concession

god willl you calm down and fuck off, they posted actual content. They've added more to the thread than you have, fucko

Koishi/yysara made one temporarily to try to get quick attention


Koishi should not be a trend setter. Stop this.

did you miss yysara's pitiful attempt at getting some attention

Mastodon has the titest album art

It doesn't matter who Chemo is. What matters is that his plan is working and that he is winning.

Nobody cared about who he was until you people gave him his mask. You gave him his name.

I think that was just an alt since someone (or they samefagging) asking to post a blue version of their cat.

>torrential rain of hot blood
I had assumed you were asking about unique weathers introduced in 4.0
That does sound cool, though, a storm of copper water or whatever, Yoshida touching on some real horrorshow shit.
I imagine there will be some unique weather in the aether-raped map, but I'm hoping we get something as soothing as the rainstorm in Dravanain Hinterlands.

From ass pushee mentally broke "lol I must reply with sarcasm or passive aggressiveness at every turn" like yourself fuck out of here with your pansy bullshit you omega baby back bitch.

That explains why there's almost always an ffxiv thread up on /v/ with hundreds of replies including right now.

>complains about autists while making a goodbye post
You're just as bad, and that elezen is ugly as shit

Koishi is behind everything wrong. Posg2's malice knows no bounds. He did 9/11 and actively killed 6 million innocent jews.














>maybe the shitposting will go down a bit when there's actually something new to talk about
That's always how it works. For like 3.0-3.3, the game was discussed for, at most, a week.

Fuck off Jeffery. You cannot avatar here. Deal with it.

yo hablo ingles?

Where are the mods? We have active avatars that need to be banned.

>get into a new dungeon
>tell group I haven't done it before
>they're all geared af so they just ignore me and don't explain anything while they leave me to my own intuition
>fuck up every fight mechanic because how could I know the first time
I wish I could specify I don't want to run with these overgeared elitist shits. I'd rather wipe a couple times a boss with another party that's learning than give these pricks my first time rewards for no help learning

Good evening gamers and gamer gals

We here at NO FUN ALLOWED are proud to continue to announce the launch of Balmung's ONLY all-inclusive Veeky Forums Free company!

We have:
- An open door policy to all Veeky Forums users!
- No overbearing social conduct rules!
- No voting on new members - all of Veeky Forums are welcome!
- Catgirls!(is this something to advertise?!)

For information PST to Adelais Auteuil or Gordian Ramsay or feel free to submit an application with "vg" in the contents.

make a pf then instead of just doing df

>still no new members
im impressed, xivg. you guys are smarter than i thought

>still the same five members
lovin every laugh

Enjoy your 72h vacation.

would rather have catboys desu

We actually gained a member!
also the point is to be there if people want to join, not to poach members from existing fcs
I am happy with whoever choses to join and will welcome them with open arms@@@
we have catboy(1)

The VG was started with more information and people talking about the guy, not avatar posting and then doing the same god damn thing every single new thread. It became cancer over time.

I came here wondering if things changed, as it's more of a dead period, but nope - was wrong.

Hell, I fucking came here on patch day and people just kept doing the same shit.

>1 or 2 posts talking about the new thing the patch brings
>20 million posts with the same lollol xdxdxd my character derpderp!

What's sad, is that it's the same damn people every thread - as if they're clocking into some sort of work to BE a retard; doing the same damn thing.

I'm going to check again during SB, but I honestly am just about done with this shit hole of a containment board.

This just proves you never go there, as there's one almost every other day, filled with GAME TALK and news. Fuck, I go to /v/ for FF14 news, as this one is just full of people who think they're funny with their self-fag posting.

I've ran into a few of the people on here, and come to find out their social skills blow, and all they can repeat are bad memes. Jesus.

I'd love for one day for this to turn around, but until this, this is just a prison for idiots.

You used to hate me so I doubt you'd let me in.

Are you that lala who stared at me for 10 seconds and waddled off? That was gold

Veeky Forums is more informed than /v/, hence game discussion is longer over while casuals over at /v/ are still hamming it up.

also, both get their info second-hand from redditors.

Hi. Pls r8/help me improve my erpc@

what is your favorite orchestrion roll and why isnt it youtube.com/watch?v=o9F0tU7-wbA ?

sorry people are bullying you, they're just jealous you're actually trying to do something with yourselves. Hope things are going well!

Less black, no stupid tattoos

What's the most efficient item to craft for grand company seals?

>red xaela witch still hasn't come back



I don't care who you are
If I refuse anyone in I'm not doing what I said I'm doing

because that song is trash and youtube.com/watch?v=72Mqf2KBBEc is better

Do you know any of the people in that fc?

what if paks tries to join? WHAT IF?

it's small but nice so far
doing our best
then he can join
no exceptions for anyone

I feel lv50 militia stuff is still good. You'll have to cross check the ingredients on the MB to find the least costly of them.

good choice twilight is my afk music I put on in my house, but this youtube.com/watch?v=o2Ddgd2XcD0 is superior.

are you ever going to kick someone out for causing drama?

This song just reminds me of that retard Nanamo

How much of HW's story do I have left if I just finished Baelsar's wall

The Spic is evading. Report.

you're almost done just hang in there

just because anyone can join doesn't mean you can be a NTR twat

Discussion lasted a lot longer during the 2.x series but this general never recovered from Gordias because most of the thread couldn't hack it in Gordias and couldn't handle that they weren't good enough for it, so they drove out anyone who did play the game by spamming that "i raid ;)" shit at them, until it was just bitter shitposters and the ERP crowd.

It might be a little better in Stormblood, if all the new raid tiers are xivg-tier like Creator.

None of his posts for the past threads have been deleted so far. You will need to bait him to post actually reportable stuff.

kicking should be done as a last resort for people who are intentionally just shitting things up


would they be allowed back in after they've been kicked?

Gold like the pee you force down your unwilling participants mouths?

You do you that all of those people in the /v thread could just come here and talk. Nothing is stopping them from discussing the game on where it was meant to be discussed. It's pretty dumb to think you can't and the most recent patches haven't added anything worth to talk about and it's silly that everyone gets upsets by the people posting their character. I know everyone wants their special little place to do things, but you have to share and remember this is a mmorpg there are lots of things to do in it. Many different play styles and many different people playing the game. I raid and enjoy the content and know people that can care less about raiding and enjoying all the crafters and gatherers.
maybe a better hair color?