/owg/ - Overwatch General

Police brutality edition
>New Nexus challenge for D.Va and Genji skins (new D.Va skin, same Oni Genji skin)


>Official Uprising event website

>When does the event end?
May 1st.

>Loot item checklist

>Latest Comic

>Event video
>Story video

>Developer update video

>Live Patch Notes

>Overwatch Dev Tracker


>Convert source mouse sensitivity

>Stats and Leaderboards

>Competitive Info

Previous thread

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it looks like there's a face on the mech in the thumbnail

WHEN does this skin come out?


my wife

Our wife


>d.va will never pepper spray you

I love playing elapsed time simulator!

So when do I have to start playing HotS in order to start working towards getting the D.Va shit? Got Oni last time, don't care about the 10 lootboxes.

And you can only do PvP this time around, yeah? Can't just play x amount of games vs AI to get the rewards?

Here comes T.Racer!


you need to play 5 games vs AI or people in the next three days or you need to play 10 with people next week



I don't get why people call me try hard for maining high skill heroes, I just like the rush/intensity of it and the game weight on my skill plays
Sometimes my hands are kinda shaky after a great tracer game, it's awesome

I'll admit I just ended up afking on my last two games because I gave up.

However there's really nothing you can do as Ana if your team just keeps running off to die one by one. I mean what am I going to do, try to get picks? That would just lower my MMR even more.

communicate and stop making excuses for poor play gold is a good fit for you if you get so tilted in a game that you just stop trying

Redemption when?

Posted in the last thread but I think it's still important to discuss

> Out of curiosity, for those of you who are Masters+, what do you consider good game sense? I feel like I have passable mechanical skill, but my game sense is in the toilet. Can you give examples, specific or otherwise, of things people with good games sense do, and things people with bad game sense do? Or don't do?

aside from basic shit like positioning and awareness (ie: turning the fuck around when someone is blowing up your healers) the most important thing i see in Masters+ is proper ult management.

In lower ranks you see people wasting ults all the time, either by using them on an already lost team fight (don't pop ults when you're already down 1 or two players) or using them on an already won team fight (don't fucking ult when you've already killed three of their teammates and your whole team is alive).

Along with that, people in higher ranks generally have a good idea of what should be happening and when it should be happening. That's why there's a sort of inside joke about GM/top 500 people not using their headsets. After a certain rank most players know how teamfights should proceed and it becomes more about execution and mechanical skill

Of course, in higher ranks those mistakes get capitalized on much better than in lower ranks so it kind of evens out. For instance, if someone gets picked off early on defense, it's almost always going to end with the offense capping the point. In lower ranks you see a lot of people not taking advantage of a 5v6 and not knowing when/how to push effectively.

Best girl, best primate, best friends

Tracer will help her with determination and the power of love.

Genji is not high skill, the hero is inherently slippy as fuck and every retard knows to dash sky-high when popping his ultimate.

>get potg as roadhog
>did not use the ult

New player here is Roadhog in the meta? He is super fun to play

Guys lets make a character with
>self healing that doesn't stop all actions
>only character that can run
>literally an aim bot
>high fire rate
Wait something's missing. Oh right, let she give him stupidly high damage. But he's still missing burst damage, let's give him an ability with it

I don't remember the last time I killed more than one person with Rip-Tire

> landing projectiles while jumping around is not high skill

Sorry you haven't learned how to play Winston yet, but genji is pretty hard to use effectively when people pick heroes that counter you and/or can actually aim and kill you

Wrong, faggot.

>Quest 1: Oni Genji, April 25

The first quest is the first step in the Nexus Challenge. You'll have to play five games of Versus AI, Quick Match, Unranked, or Ranked with friends.


Heroes of the Storm: Oni Genji Spray, Icon, Banner, and Orochi Cycle Mount

Overwatch: Oni Genji Skin, Portrait, and Spray

>Quest 2: Police D.Va, May 2

The second quest features the skin everyone's after - the new Officer D.Va skin. Appropriately, the quests also begin to scale in difficulty starting with the second, as Versus AI matches no longer count towards the quest. You have to play with a friend in Quick Match, Unranked or Ranked.


