Is Germany really as perfect and amazing as all burgers and leafs who visit there say it is when it comes to cars? Everyone is a perfect driver and all the slowfags bend to your every will and you can fuck with them if they step out of line? You can push you car to the limit down rural roads and never have the police or other motorist bat an eye? The roads are built so well that there's never any construction needed? Going over 100mph is only a $30 ticket? It makes me wonder why they all just don't move there if it's everything they've ever wanted and instead choose to continue to put up with how shitty North American driving culture is.
Is Germany really as perfect and amazing as all burgers and leafs who visit there say it is when it comes to cars...
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>slowfags bend to your every will
German comfyfag here.
I often drive at or below the speed limit on single lane roads if there's a ragefag behind me.
I lean back, turn on my vape and enjoy the show :)
Nice meme enjoy your islamic cock.
>turn on my vape
Top kek user
Why is vaping frowned upon on Veeky Forums?
I know one dipshit who's seriously considering moving there because he thinks how shitty owning a car is here compared to there is worse than the terrorism. He deserves whatever's coming to him
>be me
>drive a 1994 EG hatch with a couple of simple mods
>making 348 horsepower to the FRONT WHEELS
>mfw there's a slowfag in front of me
>[cool vibrations]
>slow down so that there's a big gap
>start accelerating
>accelerate harder
>literally inches away from him
>slowfag chickenshit pussies out and speeds up
You know how gun people in America have a sexual relationship with their guns, and any mention of any legislation that has anything to do with restricting anything on any gun or the use of that gun sends them in to a complete irrational frenzy? That's Germany except with cars instead of guns. It's kind of like a religion. So yeah just like in terms of how free you are to own and use them, America is the best place for guns, and Germany is the best place for cars.
>never any construction
They have more constructions than Belgium, although that doesn't say thay much either.
Gerries immediately repair any damage to the road after an accident, Belgians just put a lint between the gaps of a railing in a curve (of a mountain pass)
"The pothole? It was there to begin with."
Remember a while back when that one user got his car crushed over a horn button? Yeah... have fun. Isn't it also illegal to drive down a street for no reason?
>Isn't it also illegal to drive down a street for no reason?
Yes, but that's mostly applied for boiracers who circle around residential areas endlessly and pointlessly.
In no particular order
>illegal to drive without a purpose
>displacement taxes
>takes forever and is expensive as fuck to get a license way beyond what should be necessary even for autobahn driving
>have to be 18 to get one instead of 14/16 in most places
>can't do so much as put a cover on your shift knob without needing government certification otherwise you're getting your ride crushed Australian style
>photo radar up the ass
>can't into zipper merging
>roads perpetually under construction worse than any burger could imagine
>bikes not allowed to lane split
Burgers would hate it there so much. I love it when the average angry self righteous ricer/brotrucker/bikefag say that our roads should be more like Germany not realizing that people like them are pretty much the sole reason liberals are gaining ground in trying to take all the fun out of driving there.
>takes forever and is expensive as fuck to get a license
>government certification
Why do Americans enjoy dying in their cars so much?
This is exactly the kind of nitpicking and anger at left-wingers that gun people have in the USA
Because vapers have given themselves a bad name. Do you not know how the world works or are you just a stupid nigger vaper?
I vape because I used to smoke 30 cigarettes a day for over 10 years and vaping is much healthier without having to give up nicotine.
>muh freedums
>muh taxation is theft
>muh my shitty dangerous behaviour and neglect is only harming me and no one else, survival of the fittest motherfucker
et cetera, et cetera
What are the 4 rules of gun safety? How often do people violate those rules and end up shooting something they didn't mean to?
And to add to that, do the rules of gun safety even cover how to store your guns if you have children in the house or something?
>How often do people violate those rules and end up shooting something they didn't mean to?
Several people a year are shot by fucking dogs in the US.
>The roads are built so well that there's never any construction needed
Gonna go with no on that one, being a physical impossibility
Aren't you breaking some rule listing the rules in the wrong order?
>Is Germany really as perfectly and amazingly rule crazy as all burgers and leafs who visit there say it is
Yes. Yes it is.
I'll answer to that...
Muhrican roads are easy to drive on, so easy in fact that anyone, anyone, could drive there without going through the hoops and jumps we go through in europe.
