Monero on Alpha

Why the hell is everyone still using bitcoin when we know that Monero is now the only truly anonymous currency?

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It's all about name recognition user. Bitcoin was a pioneer in the cryptocurrency world, everything else is and always will be an altcoin

No cryptocurrency will ever replace btc as long as it stays stable

So what you're trying to tell me is crypto will never replace fiat. After all, the US dollar not only has the name, but it has the adoption.

To accept that BTC will replace fiat because it is superior is to accept that Monero will replace BTC as it is superior.

We don't need to replace fiat to reach moon. Fiat will fall by itself anyway due infinite debt.

is there any easy way to buy monero, something like coinbase?

Kraken has xmr/usd and xmr/eur. You can also buy it with BTC on Poloniex or Bitfinex. You could also use

The "moon" already happened. The people that got to experience it were lucky enough to accumulate and hold before 2013.

If fiat falls, it will be replaced by a technologically-sound crypto like Monero, not a rickety prototype like BTC.

Because anonymity is not the primary (or even secondary) goal of most cryptocurrency investors nowadays.

Right, investors are using it to make money in fiat. The people who are actually using crypto as currency are using it for its anonymity, otherwise, why would people use it at all? The problem with BTC is people have found out that it's far too transparent to keep one reliably anonymous. In fact, BTC's public ledger makes it /less/ anonymous than current cash and electronic transfers.

>People actually believe the government would allow """""cryptocurrency"""""" to replace fiat

Its money for drugs. That's it. Stop pretending that you've made a sound investment. You're worse than doomsday preppers.

I'll give you the benefit of the doubt and assume you accidentally quoted the wrong person and aren't actually that retarded.

I can't find a simple secure monero wallet.

You need to download the whole chain to use it securely.
This is going to require an enormous amount of memory if monero ever becomes popular.

Can you explain why there are no monero phone apps, or is there any hardware wallet support that doesn't need the whole blockchain downloaded to use?

>What is a USP.

Business 101, obviously superior products replace inferior ones over time, but the impact of the superiority deteriorates as novelty does.

The difference between BTC and fiat money was MONUMENTAL, BTC capitalised on a literal revolution. Things like the silk road gave it infamy, and it appeared during an important transition where the internet went through a second wave of importance (President Obama was using twitter and doing reddit amas and shit).

So until a crypto comes that is a GAME changer, iterative improvements won't be enough to get name recognition.

It's natural human behaviour, starting a shift is very hard, then it reaches critical mass and everyone loses their shit. Just like with the internet etc.

How is this not obvious?

But that's just the thing, it /isn't/ monumental. Crypto hasn't changed anything, it's a very niche technology that is used for very little other than a psuedo investment vehicle. BTC's horrible fate is that it was built not knowing the problems crypto would face in the future. It is merely a stepping stone for something greater.

>The people who are actually using crypto as currency are using it for its anonymity
And they are the extreme minorities here. Which was my entire point

Then why are they using BTC for purchases? There are literally zero benefits besides a very thin layer of obfuscation which can easily be traced back, even when mixers are used. If they use a credit card, it's extremely convenient, they have consumer protections against fraud and the ability to issue chargebacks for goods not received/as described. They even receive cashback for using their cards.

Darknetmarkets are an extreme minority when it comes to cryptocurrency usage?

>No cryptocurrency will ever replace btc as long as it stays stable

>To accept that BTC will replace fiat because it is superior is to accept that Monero will replace BTC as it is superior.

You can't read, can you?

As long as the US dollar stays stable, BTC would never replace it.

The problem is, it's hard to see a good future for the US dollar while we still have the Federal Reserve and all the debt.

Meanwhile, it's also hard to see a good future fot BTC because of all the block size drama.

So yes, Monero has a chance to grow in the future as long as it proves itself to be more stable than BTC and US dollar. I'm not betting on that though.

Are you looking for a wallet where you control your coins or a web wallet? I don't know if monero has anything like btc's spv.

Read this thread as:

"Guys I've bought too much of this altcoin, where is the pump so I can dump?"

You can point your wallet to a remote daemon. Basically you can use their copy of the blockchain without downloading it and without compromising your anonymity too much.

>You can't read, can you?
>Originally said: "No ***cryptocurrency*** will ever replace ***btc*** as long as it stays stable"
>Now says: "As long as the ***US dollar*** stays stable, ***BTC*** would never replace it."

Not only can /you/ not read, but you completely changed your terrible argument.

Now that we both understand that you can't read, go educate yourself, then go back and re-read my posts if you can get a moment of clarity through your bipolar disorder.

>“I basically use Monero to pay people with bitcoin anonymously,” Todd says.

Smart people like Peter Todd lead the way. When usage reaches critical mass, cut out the Bitcoin middleman.

>massive gains by being at the forefront of this financial revolution
>not a sound investment
massive butthurt

even mexicans will join bitcoin masterrace soon now to cuck trump's tax on remitances

> all the block size drama.
this is indeed drama, this is a non issue. Only reddit memers talk about it in 2k17

I don't know about you, but in college over a dozen people (out of forty) were using DNMs to buy drugs that would be delivered by post within 48 hours.