Heroes of the Storm: Busan Police Hovercycle Mount

Overwatch: Officer D.Va Skin

>Quest 3: Officer D.Va Accessories, May 9

You'll again need to complete five Quick Match, Unranked or Ranked matches with a friend and you'll be rewarded with Officer D.Va accessories in both HotS and Overwatch.


Heroes of the Storm: Overwatch Nexagon Mount, Officer D.Va Banner, Portrait, and Spray

Overwatch: Officer D.Va Spray and Portrait

>Quest 4: Loot boxes, May 16

The last quest again sees you playing 5 matches in Quick Play, Unranked Draft or Ranked and you're finally finished.


10 Overwatch Loot Boxes

10 Heroes of the Storm Loot Chests, 1 rare chest

You can access the Nexus Challenge by heading over to the Blizzard Launcher and clicking on the Heroes of the Storm icon. But if you can't access Heroes at all because you don't have a PC, don't fret - Oni Genji and Officer D.Va will eventually be added to the standard Overwatch loot boxes.

But I do communicate. What can I do if I tell a S76 to group so I can ult him but he runs away and gets killed by a Junkrat 20 times over the course of the round?

There's a reason why the MMR of support pros are all lower than their associates on average even when duoqueuing.

>team gets completely shredded by a Soldier 76 becuaae he's getting pocketed by Mercy the entire game
Who the fucked approved his buffs?

His shuriken were a bitch to learn, I still consider him, tracer and ana high skill, especially ana with her sleeps

Widowmaker's story is genuinely really sad. I really hope that the characters evolve over time and I hope she gets her redemption story eventually.

>Lose 5 pick up comp games
>Each one does well at the beginning then goes to absolute shit
>Lower and lower my rank falls
Anybody else getting this?

lmao just kill the mercy L:^_

>as Versus AI matches no longer count towards the quest
How long does it take to throw a match in HotS?

-knowing when the team fight is over. If you just lost both healers and the enemy only lost their winston you need to back off or jump of a cliff, whichever is faster. Also, if you're running to anything but a contested koth point and your entire team isn't already there you're fucking up. Group up.

-knowing when to hold ults and when to use them. Ults are to be used at the start of a fight, not the end of them (excepting rez), you want to use them for a quick and decisive strike. You also want to coordinate ults with your team, if your Zarya is at 80% and Tracer uses their pulse bomb Tracer just fucked up.

-knowing your role and position in the team and knowing what the team's win condition is. If your team has a rein and a hog and direct damage dealers you all need to be in a big clump focusing down the enemy shield first so you can shit damage on them from relative safety. If your team has a winston and a zarya/dva and flanking offense you need to dive and converge on key targets and quickly kill them to steamroll the enemy. Tanks initiate, DPS sweep up, everyone needs to work together.

-it's not quite game sense but not tilting is a huge point of distinction between diamond and masters. In diamond when one player locks hanzo or a team fight that should've been won was lost, or an ult was wasted etc., etc., everyone gets angry and assumes the game is lost and stops playing at 100%. In Masters and above, I've noticed, people stay calm and group up and either try again or swap heroes for a different strategy.

-Target priority. If you know that mercy has rez and you're shooting at the hog in front of her you're fuckin' up.

just prestiged for the 1st time and from level 1-2 is still 20k XP

i thought it was 2k xp?

Third time I've gotten that new Zenyatta Highlight intro in an Uprising Loot Box. This isn't fair.

SR? Who are you mostly playing as?

A lot of people want a story mode to come to Overwatch. How would this even work?

She will get her redemption in the form of a self inflicted gunshot wound to her temple

>May 1st.

This is inaccurate.
Read the patch notes for Hero's of the Storm

> be sure to complete your quests before May 22, 2017.

