redpill me on the RX-8 Veeky Forums
whats wrong with it?
Redpill me on the RX-8 Veeky Forums
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Quick rundown
I know rotards are going to murder me for even asking this but would buying a RX-8 with a dying (or already kill) engine and doing an engine swap to it be a bad idea?
why do that when you can rebuild it for less
Just swap a ls1 into it and ditch the rotary bullshit.
if you want to keep the weight balance as close to the original as possible with high revs there's always the K20 swap too.
>I4 torque
>V6 power
>V8 fuel economy
>V12 reliability
They are stupid to seal and are too expensive to make.
It sounds like good responsibility to learn how to take care of a child.
I took a buddy's special edition "Shinku" or something like that for a spin back in 2010. Carbon bits everywhere, big wing, etc.
Slowest turd I have ever driven. Like, unbelievably slow. As in - eyes dancing between the road, gas pedal, and gauge cluster while accelerating to make sure something wasn't wrong. I had to pretend I liked it as to not hurt his feelings afterward kek
My 2 cents.
if you are a rotary enthusiast, you can build a rotary in 3 hours or less. That being said, unless youre are really into it, its not the best idea to keep the rotary in the FE. A decent swap is the SR20. xJZ's and LSx's can give a lot of power but are way more expensive.
Did my Googles. It was a Shinka special edition pic related
Was it an automatic?
Yes I think it had paddle shifters.
198 HP Rotary with a A/T 4 speed...
Well, the frame is more rigid...
I thought I remembered it being a 6 speed auto.
He talked it up like I was about to have the most visceral driving experience of my life, but it kinda felt like a Nissan Versa
>whats wrong with it?
spinning triangles
meme door
>Shinka special edition
Well, only 1357 of them were USDM, the majority of them being made for the 2005 model year, which had the 4 speed A/T. IF it was newer, it would have had the 6 speed. Unless it wasn't swapped...
That would be why, the auto RX8 has a 4 port motor with 197 hp instead of the manual's 6 port motor with 232.
'whats wrong with it?
>retarded benchracing autists who have never seen a race track think its slow and get mad they'll go to and get their favorite screenshots
>lots of maintenance
>people compare it to FD
But in stead you get an insanely well handling car with a great chassis. If you want to race it, it's a great goddamn choice.
its a good car if you want the fastest thing you can get for the cheapest insurence
mazda actually found a good use for dorito
ok op rotary fag here
the rx8 is just an insurence fraud machine
>4 doors kinda
>low displacement
=cheap insurance compared to any other sports car of the same performance
they are very light and handles well because its an mx5 with an engine that weighs nothing but if you want fast your gonna need to throw some money at it
but at that point you mayaswell just buy any other rx and get fast out of the box
as a daily driver its terrible
high maintanance
no tourqe
people who dont know what a rotary is will think your car sounds broken
Always see RX's with F*UCK PISTONS stickers or pistons dangling from the tow hook.
These cars never move because their engines are blown. Really makes you think.
Also why are the majority of RX8's driven by 50+ year olds?
Therein lies the problem. It was less than 200 horse - and felt like it had 75 ft/lbs of torque
>Also why are the majority of RX8's driven by 50+ year olds?
Most of the people I knew that drove RX8s are high schoolers who didn't know what they were buying. They just see it as a super cheap sports car and nothing else. It maybe would explain why most original RX8 owners didn't know their head from their ass when it came to rotary maintenance. A kid at my work owns one and I asked him if he pre mixes and he had no idea what I was talking about. When I ask him how often he red lines, he says he babies the car and has never come close to red-lining it.
wanting to engine-swap a dorito-spinner is the automotive equivalent of complaining about anime on a Transnistrian turnip-farming collective, prove me wrong (you can't).
>I hate anime
>wow, look at all these websites that I could choose to browse
>let's go to Veeky Forums
>I want a performance car that requires a relatively low amount of maintenance
>wow, look at all these cars I could choose from
>let's pick the one that requires a strict maintenance schedule
really makes you think
basically this.
