/wowg/ - World of Warcraft General


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end it all edition
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f-list.net/c/melissa butterscotch/


>They think they have properly written profiles
/wowg/ BTFO

>implying Druids aren't literally otherkin AND genderfluid

They're laughing...

He's a big bull

Night elf butts drive me nuts

>Thinking people ACTUALLY read profiles on F-List
That's fucking hilarious. You think people actually give a shit about your character? They just want a hole to fuck.

And this is why you'll never properly ERP.

cela gilda je navučena

Stop caring about Vol'jin.

i already did about 3 expansions ago - blizzard

anyone know of an addon that will show gear's tooltip if i hover over it in chat? rather than having to click

>No friends on either profile
>A single questbook post that you didn't reply to

So the entirety of Suramar is just Blizzard protesting against Trump and advocating the refugee crisis in Europe as a positive thing, right?

cute pic!

>play Affli
>I'm told Mastery has a cap
>bu the stat weight of mastery just keep getting higher as I get more more of it, according to the sims

Is something wrong? It's getting kind of silly.

>Wow these characters you don't really play with and just made for fun have so little friends!

Have a slightly more active one, destitute loner.
f-list.net/c/melissa butterscotch/

stfu racist drumpflet

>Blizz is ran by cucks and feminist
>Surprised they are against Trump

Nah, one of the writers had a friend go through drug rehab which is why theres an army of junk fiends and then at the end you just destroy the source of the drug.

>dude blizzard is pruning so many abilities lmfaooooo!!

almost three full bars of abilities with only one macro. What more do people need?!

I still haven't ran Nighthold, just like I never ran SoO. Elisandre did nothing wrong.

>evacuating from a developed and wealthy city into surrounding dirt hovels because (((demons))) have taken over
>they plan to retake their glorious city full of history and beauty from these (((demons)))

It's the opposite. Blizzard are redpilled.

>It's a demon huntard doesn't know how to stop dps episode
Bursting was a mistake.

>4 abilities
>12 utility spells
>528 useless pet spells

Where can I find a cow-titty elf to ERP with?

>Guestbook post 7 months apart
>By the same person
>Only a handful of friends
Yeah, amazing.

But stopping dps means lower dps

t. demon hunter

lmao even in cata I needed more bar space than what the blizzard UI can offer, and that was with at least 1 modifier if not two attached to each ability slot.


I'm not spilling my A-material on here because some shitter user has no clue how to write.

Moon Guard or F-list

Why do you keep posting this? I mean it's fine to shitpost but just copy pasting the same thing with the same picture again and again is low quality and low effort.

I'd be alright with you posting fresh new shitposts daily though. Perhaps you could try that?

Thank you for your time.

>adds show up in ticho fight
>implying i am going to waste my 10 eye of command stacks nemesis and meta on dps mobs

>fighting about how to properly erp
>in world of warcraft
>on Veeky Forums

But user, World of Warcraft is 70% finding new people to ERP with on f-list.

>buy relinquished trinket
>get something useless

this is some next level gambling

I "Keep posting this" because I haven't found what I'm looking for

When I do, I will stop posting it, not that hard to understand

>do some dungeon spam from stormwind while watching tv
>eventually decide to get back to questing
>only available areas are eastern plaguelands and thousand needles
haha epic looks like it's dungeon spam to 60

But dying means zero dps

t. intelligent dps

>860 iron relic
>everything else is 890+
>have gambled maybe 50k or so nethershards so far to no avail

it's time to stop

>don't dps mobs
>lose eye stacks anyway
>also lose the fight cause your heals and top dps didn't get buffs

This is the world of warcraft general about gameplay. Not about ERP, perhaps try one of those other sites like f-list or something simliar to ask this question on.

God bless you and yours.

i-invasion in 10 minutes


Gameplay is shit, only thing that matters now is story

If it's only about gameplay why is it called general? Checkmate atheist.

this is the last time, I swear...

>t. HC Guldan DH
I have M7/10 boyo

Story is shit too

I'm collecting Nethershards for the invasion simulator toy.
This way I won't be disappointed.

How to beat Ray D. Tier I just want to laugh at plebs from the zeppelin

/2 Hey , why are you playing World of Warcraft?