They changed it so that it was flat for everyone, so that people couldn't take advantage of it for Holiday Loot Boxes.

Some people think he is broken and cry when they get hooked for being out of position.

Not sure if he's meta because I avoid comp like the plague but he sure is fun as fuck to play.

That's referring to the Uprising event, retard.

you have to do week one even if you already have the genji skin which is what he asked, or else you need to do 10 matches in week 2

Uprising you ding dong

Depending on who the groups pick, pharah, rein or ana

Probably the only way she can be happy again. But she will probably just get her revenge on Talon then retire to Annecy near her husband's grave.

I doubt WidowTracer will be canon. Especially now that tracer has a gf and they didnt know eachother before widow got blue'd.

>he fell for the "out of position" meme

Yeah in a teamfight I can get hooked behind my rein and oneshotted while the roadhog runs off into a corner to self heal

Knowing this is blizzard they'll probably reveal Gerard was actually alive or something.

So that what? She can become the vegeta of overwatch? I prefer her as she is but then again character development is nice

what the fuck

Roadhog is in meta though not as prominent as he was before hook 2.0 and the ana nerfs. He's still a good off-tank in most team comps.

He's also suffered at the higher ranks because now DVa can counter his hook combo even more effectively than Zarya can.

Still, the name of the game in OW teamfights is quick kill and Hog can kill any squishy instantly. Hogs are especially scary if they can aim and know their M2 distance.

Oops forgot SR, it was 1500 but these games have knocked me down to 1200

Also, aside from what other's have posted, good game sense= knowing hero roles and what heroes to play.

Half the time in lower ranks the game is already lost before it even started. If you have 4 dps 1 tank and 1 heal, you're starting the round at an extreme advantage and likely to lose if the other team has a non-retarded team comp. If the enemy team has a pharmercy and you have a genji and a reaper dps, you're likely not going to win etc... picking (and switching) heroes is a much bigger part of this game than people realize.

Also, a lot of lower ranked people say "well triple dps works at higher ranks blah blah blah", people can make weird comps work at higher levels because they are good with those heroes. If you are a gold DPS main you likely aren't going to be steamrolling the enemy team on DPS, that's why you're gold.


We don't actually know if they knew each other before she got blue'd since Tracer was working for Overwatch for a while before her accident. I'm sure they have some history behind since they seem to know each other even before in Alive. I'm not saying widowtracer will be canon, just that Tracer could play a part in her eventual redemption.

How the fuck do you beat Uprising on Legendary with the default heroes, I can get to the last two OR-14s and then there's fucking tank bastions everywhere what the shit

> hooked behind my Rein

If that happens you're either: (1) out of position and not actually behind the Rein shield (or the Rein isn't shielding correctly); or (2) oblivious to the loud as fuck Roadhog flanking you, in which case it's your team's fault for not killing him when he's by himself


Thanks for reposting these, it's great advice.

Are you actually good with those heroes or are you trying to play meta?

At rank that low its best to just main someone who can have a large influence on the game.

S76 or Zarya are probably the best choice imo.

>m2 distance

Shit i try to learn it but it alsmost seems random


Jesus christ

To add to this, there are 3 basic team strategies in Overwatch:

-Deathball: A reinhardt puts up his shield and direct damage comes from behind that shield. Deathball vs Deathball should come down to which shield drops first or which Rein gets the pin.

-Dive: A Winston and mobile DPS attack together from an odd angle and focus down specific targets. The bubble separates the target(s) from their teammates and the chaotic nature of the engagement prevents death balls from functioning properly

-Squad: Requires great coordination and immense mechanical skill. You make a dive team but swap out the off-tank for another mobile DPS (the one I see most often is genji/tracer/pharah). The DPS all attack from different angles, escaping the engagement as necessary. As one DPS grabs the enemy's attention a second hits from behind as the first escapes to heal, then the third comes in to grab attention from the escaping second DPS, and so on until the necessary picks are made and the fight snowballs

If your team isn't doing one of these 3 things it's just fucking chaos you're probably screwed. If both teams are just faffing about go soldier and git gud enough to carry.



