League of Legends General - /lolg/

Meme masters edition


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Yeah, but TF is much, much better than Annie in the long run. Annie is only really worth shit at super low Elo.

I want to eat tacos with Kled!

>tfw its snowing

this state is so fucking inconsistent, also comfy bfs~

How the fuck do you deal with an orianna midlaner as a melee champion? And don't even give me that "lel just be agro" bullshit. That's literally just giving her first blood. Orianna is without a doubt the stupidest fucking no consequence for literally any move mage. This matchup is physically impossible if you are not ranged.

I love Lissandra!
Buy her ice cream, its made from all natural vitamin enriched milk!

The fuck are you that it's snowing a few days from may?

mfw I pay her with false coins and she doesnt realize because shes blind

Holy shit Sona is super fun.

Do I buy DJ? I have the money.

A random one, yes.

Also; unless I'm mistaken the value of the skins being combined has no affect on the skin you recieve, so it's something best saved for cheapo skins. Dust the expensive ones.

Oh, and you can get skin permanents one champions you don't own.

Keep playing her. If the fun doesn't wear off then consider.

>ranged champion has an advantage against melee champ

no fuckin way, I dont believe you

>30 dollars
>for a shitty skin
if you turn off the annoying va and music (music sucks in every way) you then realize sonas skin is worth no more than 1 dollar

I haven't played in so fucking long, why did Riot get rid of chat rooms? Logging on to shit on faggots in the /lolg/ chat was the only thing I looked forward to in this game.

All three of the tracks are good though.

Colorado, the weather here is wacky

Orianna is like the Ryu of League. She's very well rounded because she has a bit of everything. Good players can win off her based off of fundamentals alone just like Ryu. Her biggest weakness is she really isn't very mobile so you can punish her if she overextends especailly since most melee midlanes have insta-delete spell rotations they can use.


turn off game music in the client and in game
you wont hear shit no matter what you do since they arent considered sound effects

its much more peaceful and less distracting to have the music and va off

>i like her songs

Did anyone notice that RPG (jap) only try blue sides strats? Thats such an unessecairy mistake in the match planning

But Kayle neither has resets nor True Damage nor a blink.

Is jayce better mid or top?

her songs are shit
even if they were good you would still be distracted and perform worse

literally stop liking what I don't like

Got turned into the club system.

Which is where all new people will start at. Which makes her that much better for new players. Which is the entire point of her design.

I mean:
Did anyone notice that RPG (jap) only ever played on red side and never got the chance to try blue sides strats? Thats such an unessecairy mistake in the match planning

shit songs
youll perform better if you turn off va and music
listen to ambient only and ascend

not that user but I sort of think this "play easy champions when new" is bullshit

If you start playing a hard champion you will have to teach yourself much more to be succesful. Animation cancels, proper combos and timings, and less room for mistakes.
You might grow bad habits from playing easy champions.

How do I play Ivern? Literally no one in my elo plays him or bans him, so I want to abuse him.

>ult onto ori as zed
>le shield
>le exhaust
>le instant ball dash
>le skill less ult
>le walk away with over 50% hp
Shes a jack of all trades, and a master of all. You cannot tell me that that doesn't strike as a problem. No joke I blame any midlaners I see that pick a melee champ into Ori because that lane was literally lost with no exception whatsoever at champ select.

>Annie is only really worth shit at super low Elo.
Yeah sure

Best girl.
Best smile.
Best wife.

Fuck no

>guy instalocks Yi
>someone else notices we have no adc
>Yi asks what ADC stands for
>people answer
>he starts going
>"assssss diiiick cuuummmm"
>"its the sex formula"

Ethereal is best. Chillness is always fine and keeps me in a decent mood. I'd say go for it, she can influence games incredibly while having to not do a lot. She's also good for laid back calm games.

also another user

you shouldn't be starting with combos and timings IMO

if you do become an ebin outplayer then you be one of those silvers with basic game mechanics like warding, csing, rotating objectives etc and you'll be another hardstuck silver yas main

>yi players are retarded 12 years old
color me surprised

I feel second hand embarrassment just from reading that

i like to play each of her songs at different times of the game

ethereal til lvl 6
kinetic til 25 minutes
concussive for late game

>Still no best girl champ to be voice by literal best girl
It hurts

Yasuo doesn't struggle vs Ori

Annie can be one-tricked to challenger. She's good enough.

>implying there is a single yasuo player smart enough to ever lane against orianna and not feed his ass off
yeah good one dumbfuck.

best girl has already been established and cemented

is annie bot actually the strongest annie in the world or is there better?

That's what my friend did with me when I started playing. He insisted that I learn how to play ADC with Vayne. In the long run and because I'm stubborn as fuck I was able to play any ADC with above average skill. But all the time in between that was filled with 2/21/1 games.