I'd have a dorito but it's just certain parts of the maintenence that i can't live with - in the OP it mentions driving it every day, what if you need to leave it at an airport while you go on holiday or whatever. I'm not above driving cars with potential issues, the Focus ST i had ran the risk of cracking the block thanks to ford jewery and inexplicably using the wrong Volvo engine for it so the apex seals meme isnt a problem.
My gf works for a....large, well known technology company and she was describing "one of those cars with the doors that open backwards, the mazda thing" thats been sitting dead in their car park for longer than shes worked there. Still tempted to go "liberate" it one day.
Just get a fucking FD or FC instead of that shit. Way better body styles plus more tasteful. Always liked the FC because of Intial D Dorifto.
The engine, the styling
my dad wouldnt get me one because the insurance would be high and it had a reputation for problems or something. had to settle for a speed3 instead
Honestly speed 3 is a much better car except for the whole fwd thing
Why buy an RX8 then?
Why buy an RX8 EVER at all???
I think that's the real question
So all in all the rx-8 as a daily driver is just a terrible meme right?
Supposedly RX-8 (and RX-7) has great handling chassis/suspension, good brakes and good ride quality. These are things that one could want without wanting anything to do with the special snowflake rotary engine.
I want an rx8 because it looks nice. I also want to swap engines and then put the rotary in an mr2
This is what happens when you legalize pot.
I had an S1 and an S2 R3. They are pleasant daily drivers but I got 12-13mpg on my commute.
12-13mpg is not acceptable for the level of power the car has. My Z/28 has an Ls7 and returns the exact same mileage on the exact same routes as the rx8, while weighing 1000lbs more and having more than double the horsepower.
I daily drive one without issues. The MPG is shit, but the car itself doesn't cost much so it evens out.
My current car has a 22 mpg and I fill it up every 3 days.
I would have to fill this one up at least 1 a day.
Eh, Not that bad, I mean... kinda but eh.
Depends on your current tank size as well.
If your current tank is smaller than 15.9 gallons, then the difference in range will decrease.
>buy a NEW CAR
>have to premix oil
This is the absolute state of a mazda cuck right now.
expect for the fact that there are better cars that do everything it does cheaper and without all the engine bullshit. Car is the definition of a meme.
>engine can last into 150k territory
All that shit for a car where 150k is a good life. You could probably get even a fucking Chrysler Concorde to 400k with that much effort.
>buy something
>have to follow the instructions
wow, what an absolute shocker!!
It doesn't say anywhere in the instructions that came with the car to add oil to the gas, if it did the EPA would rape mazda with the force of 1000 suns
>These cars cannot be cold started and then promptly raced
I thought this goes for all internal combustion engines? Or are normies so braindead that they redline a car right after starting it?
F20c is good too
I do
Fight me
wouldn't a different engine change the handling characteristics? A LS1 is about 200 lbs heavier than a 13B.
Stay btfo
No reason to explain because you're a benchracing autist and you don't understand how driving works?
Rx8 handles insanely well and is fun to drive. Sure engine is a lot of work but you get fun.
It's still a great goddamn choice for a dedicated trackcar.
I'm pretty sure there are more engines in the world than just 13B and LS1. For example how about putting a lightweight V6 in there?
How am I benchracing?
Really, I wanna hear an explanation here.
I don't expect better from a brain dead honda boy
no you dont. the H22 has a 5.5-6k rev limit until it warms up and oil pressure builds. vtec doesnt work on a cold engine.
We all know you're beyond saving but since you're asking that it's just extra proof.
>ethanol free
Where the fuck am I going to get that
If you've got a good amount of spare cash lying around, LS is a good swap with a lot of support on the SE3P platform. I plan on swapping mine eventually.
>LS is a good swap
There are some specialty gas stations that sell it, mainly for lawn/farm equipment. This site has a database
I run it in my pistonfag engine because ethanol shits up engines in so many ways, unless it's specifically a flexfuel system.
When you look at the cost to build an LS compared to the Renesis? Absolutely. LS engines are dirt cheap and the Renesis is absolutely gutless.
>dude your car should be out of commission for months at a time
>dude you should introduce electrical gremlins
>dude you need to spend thousands just to get the engine in, let alone mods
>dude swaps LMAO
Probably not enough to offset the difference of what it costs to just install.
