Everyone says "get a trusted mechanic to inspect the car before you buy it". Question is, how? especially if you're new to an area or don't know the local auto repair businesses.
Used car inspection
Google reviews
Are you retarded
Watch youtube.
Ask the dealer which shops to avoid.
Head to those guys and judge them yourself.
What this guy said, watch chrisfix. Print out his checklist. Take car home for 30 minutes.
Jack it up.
Look under it. If shit's fucked you'll know because metal isn't supposed to have cracks or rust spots on it.
Try to wiggle the tires.
Put it back down.
Get in.
Warm it up over 10 minutes of gentle driving
Hard cornering
Hard braking
Go through all the gears
Practice a few panic stops and then go WOT again
Go park it
Rev the piss out of it for a couple seconds
Shut it off
Look under it for leaks
Didn't hear any weird noises? Car didn't die? No leaks? Inspection complete. Have fun with your car.
Car fucking died? Tell the seller his POS broke down and that you can't believe he was trying to sell garbage. You weren't even at half throttle on the highway and it started overheating and shut off a mile later, or you just turned away from a light and the wheel flew off, etc.
You crashed? You break it you buy it sorry about that m8.
>a trusted mechanic
Take it to a body shop and have them inspect it for body damage. Mechanical defect costs are chickenshit compared to body work.
Or better yet, spend 3 minutes on google and know what to look for. I hear they have checklist for this shit nowadays.
This. Just pick a shop that nobody's bitching about on Yelp or isn't obviously being shilled. As a last resort, you can always take it to the dealer for one of their 30-point inspections.
If you don't want to bother with that, just take a set of those plastic ramps you get at HarborFreight or HomeDepot with you, look under the engine to see if it's leaking shit and pop the hood and look on the underside of the oil refill cap and look at what condition the coolant's in. If you got a scantool, you can plug that in to see if it's got codes, sometimes the ECU will set codes, even if the MIL isn't on.
>it's a millennials reveal themselves to be useless fuckwits episode
boring rerun. how you niglords manage to learn anything without a youtube tutorial or infographic is beyond me.
What this fella said, this is an automotive board for fucks sakes how do you not know this shit!
Because our fathers never said "look son, now this is how you do this", our schools required no effort, and our colleges taught us nothing about the real world. Being a Millennial is like being dropped into the ocean when you don't know how to swim, you gotta learn all the shit previous generations knew by the time they were teenagers when you're in your 20s.
Also, in the US, Carchex and Lemonsquad does remote inspections for about the same price as most local garages.
this so much.
>our schools required no effort
They been dumbed-down so even the dumbest nog can pass.
Our colleges taught us nothing about the real world.
Cultural Marxism.
Tbh there's nothing wrong with YouTube guides on how to change a part on your car
Very well then, I will be your surrogate dad.
What do you want to know? Lawnmower maintainance?
That is the fuggliest woman ... I hope she gets electrocuted.
Follow the sticked thread on here. I know some pro mechanics and they gave that inspection sheet a green light but gave me another bit of advice.
Transmission fluid. Smell it, and blot it on some white paper to see if it's still red. If it's dark, and smells burnt. Don't buy the car. It's a disaster on wheels waiting to happen. A future money pit.
If I was selling a car and some random started flooring the shit out of my car and throwing it around in corners I would be pissed as fuck. Who taught you how to look over cars? That's fucked.
Not neccesarily, it could just be a rusty / dirty radiator. What theyre trying to tell you about is a blown head gasket, check for
>white smoke (after the car has been started and warmed up)
>milky oil
>coolant leak under your exhaust manifold
>radiator overflow bubbling
>overheating engine (check by feel, people can turn off the temp gauge)
Be suspicous of shit thats really filled to the brim with brand new coolant.
First rule of buying a car, dont take the buyer on the test drive. He is for answering questions after the drive and check only.
>dont take the buyer on the test drive.
This. I part out all my cars.
Using a wrench on a lugnut looks a lot more logical after seeing this.
Is... is she trying to remove a hose clamp using a crescent wrench?
No, shes just using the crescent as a secondary hose clamp. Shes also sitting in the engine bay, which is a big no no.
Ask about the transmission.
My car was on its 3rd transmission when I sold it. The kid never asked me about the transmission, I even asked him "Do you have any questions about the car?" "no." ok sign this document... "SOLD AS IS for ___dollars" done. I sleep perfectly fine at night.
Using a crescent wrench is the biggest no no here.
>it's a millennials complain that everything wasn't spoonfed to them episode
Life has never been easy for anyone you stupid fucks. Wake up.
Massive this. You pussies live in an age of where EVERYTHING is at your fingertips and you're still the most inept, soft, and borderline retarded generation to ever exist.
typical subiefag shit
Rural gen X here, to be honest it was never hard to learn shit before the internet. You just had to interact with humans. Also librarys are a thing.
That's a great way to find mechanics of varying quality that paid for good reviews.
This is just to see if the car is a lemon. Anything else like frame damage, rustspots, or safety recalls would require either more research or a professional.
You're right, he should just forego a PPI and buy a used car
Use this instead: www.cartalk.com/mechanics-files/
If you dont check WOT during a test drive your an idiot. Thats the easiest way to tell if the car will have problems. If it cant go wide open for a little bit without problems its certianly a lemon.
>frame damage, rustspots, or safety recalls would require either more research or a professional.
You don't have to have a "professional", just have to teach yourself what to look for. It's fairly easy to spot repair welds once you know what/where to look for, especially if they are shitty ones. Same with poor quality paint jobs or rust.
I've taken several friends to pick and pull junk yards and taught them how/where/what to look for on a used car, if you find some decent examples, doesn't take more than hour
I agree. I bought my car and the seller was selling it as excellent condition for 6500$. While the undercarriage, and most everything WAS in great shape. The interior had stains, and it clearly got rear-ended at some point and a lazy bodywork job was done. I could see this easily and I argued with the seller about it. He tried the old "others will be here to look at it later" routine. I asked him if he thought they wouldn't notice the hmgap in the taillight, or notice that the full sized spare (which was standard) wasn't included.
Dropped his ass down 1200$.
Millennial here. You're full of shit. I actually paid attention in high school instead of fucking around and learned all those things people say they were never taught in high school. Went to a 2 year trade school for automotive that I paid for myself while working in a shop part time to gain experience and further my education, instead of getting some bullshit 4 year overpriced useless degree. Fuck all of your excuses, you have none. "but muh daddy never..." Is bullshit too, Anything you want to learn can be found online for free. If you put in as much time and effort into changing your life as you do bitching about your current situation the "millennial" stereotype wouldn't exist.
Easy, have it inspected at a rival dealership.
Seriously though what this guy said, its not hard to get i to a trade if your a suburban white neet. I was dairyfarming and logging for years before I decided to join the army, and my father was the same white collar run away fuck that yours was.
The internet is an amazing resource, try using it for aomething other then shitposting and porn.
Idk nigga I just took it to Firestone
Dumb frog posters.
>flat brim hat
>using a fucking adjustable wrench
>on a hose where there's not even bolts
looks like a typical Subaru owner to me