That's supposed to read "If you have 4 Dps 1 tank 1 heal you are starting the round at an extreme DISadvantage". Hopefully nobody reads that and thinks it's a decent comp

Does he really suck or is he only played by throwers and mainers? What merits picking junkrat over pharah?

What i've unlocked

>Ironclad Torbjorn
>Combat medic Mercy
>Blackwatch McCree
>Null Sector Orisa
>Null Sector bastion
>Talon Widowmaker (twice)
>'My Baby' Torb emote
>'Perspective Zenyatta emote
>'Flair' Pharah emote

>tfw all i really wanted was the Overwatch Tracer skin

>enemy is ADAD-ing next to cover to prevent hook from working while they take potshots
>one-shot them with M2

>get'em onboard, I'll cum it in

Pharah is a better spammer. With the time it takes to coordinate a trap and combo to kill you, a lone DPS could've just killed you. Dropping grenades on death is cheesy but can be avoided once it's happened to you before.

To add to this, if you have heroes that can Combo, DO IT.

Zarya/Rein ult becomes immensly powerful when comboed with a high damage offensive ult. Ana ult + Offensive ult is the same thing. If you have ult combos on your team, you need to use them.

>now DVa can counter his hook combo
How? The old Dva didn't even budge, but nowadays, if the hook lands, there's already damage dealt, not to mention everyone else then focusing on Dva too.

Pic related is the better non-sexual best friends!


Not for herself, for her teammates. A little while back they changes her matrix by removing the minimum distance projectiles had to travel before being erased. If your teammates gets hooked and you fly in and matrix them the Roadhog won't get the kill.

It can be a huge difference, there've been a couple of KoTH games where I was consistently denying roadhog what otherwise would've been very quick kills on our DPS

The Wolf hunts for its prey! AWOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO

I'm actually good with them, i'm not interested in the meta. I wouldnt mind playing soldier or zarya but there's almost no team cooperation and if there is the other team is just vastly better.


>Using a pic that encourages police brutality against minorities

Hmm, that's doable, at least if the hook wasn't one of those mile long picks...

Personally I liked the previous Dva more, because I could purposely try to get hooked myself, basically wasting the whole hook for him.

Was being in a r34 image part of your plan?

Junk can do it from cover, although that rarely merits picking him over Pharah because Pharah can spam from an insane range and can abuse cover pretty easily too if you're good at it.

Junk SHOULD mostly be a situational pick for when Pharah isn't a good, or as good of a pick (First point Numbani, Temple of Anubis etc...). Junkrat doesn't inherently suck, he's just a hero that attracts a lot of shitters and gets a bad rap for it. Pharah does pretty much everything he does better though. Not only that but she hard counters Junkrat too, making him an even worse pick.

The only thing Junk does better is protect from flankers with his trap. I guess suicide rat is good at taking out teleporters but that's rarely a good strategy, let alone a good enough strategy to justify switching to him for it


New loss?

>It's another "Don't hurt their Swiss Waifu" episode

Fucking reruns.

>buy $2000 PC w/ 240hz monitor to take me into grandmasters
>at low settings fps stuck at around 130 and as low as 60 in Oasis
>turns out You had to toggle off HPT in BIOS
>stable 300fps even during fights
What the fuck blizzard

>buy [hardware] to give me [skill]

Im gonna give my best to learn how to use it properly i wanna be the most credit to my team as i can

Is Uprising ending on the night of the 30th to the first or the 1st to the 2nd?

I need to do a shit more farming to get this damn Mercy skin.

It will end just before the arcade lootboxes reset, at least in theory. But since Blizzard doesn't give us a proper counter, who knows? (That's why is preferrable to unlock everything on the first.)

Yes! So are these!

it aways ends like 3 hours after the boxes reset

I really don't like tracer skins with the third tit machine

You meant these?

yeah they're all shit