What was the most money you ever wasted and what was it on?
When I had to pay child support to your mom
dropped about $5000 on an impromptu trip to hong kong and spent most of the time in my hotel room watching tv
getting a dui lawyer
I got married and then divorced, it costed so much I don't even want to think about it.
>he fell for the you gotta travel meme
>have 60 dollars
>my family constantly wants to take me on 8000 dollar vacations and pay for it
Ill never understand this. I could eat for two year with it.
Ive been going on vacation twice a year since I was born. I think I wouldn't mind skipping it one time and using the cash for something useful like fixing my car for 150 dollars instead. But thats a big no.
Already booked for the summer by the way. Its going to be fun im sure though.
After buying a truck this
I got drunk once with a buddy and I went to the strip club. It's a long story but I basically got suckered into 30 minutes worth of a pathetic lap dance for about 450 bucks. I'm still salty about it.
This is why you don't give women money. Or anything of value really.
The feels... even after 5 years!
Probably several thousands of dollars (over the span of a year) on camwhores (buying their videos that they record and sell)
I love escorts.
$17,000+ on forex trading
Bought a 3k USD watch when I was on vacation one time. I feel dumb.
I spent £2k in one once
I spend around $2,000-$3,000 a year on marijuana. During high-school I was spending around $300-$400/m.
In law school atm so unfortunately (or fortunately) I'm not able to spend nearly as much.
$300 on a ring for my now ex-fiance
Bought a popular blog for $150k
and it didn’t go well?
DUI, cost me about 400k or more
this spent a few grand on marijuana a year, and then I was arrested possessing marijuana. It's a neverending meme that wasted atleast 20k. When I'm off probation I'll probably buy some more marijuana.
I really don't think is a problem with marijuana.
If I could grow it and be left alone it wouldn't have cost me anything, but muh drug war.
Only idiots like you use the word "salty" to mean angry
People will follow any dumb fad
I'm still in uni so I don't have the BIG BUCKS, but I spend $350 on APC jeans when I went to NYC with a friend over the summer. But I mean the condo was paid for and my only expenses for the trip was paying for my plane ticket and food, so really it's not too bad.
Pot head degenerate.
Those pot head sunken eyes stay with you for life, people know immediately you're a decent
Enjoy being a public defender at best, judges are gonna love you
10k EUR for an internship in Melbourne
College degree. $50k.
bought a used sports car with all sorts of problems. I only realized this when it failed inspection one year. several thousand down the drain.
Post a picture.
A $900 laptop
i spend a lot of money on clothes, maybe 3k every now and then on a jacket or shoes or whatever.
also cars, i dont really need more than a prius but 40k on a AMG is fun for me
1400 on a bass boat thats rotting away somewhere
1k for a fucking worthless lawyer who literally didnt help at all
1k on slots
And im a young poorfag so it hurts
I bought about US$5 of trumpcoin at 60k
Yeah, I done fucked up. It's a nice looking watch imo, but I didn't know anything about watches when I bought it. I would have preferred to buy a Tudor Black Bay had I waited.
2 grand on a nice computer
luckily it is still up to date and only needed maintenance once. Now 5 years old and still runs perfectly.
Like 7g's on guns, ammo, body armor and gear. Trump is president now, so I don't really see a need for it.