/svg/ Shadowverse General


Official Website:
shadowverse.jp/ (embed) (embed) (embed)
shadowverse.com/ (embed) (embed) (embed)

All-in-one Steam undub and uncensor:
mega.nz/#!v51UHZBC!POUt7FJxJwrvUNHXQtUMyj8j-iMOs7gLep9UD8Ee_Bw (embed) (embed) (embed)

Tools for deckbuilding and card checking
shadowverse-portal.com/ (embed) (embed) (embed)

Useful Links: pastebin.com/SZNKYEMi (embed) (embed) (embed)

Cards Art (updated with TOG) (1.95GB):
mega.nz/#!DRwEyKqB!7XlYLtKQZ1pkmZHZxPMIllK8g6jXv-yWUy-SnF6JIs8 (embed) (embed) (embed)

Only the Art updated with TOG:
mega.nz/#!qYplEYJQ!_Ot8MwzytP-HaftJ6_cmTUwJ6IsJ0dwEwJAmiVFnLl4 (embed) (embed) (embed)

Old Thread

I want to lick Luna's feet and suck on her toes!

I'm so sorry.


nth for this expansion is total garbage and Shadowverse is not worth playing until they do something about it. See you next patch SVG, I wish you the best in finding the chemo Luna needs.

>Kripp alone is putting Shadowverse in the entire west market
>He is fighting for us
>/svg/ goes full autism and hates him

imagine a world where Haven has t0 decks

There are people in this thread RIGHT NOW that aren't Kripp subs. That's pretty crazy if you think about it.

>log into shadowverse
>win 1 match as havencraft
>first opponent is dragon
>turn 1 pass
>turn 2 oracle
>turn 3 rahab
>turn 4 fervor
>turn 5 sibyl
>turn 6 ouroboros
>turn 7 saha baha zell
>turn 8 genesis dragon
>close shadowverse

I want /hsg/ to leave.

Cuties for cock?

His opponent is a fucking idiot bandwagoner. Kys blood requires thinking unlike shadow and dragon.

This autistic slut comes to you and asks you to comfort her
What do you do?



he gets paid thousands of dollars for it
he doesn't give 2 shits about what game it is, he would promote minecraft if they paid him

Don't know what areyou doing girl.

>first game with parachan's weird as fuck haven list



damn, that gloves + bare arms + coat combo looks stylish as fuck

>weird as fuck

aka standard storm haven

>you can only do good actions towards the world around you if someone doesn't reward you for it
>otherwise doesn't count XD



name any other storm haven lists that run godsteel wings and grail

>Aegis and Seraph

You should know.
But did you know that Forte was a half-dragon demon?
Really makes you think

That's not even close to what I said, you retard.

>gets paid thousands of dollars

bare chest when

Shove this guy at her.

Thanks fellow Lunafag.

I mean, I get if you're into more pedestrian fashion in an ironic way. That's fine, bro, but there's nothing hotter than a girl in a sundress.
This is a fact of life.


fixed esl user

>35 of the 40 cards are the same
>the other 5 somehow makes it weird as fuck

Tell her that her anime is shit.

Which Shadowverse girl is the best to cuddle?

>implying storm haven has 35 cards set in stone



Dont you know? Even if you use 3x memedealer,3x belphegor and 3x airmemer that doesnt mean the deck is kys if it has azazel as well in it

Just take a at look this hips



Kill yourself

Pinion's set in stone and it's not in the list.

>days are hot as fuck
>girl on my university dresses like moon rabbit (loose short dress plus thight as fuck shorts)
>one day she comes into class
>we all notice that is not wearing pantsu because the sweat clearly traces her vaginal lips over the short

Im not even into 3D but even that shit made me horny as fuck

thanks for proving my point?

I won't fall that low, no matter how much you tempt me Cygames

can I get a concede please?
emote 3 times if you need a concede too

Make a forte face dragon or neppy deck.
There. You are now a part of the honest club.

Just take the 50 gold, moralfag

What would you do if you encounter a shadowverse dev?

give him the great task of murdering kmr

When is Eachtar getting nerfed? It's like Wind God/Cynthia but ten times better.

>he didnt craft 3 hectors when they announced master rewards and collected 2k points
thanks for the free packs, cygames

>nerfing legos

Suck his dick.

>temporary buffs are better than permanent ones
What did he meme by this?

So does this card exist solely to fuck up T2?

Are you really this stupid or just pretending? You got me, here's your (you).

Prop him for his work in the game and tell him that he shouldn't get discouraged if negative people are very vocal, because there's still many of us that greatly enjoy the game and the hot girls.

Then continue my own business because I don't want to bother an stranger, if he continues the conversation I would probably tell him to suggest an stronger maid archetype for sword, that they should give better cards to disco dragon if they want it to stop being a meme deck and that it would be cool if we get new shadowverse related leaders.

She probably thought that it was an innocent-looking, modest getup too.
One can dream. I pulled two of the bastards, and I don't even play shadow.


Back to /hsg/

Just do it in unranked you presumptuous faggot.

I think you mean "pretentious."

thank you vampy-chan

How would Azazel impregnate Nina? Take on her dragon pussy?
Nina for Dragon leader when?

Lads, let's do something fun
Let's come up with ideas for Bahamut (anime) tie ins

Nina Dorango 3PP
Transform this card into a Windblast Dragon if a 7PP followers comes into play

Amira 9PP
Last words: Summon Bahamut

Need a concede for my daily please:


your presumptuous

Favaro 2pp Rush
3 1
3pp immune to damage this turn

Benis in vagina

he capitalized the t and he also implied the opponent was mine in the first half of the sentence
>Tfw @Kripparrian comes out of nowhere to steal your lethal

If Albert can have above curve value while having that enhance then Nina can be 2PP.

What cards besides these will be nerfed?

>implying LB or Orthrus gets nerfed

None of those sorry

Only Shadow's.

>Lightning blast

LB and Orthrus won't be nerfed btw.

Zombie party is more OP than all of those

Luminous Mage

LB and Orthurs won't get nerfed.
If you have any hope for them nerfing legendaries, star Eachtar and Sibyl as well.

daily reminder that anyone not playing haven is cancerous noskill trash ruining the game

Probably Grimnir, too good can be put into almost any deck. Lightning blast won't get nerfed, Orthrus won't be either probably.

That's C0s for you.

Stop idiots. Gold or leggos won't be nerfed. Nerfs will be zombie party, orthus, zell, and maybe catacombs.

They alrady nerfed gold cards

>themis crafter thinks he's not playing easy mode

You idiots can't be this retarded. If Sibyl gets nerfed you can expect Shadow to be deleted as a whole.

I'd make Eris my princess.


delet this

>maybe catacombs
Catacomb is the card that deserves to get nerfed the most.
Also, they've already nerfed a gold. Homecoming went from 5 to 7pp.

>spot the idiots
>thinks that Orthrus will be nerfed
>thinks that catacomb will only "maybe" be nerfed
I think I see one

The only stuff in the nerf range are skelly man and that chibi 13 storm damage bastard. The devs would be too proud to nerf LB even if it was completely broken since they said it wasn't strong themselves.

I don't understand all the hate for shadow.
Every game is over in 2 minutes, whether you play it or not. It's just fast.
People really should be shitting on Drag and Haven whose games last 14 hours whether or not you're trying to finish them off with aggro or playing another control deck.
They're healing is for fucking faggots and just makes games go on for longer than they need too since no one ever wants to surrender to a rabbit healer.


People are shitting on Dragon already. I don't care about long games against Haven because I can just roach them pretty easily, they're the biggest meme class.

superb taste anons, i wish you good games