Your standard US 2 lane road is so fucking wide it can handle major mistakes on the behalf of drivers and idiots still drive down the fucking middle of it at 55mph or more even if the road can't accommodate it, and there are very few roads that can not accommodate fast driving because they're so well designed.
Having said that, being so "easy" to drive there AND the fact that 87% of people drive automatics, people get complacent, they don't keep their eyes on the road, they start playing on their cell phone, or they're reaching for their pop or they're reaching for their fries they dropped on their lap, or the sandwich out of the paper bag, and they do this on the fucking interstate, let alone what they do in town.
So when accidents happen, they're worse, they're deadly, and a lot of times they're just plain stupid, so much so you look at many of the dashcam videos from the US and you wonder what the fuck were they doing. I know someone who got rear ended in a F150 while they were stopped, and the impala that hit it was totaled.
It's because vapers are dickweeds that spend too much time and money on an electric battery heater and look down on people that has shittier 'rigs' then them.
that sounds a lot like...
>cant even wash your car on your own driveway
>roads perpetually under construction worse than any burger could imagine
Really? 5 miles flat highways in USA are still under construction for 11 years. Are Germany worse than that?
>any tiny imperfection has to be addressed immediately especially in unrestricted areas of highway for safety reasons
>have to tear up a lot of road to properly fix said tiny imperfection
>roads are twice as thick as they are in most parts of the world meaning that's twice as much old asphalt to dig up and dispose of and twice as much to source and lay
>have to use asphalt instead of stronger concrete for less road noise at high speeds which means it has to be repaired more often even after doubling the thickness
>has to be absolutely perfect which means even more time has to be taken
Same goes for California, New York and New Jersey but those don't really count
I have some of the most memorable driving experiences of my life to date in Germany. I strongly recommend a trip there and some money spent on a NICE rental.
I once drove 6 straight hours to the burgburg ring, mainly on the autobahn. Granted not all of it was traffic free and there was times we all had to slow for the roadworks...
But I tell you, I had little tears of joy finally experiencing non stop legal 250+KPH speeds for hours and hours on end.
It got so much that there were times I welcomed the road works or traffic just to take a breather and slow down for a few minutes.
Imagine that, actually enjoying going slowly for a while, JUST because the adrenaline of driving so fast for so long was kinda getting to me.
Fuck it was SO GOOD, I will do it again, no doubt.
Sure, you can drive round on a track, non stop for hours and hours, I've done that too, but it just isn't the same.
Save your money, make the trip, rent a car and do it.
Be careful though, they don't fuck around in the fast lane.
As an American, what do I have to do to legally rent a vehicle and drive while in Germany?
>illegal to own a dashcam
>half the people at my work gave up cigs to vape
>puff obnoxiously huge clouds of shitty smelling "toffee apple" and "fairy floss" flavoured smoke all over the table at lunch in the smokers area
>even the smokers think it smells like complete ass
>talk nonstop about their coil packs and mixes
>argue relentlessly about their "rigs" but dude but mine cost $50 more
The saddest thing is half these people are over 40 years old. I honestly thought the vape thing was just retards on the internet hyping shit up like usual but fuck me, vapers are obnoxious retards. If you are going to give up smoking then do it, not blow $300 on your fully sick vape and mixes you self indulged faggot.
>have to be 18 to get one instead of 14/16 in most places
That's a good thing, minors are even bigger morons than 18 year olds. And it's 18 in most of the world, burgerland is one of the few exceptions.
>can't do so much as put a cover on your shift knob without needing government certification otherwise you're getting your ride crushed Australian style
Factually wrong, you only need a type approval or detailed inspection for more severe modifications, and your car will never be crushed.
>photo radar up the ass
Also a good thing, preferable to getting pulled over by power tripping cops on the side of a fucking highway.
I seriously hope you're not German and just badly informed, otherwise spreading flat-out lies about your country makes you the most self-hating sorry-ass bastard in the world.
much more strict licensing and warrant
also expensive
how often do the police violate them rules
>more often than you think
I'm glad someone set him straight, I just didn't have the energy.
I just shared one single awesome experience.
Seriously go there.
+ German women are very fucking hot for the western D.
In Germany is a crime for women to fuck white men, they are all reserved for refugees and immigrants.