But the argument here is what champ can help you PLAY YOUR ROLE. Otherwise you run the risk of giving someone Yasuo Syndrome.

did they make this game good again?

Korea has a few Challenger level Annie OTPs one of them even plays her in the Jungle if he gets auto filled.

Will doublememe be in MSI playing for TSM?

how tf do I join the vg chatroom

>best girl
The opinions of cucks are worthless.


new client doesn't have public chat rooms u dun goofed

any Veeky Forums vs Veeky Forums going on?

Don't they play all blue side in 2 days though

>tfw i go ethereal at start, kinetic at 9 and concussive at 16

I didn't think anyone else did that.

fair point, but it was at least fun before they removed locket

new client sucks

>french LoL voices are terrible



>Orianna is immobile

Love this meme.

She has to pick her W for ms or damage, other than that she's immobile user.

Starting up a Veeky Forums vs Veeky Forums game on NA.
The password is /lolg/

we get it, you have shit taste
move along, shoo

I want to go swimming in Lulu.

Name a bug that made things fun

Name a build on any champ that makes them fun

Name an item that made things fun

Name one inting build that still has viable chatacteristics

She still has the option, the same can't be said for actually immobile shit like Syndra or TF who have ZERO movement or MS boosting abilities outside of taking Ghost

What champions do you always ban for not beneficial reasons?
I always ban lucian/ekko because they are niggers


In a lane full of shit like Fizz, Ekko, Talon and Ahri yes she is very immobile all she has is a small movement speed buff she can use on herself but its also a major source of damage for her at the same time.

>Name a build on any champ that makes them fun
AP Sion


>reducing nigger sighting
>not beneficial

>captcha: On Tree

is there any reason why yasuo gets to have 100% crit after 2 items?

how fucking new are you jesus christ

unhost it

>Liking ahri because of stockholm syndrome because every time to want to see fanart its all ahri so you trick yourself into believing ahri is a worth while waifu
>Implying I have the shit taste.
You might need therapy to break this, but I believe in you.

Syndra because I don't like getting outplayed.

sorry she doesnt serve sluts

Give him some credit, everyone has to start somewhere.

Not new? Haven't hosted it before though.

>When you find a polite, decently good adc who sacrifices himself instead of getting you both killed, who values a good support, and you're in sync with for massive combo damage.
Uuunf I'm almost in heaven

the pass is always supposed to be vidya
or rage

Bard tunnel flight bug. Still in game I think, always get a laugh out of it.
>fun build on any champ
On-hit Bard or machinegun Lulu. Honorable mention to full mana Singed, maximum engage Olaf.
Depends on champ and gamemode. Rift, Ohmwrecker or RG. ARAM, Banner, especially against full AP comps that don't have the brain to build AD on the one with the most utility.
>viable inting build
Singed. I need not say more.

I clearly have horrible memory in that case.
New password is rage.

>Bard's elavator bug
>100% attack speed crit.
>Zz rot
>Talismin, Rightious glory, Zzrot, ohmwrecker, QSS, swifties.

Which Nami skin gives her the creepy singing back animation?

lol jesus christ this kid is day 1 trying to play it off just kfc urself kid

Revert these fucking nerfs to Leblanc. Holy shit FUCK this game

So when is Orianna and Lee Sin getting the Maokai treatment so that they're not generalist cancer that warp the meta around their roles whenever they're strong? Or are we just saying fuck you tanks

Because CertainlyT that's why

this one? (the wukong ult laster 2 times what it should have)
or the one where if rising or lowering position through portal, if stunned they just start rising?

there was once a bug where if 2 bards were on the map, you could see the other bard and any players in their portal without vision. it was exclusive to the bard player however, so only they could tell who travelled where

Tell me about Nasus. What's this E max meme?

is faker /ourguy/?

River Spirit

Fizz, Kata, Rengo, Kha, Talon, Lucy, LB, Teemo for my Garen 1trick friend, Riven, Yas, Camille, Ahri, Kallista if I'm playing Xerath, Ekko, Vayne.

Playing Sejuani during that patch where Sunfire stacked with Cinderhulk was a laugh riot

Full CDR Lethality Wukong


Six Ghostblades

>be zed
>ult adc
>welp im fucked

I have pics of proof I did these before?

scratch that. i think its 3 times (its at 50% speed anyway)

either way that lasted too long

>Name one inting build that still has viable chatacteristics
AP Pantheon

More attached proof.

What's up with the all the hate for Turkish people on EUW?

I witnessed some very harsh racism against turkish people in some of my games. I watched them get called trash, subhuman, stinky. I've seen people totally lose their minds and basically stop playing to spam the chat with insults as soon as they realise a Turk is in the game, regardless of how well/bad he is playing.

Am i missing something?

Are plat players worse then silver? I haven't played 1 game where at plat border didnt feed