Seriously though, anyone who talks about an engine swap like if it was trivial has never done an engine swap before.
A fully 100% rebuilt Renesis with 100% new parts from mazdatrix costs upwards of 7k. There's a guy in Arizona that will LS (iron block) swap RX8s for 6 grand.
fuck off dumbass
>he can't LS swap anything for $500 and a weekend
And I know a guy who can do it for a couple of beers and $500. He'll even do it in a weekend. Also, you don't have to buy new.
What warranty does this guy have? I would expect a good warranty from a rebuilt Renesis. Especially when it would just drop right in vs your car in limbo for who knows how long.
no warranty and the only place that would give warranties on a rebuilt Renesis is a dealer installing a mazda reman engine which last time I priced it, was upwards of 8k and had like a 30k mile warranty. And then you have a renesis and still have the issue of the car being slow as fuck.
I have no idea where you pulled that number. I'm googling around and I see rebuilds for $1700, $5800 plus core at the high end.
Do you need to inflate numbers so letting your car gather dust for months at a time while you or a guy in Arizona gets around to even getting it installed, let alone working and tuned? You can put much more into your car much sooner if you stay stock.
You can easily do a nigger rigged LS rebuild and swap for that much so what's the point? Good luck getting a warranty through a place like "banzai-racing" "or "".
You can also do a DIY a rebuild for a rotary for less. And you get the benefit of factory mounts and harness. I would hate to see a jerry-rigged engine mount, especially for an engine like an LS.
No you can't. And would definitely not be easier than factory mounts.
>upwards of 7k
They're charging 4k plus core, 1k core charge. And it's warrantied for a full year/12k miles.
That's 1-2 grand less than an LS swap from your imaginary guy in Arizona.
Cutting two sets of engine mounts apart and welding them back together isn't exactly rocket science. Or you could just buy one of the many ready to go kits available.
Let's see. Backyard welding on thin sheet metal, 2 grand on new mounts, or factory welds that have manufacturer engineering and are free?
>Comparing this shitbox to an RX8
>What is handling
>What is RWD
>Being this portuguese
If diy rotary rebuilds are so easy then why do I see so many rx8's sitting in driveways and backyards for over a year?
Welding isn't that hard. Time to man up. If manufacturer engineering is so good then why is your shit slammed on coilovers with a ebay bodykit?
Everywhere in my town. Not memein'
>If diy rotary rebuilds are so easy then why do I see so many rx8's sitting in driveways and backyards for over a year?
I see plenty of LS engines that are simply replaced over getting rebuilt. The thing is, rotary or piston, rebuilds are hard.
And what if, listen because I'm gonna blow your mind, you install a Mazda rebuilt engine with warranty without weakening your frame rails (that's assuming you even get it right, I hope you like pulling, cutting, rewelding, repeat and not get the precision of Mazda or a quality aftermarket mount) or dropping 2 grand WITHOUT slamming your car?
Fucker is killing his car
That's how 80% of them are driven. I can guarantee you none of the 50 year olds redline their shit an they definitely don't premix. I guess they sell them to teens after they fuck their engines over.
do RX-7s have similiar problems aswell?
>give us this day, our daily thread
since when did $500 and an afternoon become $500 and a weekend? lazy fucks
i thought wanks love to be redlined? why will this thing violently deconstruct itself at 9k?
lets say i want to buy an rx8 and rebuild it because a bleh dorito is better than no dorito or a $30000 doritio. is there any way to make it better and more reliable aside from redline and premix? what is it about the renesis that is so inherently bad?
>btfo by a dogfucker
Truly pathetic, you should seriously consider suicide.
F20C is a neat engine but the K-series is objectively better. You don't get the
>over 9000
redline but you can make way more power with just bolt ons, and you also have the option of using 2.4L blocks.
The rotary makes no torque because the rotor is being pushed sideways. In a Piston engine the piston is being pushed down at a 90 degree angle.
>You don't get the over 9000 redline
new valve springs, rods and pistons and she'll chooch
the rx7 got a godlike reputation so anything after would be a disappointment. it had the same if not less flaws than the rx7 but since it wasn't the rx7, those flaws are glaringly bad.
>he remembered to turn off his trip
well done dogfucker, now learn to drive