Why did Jews come to Europe?
Why did Jews come to Europe?
European imperialism
Why do you post a picture of jews not in Europe you fucking mongoloid
Why did what jews come to what part of Europe? When?
Holy shit I wish this board had janitors, not like there aren't tendie eaters with plenty of free
God we can't even sage on Veeky Forums fucking hiroshima
*short burst of words that i want to be at the top of the thread so everyone can see them but don't take the time to type out why because people will post before me and i want it to be at the top of the thread so everyone can see it*
*random retards reply with fpbp ad infinitum because quick generalizations are easier to feel like you know something rather than arduous and elongated analysis*
That's right goyim remember the 600 trilion
Butthurt third placer
Also seek therapy
Romans expulsed them from Judea
They never came to Europe.
The palestinians are the original semites. Most of them converted to Islam. The Jews from Europe converted too. Y'all need to read Schlomo Sand.
Jews have always been in urban centers. They migrated to Greece when Greece was the strongest power in the Mediterranean, then to Rome, and then outward from there was the Roman Empire expanded and collapse.
Are arab immigrants post 1890, the region didn't have advanced agriculture to support even a meagre population till European advancements reached the region
>"yeah that's chaps-err, I mean, um, goyim... it's all the jews! definitely not us anglos"
Jews were committing terrorist attacks against Romans so the Romans decided to expulse them from their homeland in the hopes of destroying their resistance.
>He actually believe this.
Go read Schlomo Sand and shut the fuck up.
it was the most important religious place for three major religion in the area
it was inhabited and fight over through centuries
i mean really what are crusade for?
>now that europeans invader are gone we gonna left this place which we have fight for and not inhabit it at all
Sage goes in all fields, friend.
>hhhurrr duyrrrr immuh spam ma reetarddd NEET nonsense on the his board ahaaa durrrr
Shut up retard, go back to adult daycare
What does that have to do with the population growth of the area circa 19th century? Think the whole region was one urban metropolis? Jerusalem itself isn't the entirety of the Levant, go read up on the region
Schlomo Sand is incredibly biased. He got angry when genetic studies on Jews refuted his assertions. I can understand and sympathize with his anti-zionism, but Jews definitely have levantine ancestry.
>I can understand and sympathize with his anti-zionism
t. libtard cuck who cuts his dick off and demands America give the native goodboys who dindunuffin their lands back
Spotted the kike. Stop projecting and read one of your most praised historians instead of bitching like the crybaby you are.
His answer was completely reasonable and he made several good points. He wasn't "mad".
>He actually call anti-zionists "libcucks"
>He doesn't realize liberals are influenced by cultural marxism which was promoted by Zionist Jews throughout the Western World
>He doesn't realize Zionist Jews are responsible for the most ridiculous leftwing ideas
>He doesn't realize Zionist Jews completely destroyed the Left from the inside
>He thinks using a /pol/tard rhetoric will help him make a point.
>He doesn't realize the overwhelming influence of the Zionist lobbies
>He wasn't "mad".
>His answer was completely reasonable
Why did he invoke godwin's law? I understand his criticism of israel, but population genetics is useful in learning about our histories. I don't think it's reminiscent of nazism at all.
Because the Romans forced them to live their homeland and spread out amongst the Empire.
Where do you think the Roman Empire was located, user?
You alright there, champ?
cuck cuck cuck
>this thread still isn't deleted
>you haven't swallowed a shotgun barrel and ended your autistic existence
What the fuck are you doing?
to destroy christianity western civilization and the white race
Europe was the heartland of the Roman Empire
why israel so hypocrite?
>it's a retard who gets his information from sourceless literal who jpgs and think they're equal to discourse on history
This is why you should stay on /pol/, being retarded is okay there
wait, what's wrong with this statement? Wanting other people to have their freedom? Do you even read the shit you post?
They migrated to large hellenistic centers, mostly Alexandria, Antioch and other large cities. Mainland Greece probably didn't have as many.
He doesn't want more goyim for his state you fucking retarded rat. Can't you understand a basic quote?
To rip off the gullible goyimses as the talmud commands them to do
because they want an ethnostate where various ethnics and religions have existed for thousands of years, not only unrealistic, its hypocritical considering how much they push for multiculturalism in europe
That's probably because Palestine/Judaea switched between Ptolemies and Seleucids several times.
>literal who
Seems like you are the retard here
>he doesn't even recognise israel core founder
>hurrrpa durrrpa ppl arent believin me an muh pollturd buddiez bullshit ahurrrr durrr
Go cry yourself to sleep retard, don't let the door hit you on the way out
despite the format, these quotes are real though desu