>wants to hang with the cool kids
>too pussy to smoke properly
Either man up and smoke or man up and quit all together.
your country is still cucked nevertheless even if he's lying hans :^)
Germanfag here, from my decade of driving experience:
>perfect drivers
Standards are high, nobody is perfect but you really stand out if you do something wrong
>slowfags move over
Yes, with a few exceptions, but those move when you highbeam them
>pushing to limits on rural road
Not in terms of highspeed since they are usually limited to 100kpm/60mph or less - which might be enough in the twisties
>good roads
Mostly yes, but we have tons of constructions going on all the time
>going 100 over
Fines where raised last year, I think 20 over is 35€, 70 over is 680€ an I guess some extra fines for endangerment
>moving here
We have strict laws to keep those high standards so enthusiast stuff like modding your car is either forbidden or expensive
Ausfag here. All I needed was an international drivers licence. No test required, it's just an ID document which verifies that you are licenced in your country. Cost like $30.
Your chances of dying in a terrorist attack are lower than getting hit by a car. Your friend has his priorities streight.
you're a fucking retard
You mean besides how they are mod nazis
What country is he living in now?
Redneck mods or no speed limits, pick one. Can't have both.
>Going over 100mph is only a $30 ticket?
the sky is the limit there is no fine for going to fast
since nobody actually brought any usefull information to the table about speed limit tickets
rural area:
usually standard is 50km/h(31mph)
>driving up to 70km/h(43mph) will get you a fine up to 35€ and no other consequences, it is not registered, basically just a gentle slap on your hands "plz be carefull next time"
you dun it now, you get a nice fee of 80-100€ and a point (point system explained down below)
feeling racey? additionally to the 160-200€ fee and 2 points, you lose your license for 1 month, you MIGHT get it back if it was because of something important like your wife giving birth or your grandpa dying due to a stroke on your rear seat... no... going to an ALDI/LIDL limited time sale is not important... yet
we are approaching retard area,
280€, 2 points, 2 months of driving bus
getting into rich kid area, 480€, 2 points, 3 months of busdriving and you gotta take an "idiot test" to check whether you are an actual retard or not
>anything over 121km/h(75mph)
...and you get EVERYTHING mentioned in the prior tier with 680€ total payed... a little bit like patreon tiers!
any stupid shit you do gives you points, from the regular speeding mentioned above to having parked wrong or not being able to show your license but unless you are not an actual retard, you probabably wont get any points from anything but speeding and those are very easy to get, basically if you dont have at least one point from speeding you are a slug
>1-3 points
nothing happens except that you are registered in the nazi network, you lost your virginity of being mommas good boy driver
>4-5 points
wew lad! you get some mail asking you to stop racing... it will also cost ya quite a bit cuz paper and ink for printing are super rare aparently
you also get introduced into the point system with an educational letter as well as offered a (non-free) "driving eligibility" test
>6-7 points
same shit as above, you pay again
...aaand it's gone.
your license is taken for 6 months and only after that you may prove you are a good boy... how? well the "idiot test: endboss lvl" ofcourse!
note that before 2014, the old point system went all the way to fucking 18 while you gained points at the same pace so it kind of sucks now
>rural area:
>usually standard is 50km/h(31mph)
What the hell are you talking about, you clownface? 50 km/h are roads within settlements. Rural roads are 70 km/h - 100 km/h.
i confused rural with urban, duh
basically the same steps apply, add 20km/h to everything, reduce the fee by a couple euros
Explain German dashcam compilations then
>power tripping cops
ebin maymay
Canada (Ontario). I've tried telling him he'll be in for a massive wake up call if he continues his old habits of driving riced up death machines like a complete maniac once he gets there. He's already been in three at-fault accidents from hooning and constantly picks fights with police and other motorists motivated by his selective understanding of the law and complete disrespect for it
>"Everyone on the road needs to get out of my way and not interfere with me when I'm street racing! It's their responsibility to follow the law and drive how I say they should drive so I don't have to!"
>"I'll bring style to the streets of Germany!"
I really need to stop hanging around with him but he's a good source of BMW parts and he's a good lolcow
This is surprisingly similar to Ontario's system. Weird
>I really need to stop hanging around with him but he's a good source of BMW parts and he's a good lolcow
you have your priorities straight, the lulz should be above all
>I have a rear dashcam
Come at me bro.
I hit you, you spin out and CURASHU, I pull out your dash cam.
Check and mate.