If being able to buy everything from cocaine to LSD, at purity levels nearly impossible to find on the street, anonymously, delivered to your door with no middleman isn't a big deal in your eyes, I don't know what is. I live in Europe so the postal system is reliable and people don't really get charged for possession so there was virtually no risk.

If drugs alone is a 'niche market' then I would remind you that it made Pablo Escobar the richest man in the world. If bitcoin capitalises on 10% of the drug industry it'll be worth at least double what it is now.

If it never goes beyond 2k a coin, that's a huge achievement for everyone that bought at even $30 a coin (which is a lot of Veeky Forums biz, myself included).

Forgot to say 'in my dorm', which was co-ed with 48 students

Also you kind of proved my own point:

>bitcoin isn't monumental

>stepping stone for something greater

The point about a monumental change is that it's the FIRST stepping stone, which is my point. Like the first automobile, it is full of flaws, but it is the very first use of a technology that has a very big future.

Gimmicks like ethereum will come and go, but if you think in 10 years blockchains and cryptos won't be MORE significant than today, regardless of in what way/shape/form, than you're not different than that CEO of IBM who said the world would never need more than 10 PCs.

The point is that bitcoin was the first.

Try reading my other posts. My point isn't against crypto, it's against BTC. BTC is outdated technology. People are using the same arguments to defend BTC that people used to defend fiat.

To reiterate: To accept that BTC will replace fiat because it is superior is to accept that Monero will replace BTC as it is superior. Even if you believe that crypto will only coexist with fiat, it's foolish to believe that the first prototype will be the only successful one, especially with all of BTCs glaring flaws. Your dorm buddies would do well to use an actual anonymous crypto like Monero with RingCT.

And try reading my point:

The RELATIVE difference between bitcoin and fiat is greater than the relative difference between ANY improved crypto vs bitcoin.

Let me put it this way:

It's a lot easier to replace horse and carriages with automobiles, then it is to replace a dominant brand of automobiles with another superior brand of automobile.

It doesn't matter if you build a better engine, better fuel economy, etc.

The significance of improvements DETERIORATES as the improvements become more ITERATIVE.

Maybe one day something will replace BTC, but it's more likely BTC will continue to expand, MAYBE one day replace fiat. That's just how people work.

Also to expand on my automobile point, look up the Duesenberg brothers, they were better than Ford but he was the first to make automobiles in America.

It's not about relative difference. This isn't some betamax vs VHS shit. Bitcoin fundamentally is not private.

Lack of privacy makes it unsuitable for its current main use of illegal shit. It also makes it unusable in the future by businesses that need to keep things like supplier and salary information private. It also means it is not fungible. It literally cannot be money if it's not fungible.

>Maybe one day something will replace BTC

Honestly, I'm not really sure why you're deploying all of these terrible analogies and these strange rules you just made up just to agree with me in the end. Automobiles weren't massively flawed like Bitcoin is and we certainly do have better vehicles today. Just like Mr. Ford's early prototypes, Bitcoin will soon too be phased out because it is old technology.

bc nobody is using bitcoin they just buy and sell it

So you're saying buy Zcash, since it's superior to Monero and therefore replace it?

Becuase every other crpto trades with btc has achieved reservestatus in crypto.

Btc hedge against qe more than privacy inho

because its a slightly inflationary currency

It's not superior, but I personally wouldn't buy scammy crypto where 20% of the mining rewards to go developers who are trying to keep discussion on their forum where they can control information.

Zcash is inferior

Slight inflation allows the blocksize to scale dynamically by removing the need for miners to rely on fees alone when the initial emission ends. This means the network won't grind to a halt before second layers are implemented. It also means movement between sidechains won't be restricted during periods of high volume.

Monero is a pump and dump.

Its not viable for most vendors because they will loose on exchanging out to bitcoin, and lose again exchanging that to Fiat.

Vendors don't want digital currency, they want cash.

Until there is an infrastructure for Monero exchange to fiat that is huge enough that is able to maintain anonymity it will never catch on.

As much as your want to pump it. It's not gonna happen.

You are retarded. Reread what you wrote.

Why isn't there another crypto that is valued higher than BTC that has fixed all of BTC's problems? The alt-coin market is full of low value scam coins and nobody can tell what is what.

Reminder that Monero is the only crypto whose main dev actively tells you not to buy it.

BTW ask yourself if native Protocol Level Privacy won't be important in the next 4 years.

>a technologically-sound crypto like Monero
Maybe in terms of anonymity. But I was under the impression that Monero was even slower than BTC and had even worse scaling problems. Is this wrong?

Monero is already a centralized mess with 500 big bloated nodes.

All alts are shit, all in on BTC.

Because BTC problems will get fixed, and if the altcoins were as big as BTC, they would end up worse.

Yes that's wrong.