Guaranteed replies.


>thrall nowhere to be seen
>voljin dead lel
>sylvanas MIA
>baine story scrapped
>gallywix gets an update model but no story

Time of the Horde is at an end, those that wish to join the Alliance are wellcucked to do so

Fucking 3 storywriters changed in one god damn expansion

I'm off to rewrite wow lads

Friend likes Calydus, right?

Who's that?

can you get legendary follower gear off order hall work orders? Or do I have to shell out 50 curious coins for the equipment generating item?

I've never gotten higher than an epic from work orders

Why would they give that EVIL FACTION full of DRUMPFKINS any screentime at all? Just let the righteous HILLARY CLINTON-BACKED DEMOCRATIC ALLIANCE of like-minded individuals take its rightful place in the spotlight. The year is 2017, you know. It's their time to shine.

Anyone around level 40 leveling an atl on NA?

I'm dungeon grinding and just looking for others to make it not as boring

thrall sucks anyways

Sylvie is literally Warcaft Clinton though. So we're getting fucked for no reason.

Sylvanas can't be Hillary Clinton because Sylvanas actually did get appointed president.

Is it me or does no one do Sentinax anymore?

They should do something with his kid

>tfw you will ALWAYS be a groundcuck

The mercenary
The masketta man


if you are out in the world solo and you have devotion aura and you are a paladin, aura mastery doesnt literally nothing

Some chat window addon will do it, Shurley

nvr 4gt
1nce a floormaster, alwys a floormaster

If Blizzard made Wintergrasp give relevant rewards, allowed you to queue for it like Ashran, and added the scraped flying machines would you do it?

they play intended easy mode classes like DH/Warrior/Hunter

As a demonology warlock I raid with like 30 binds and need both alt/ctrl mods without fluff abilities bound


Wintergrasp was only good because it was forced world pvp
Otherwise it's just strand which sucks


is he truly /ourguy/?

did you start playing last week or something?

Is it even worth it to do 5 timewalking dungeons if I'm already 910?

lol imagine being this bad at the game

What is the driving community behind World of Warcraft? It's not this place, is it?

Which rogue spec is best right now for raiding?

How the fuck do I update elvui?

Do I have to reinstall it every patch?

the amount of OC donut steele in this expansion hurts my head

I just started playing again this month, I stopped playing near the end of Highmaul

I've never felt so far behind, getting geared was easy but not having flying seems like such a massive handicap

wowg is on the cutting edge of world of warcraft discussion, memecrafting, and gameplay
if you'd like to know more about the inhabitants of /wowg/ and their skills, be sure to join on Illidan-US [H] 3/3 9/10m, now recruiting EXCEPTIONAL DPS ONLY for mythic Nighthold progression

scream at the top of your lungs on mmo champion forums

i applied to a guild 15 hours ago and they haven't responded


Nice try, baddie

>doing falcosaur world quest on DH alt
>see some prot warrior pull 3 packs along with 2 patriarchs
>run up and do 2 eye beams in a row because head legendary
>everything dies
>he goes "jesus christ, you fuckin melted them"

I impressed someone today

>Volunteer Guard Day
>The zero amount of thought put into invaders

>he doesn't know about the secret toy
There's a reason it's only one day instead of a week

If you still need the mounts you may as well do one for the free 500 badges quest turn in

Back for (You)'s you cheeky slut?
Filthy little (You) whore you love it don't you?
Are you ready because here it cums

speaking of falcosaurs, what exactly is the process behind getting one of the mounts?
I think you need to get one of the falcosaur pets to 25, right?
but then what?

hey please back off that's my girlfriend

No I'm cumming in her already


What should I level next? Choices are.

Fem draenei mage
Fem draenei hunter
Fem draenei shaman
Fem draenei priest

None of the above

Female Draenei belong in the trash with the rest of the garbage. Male Draenei mage would be god-tier, though.

I'm trying to do the balance artifact but I keep getting killed

switch to bear and roll face over keyboard. problem solved.

I died in bear so I did it as resto

draenei priest

>pulled every mob in the invasion scenario to the boss on top of the tower
>other 2 people die
>eye beam, meta then eye beam like 5 more times
>280m damage in 15 seconds

being a demon hunter is fun