What are you favorite car scents (that isn't black ice)
I'm looking to getting one of those can ones.
is there any that has a fruity berry smell. or ones that smell kind of like lollies?
What are you favorite car scents (that isn't black ice)
I'm looking to getting one of those can ones.
is there any that has a fruity berry smell. or ones that smell kind of like lollies?
>not black ice.
get the fuck out of here you freshless pussy
>that isn't black ice
My favourite car scent is leather and gasoline.
ITT: OP can't deal
Why is black ice so fresh?
Actual essential pine oil. All those cardboards drenched in chemical waste and artificial aroma can wander straight into the trash.
Best way to get your car smelling like lolis is to get some lolis in your car. Surely you've got some nieces or cousins, or maybe even an imouto, but if that were the case I don't suppose you'd have to ask this question. Of course, if you don't want to keep the actual loli in the car, you can always just sneakily steal a pair or two of her panties and stash them in your car somewhere. Then your car is loli pantsu fresh all the time!
If you don't know any lolis, you could go about it the other way. Its pretty easy nowadays with all these social media sites and shit. Plus parents aren't as watchful anymore either, always have their faces buried in their phones like everyone else.
honestly the best scent is going to be fresh linen. I also like coconut.
This man has the right idea.
The japanese have made the car air freshener scent for people like (you).
Pantsu air freshners ftw.
>Eat lots of asparagus
>Collect urine
>Let urine sit in sunlight for two full days
>Mix in starching powder
>Soak sponges in the solution
>Wrap sponges in wax paper
>Place heavy objects on wrapped sponges
>Let them sit for 3-4 days
>Tie a string to them
>Best air freshener ever
By lollies, do you mean perverted Anime or actual lollipops?
Either way dude, creepy as fuck and hope people keep their kids away from you
My mango Tohru one is one of the best smelling I've had, and I don't even like mangos. I'd say the only one that beats it is my CS-X3 Squash air freshener.
Get on my level bitches.
There will never be anything black in my car.
what do gfs smell like
Pfahahaha I know I shouldn't be surprised by this shit at this point but I still gotta ask why, especially to the shit one
Jesus fucking christ.
Ozium with a Citrus chaser.
Thank me later, bucko
good ones? like sex, all the time.
sometimes when she fucks real good for a couple of days her pussy smell will be so strong that you'll go fucking berserk while netflix and chilling
>not cannibob for men
How long does the smell last in the summer?
I wouldn't consider it a smell but more like a scent. Its not invasive like most air fresheners. Also feel free to use any brand you like. I use Irish spring and some mint one I have laying around. Also you can use a few dryer sheets. I have been doing that lately and I seems to eat bad odors up. Don't use the hole box though, take a shit ton out and close it up again...should work like a charm.
Does that say "Real Scat" behind the price label?
is fresh linen really that nice? thinking of picking one up but don't know what it smells like
It smells like clean laundry, it's bretty gud
I know degenerates who spray the scent bomb spray in their place when they smoke the ganj
Testosterone and pussy juice
Two nukes wasn't enough
>is fresh linen really that nice?
It's nice enough that many different brands have a "linen" type scent in their set of scents. Even the dollar store has a two-pack of linens for $1. The holder looks similar (but more flimsy) to the Febreze "Linen & Sky" one which sells for a lot more.
Linen&Sky is a mix of two scens. Febreze originally had "Crisp Linen" by itself. But that was just the crisp fresh ironed linen smell which didn't have depth. So they added the "sky something" (forgot the name) which was sweet smelling. Together, the Linen&Sky not only is a crisp sweet smell, but it has "depth" to the fragrance.
My Sam's Club had a special 3 weeks ago on a 5 pack for $7.98 which was a blister pack of 4 regular plus one double-strength. So I picked up more. I always set the adjustable switch on their case to minimum. I then use scissors to cut thin strips of masking tape and block up some of the closed up slots on back to further restrict it. That way it is "just right" for my car. Otherwise, when the car is parked, the summer heat makes them evaporate fast. They last 2 to 2.5 months each for me.
I see you are a man of culture as well
Used to love squash air fresheners.
>I found they don't smell good in non japanese cars
>The small ones that clip on the vents don't smell good
>I know I shouldn't be surprised by this shit at this point
Japan doesn't have all those SJW that the USA has. So products like these have a chance of existing and people do buy them. There's all kinds of really unique yet "normal" items in Japan. I mean, people actually can make use of the products. They don't just exist purely as novelty items.
Vending machines selling used panties do exist. It's just that they are no longer in the open public areas with other normal vending machines.
You already know that in India, you can get a cow urine health drink. Anthony Bourdain went to one place and had one of those drinks as seen on his popular travel and food show. Japan has this soda pop advertised as having a touch of "princess pee" in it. The label on the can does say it is safe to drink.
But for those of you who want mundane things, Pepsi makes an alcoholic version with 1% alcohol. The price isn't too high either.
I REALLY like yankee candle Pink Sands ultimate car jars. I have 2 in my F150.
Blue Squash is the best. Smells like JDM
Those squash containers are too large and stick out visually. I like the less obtrusive ones.
My nigga
What store do you get those at? Does it have to be a ricer hardware shop?
Selling boutique candles without the candle part.
Seconded. Where do you get these at?
Who else /squash/?
Which one should I go with for the new car?