Fate/Grand Order General - /fgog/

Previous thread: >[BB-chan's Counterattack / Let's Meet at the Electronic Sea]
>Period: 05/01 to 05/17
>Extra related servants (and Tristan) will have an advantage during the event
>New combat and NP animations for Liz (Lancer) and Robin.
>New servants:
>4* BB (Moon Cancer) [Welfare]
>5* Melt (Alter Ego)
>4* Passionlip (Alter Ego)
>4* Suzuka Gozen (Saber)

>Pre CCC event campaign
>Nero Bride's NP power-up through Interlude, also animation update
>New Mystic Code
>Servants appearing in Extra CCC have half AP Interludes and Strengthening Quests
>Main quests half AP until Solomon, 19th until 30th
Rate-up gacha:
29 Gilgamesh
30 Bride and Gilgamesh
1 Karna
2 Tamamo no Mae
3 Bride, Gilgamesh, Karna and Tamamo no Mae
>Gawain, Nero, Emiya, Liz, Robin Hood and Cu Chulainn, also CE Victor from the Moon, Another Ending Piece of Year 2030, Ideal Holy King and Demonic Bodhisattva are always on the rate-up

>English FGO confirmed for Summer 2017 in US and Canada
>First 2 chapters on release
>Japanese audio with subs
>No Japanese account transfer
>No censorship unless ESRB takes issue with something



>Farming Guide


>Mega Pastebin

>TLs Pastebin

>FL Spreadsheet (last reset: April 26)
Add yourself docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLScCq3eZgh3zlUtZ3G6Y-zzv1kaXt4GHuWVBRlV__V3Q3rC2Pg/viewform
View list docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1FSN1kmzso2itgjWzaGfysZ5WhEjiL5EcyjGr4k6DffA

>Materials, experience and event AP simulators

>Alternate Servant/CE DB

Other urls found in this thread:



Karate Lip soon

I love my wife!

Realistically speaking what do you think the seven swordsmen will be?

I'm guessing Saber Diarmuid and Astolfo have a decent chance of appearing at last with it, and Sigurd is a big maybe. But who besides them?

Personally I'd like if Musashi got a bit of development so she wasn't just a joke character so I'd love to see her in it, and then I guess the other three would probably be non-Sabers who still use swords to try add some variety; though if Musashi gets in Amakusa and Sasaki would be two more I'd love to see get focus in particular.



>Saber Diarmuid and Astolfo have a decent chance of appearing
You must be one hell of an idiot. The only way it could be either of those is if it ended being a complete joke of a tournament.

If it's an actual tournament with the actual bests in it then: Kojirou, Lancelot, Musashi, Mama. Maybe add Sigurd and a possible but unlikely Saber Herakles.

>Saber Diarmuid and Astolfo have a decent chance of appearing

Of course Musashi is going to be in it, she's one of Remnant's poster Servants like Emiya Alter.

>Ugoira stopped working
Fuck. Now how am I supposed to save webms from Pixiv?

who is she talking to

Pretty much what you said actually.
>Shota Iskandar

Nobody, she is retarded after all.

>tfw fapped to Yukikaze's mom
>I rather fap to a complete whore than a Fate "waifu"
Even I am surprised at how unappealing Fate girls are.

>he actually thinks it won't be a joke tournament and expects a super cereal bout between the best of the best

It's gonna be a bunch of hotheads with swords with a chip in their shoulder and maybe one or two legit contenders like Musashi. We're more likely to get Mordred than Mama or Lancelot.

Saber Diarmuid's become a meme, user. He'll be doomed to forever appear only in CMs.

Then again I wouldn't know why in God's name anyone'd want more Deermud.

>Another than me want Musashi and Amakusa to interract !

I think we will have Musashi, Kojiro or the old man, Nero, Arthur, maybe saber astolfo and diarmuid.
The last one ? Maybe Sigurd or Roland.


Personally just want Sumanai to show up because his appearances are brief, I want the poor bastard to get atleast a few moments of glory.

>Nero, Astolfo, Diarmiuid

Musashi has a line with Nero so she have high chance to be here.

Astolfo and Diarmund are datamined. DW release a lot of those lately so they may be in.

I could seeNero for genki with Musashi.

>One of the Knights of the Round Table from Arthurian legends. His Class is Saber, but he is often summoned as an Archer due his renown with a bow.

Cute! CUTE!

It's called master swordsmen not memer swordsmen

Dante was teased with Inferno, Purgatorio and Empyrium

Guys, remember we got 4 new servants on Shinjuki.
That's what we should realistically expect for Seven Swordsman as well

You know taht Nero constently consider herself a master swordman. They won't miss an occasion to shove her again.
Her IP is to be factored too.

Even Musashi find her interressing.
Nero wank era isn't over Anons.

Dante is just Sumanai in disguise

>Sumanai appears
>jobs to Lancelot Alter before the tournament actually starts
>as he is missing, Sigurd takes his place in the tournament

Was Sakurai ever confirmed for being Shinjuki's writer?
I know the chapter screams it is from her but do we have any confirmation?

>Lancelot Alter
I thought Astolfofags were delusional

That would be really good.

That's what I predicted.

Nothing was ever confirmed. Nasu wants us to guess.

Well that's not exactly what I'd want.
It's probably more likely than what I'd want to happen though.

>Nero wank era isn't over Anons
She got BTFO by Cu Alter

How's your bond farming going, /fgog/?

Nero is the best!


Also people think Higashide was the writer actually

>Lancelot Alter
Is that a decent upstanding citizen that would never betray his king?

I don't think there was ever any official word on which writer would write what part of EoR. People assume it was Sakurai because it's difficult to think that anyone else could have been the writer.

Musashi just want to kill her

We just had an interlude where she forge a new sword. Her anime is coming. CCC event is about to start.

If loosing to the villain in his order is enough to reassure you then good.

There's absolutely no chance it was Higashide

>people think Higashide was the writer
First time I hear that one.

Is it even possible to properly translate this shit into English?

It's Alter+Artoria+Reactor fused together to form a single word of an abomination.


Why the hell did Nasu do this?

>he says this as Arash Alter exists
It may not be Lancelot but one of the keywords for that story is "Annihilation of All". That's either and Alter or some weird shit happens in the middle of the tournament.

>Izumiya Otoha's Manaka h-doujin will never get scanlated

>The ultimat swordman (female) want to fight Nero instead of all the incredible swordmasters on we already have.

Nero is the strongest Servant.

Sounds kinda like the way Musashi's shit works to me

First one is the best one.

I bet it will be officially translated really bad.


I wonder if they will reveal who was which later.

We are also one writer short if Nasu isn't involved. There is Sakurai and Higashide that have been working on GO since the beginning and Hoshizora that joined afterwards at some point.
Who else could write the other chapter? Narita? Uro?

Annihilation of All is more likely to be Altera than anything else, or Karna at the absolute outside of things because of Vasavi's incantation.

Let's be real if you were summoned to Chaldea you'd want to beat the fuck out of Nero too

at least she's the cutest seibaface


Wow I guess King Hassan want to """""""fight"""""""" too when he said he want to kill the Hassans

Hassans confirmed strongest servants on par with Tiamat

>I bet it will be officially translated really bad.
Don't like Artria reaction?

>If loosing to the villain in his order is enough to reassure you
If she was any good she wouldn't have jobbed like a bitch without accomplishing anything. She lost 3 polls in Extella, it's damn over for her. She was a failed experiment.

Narita doesn't seems probable.
Maybe Uro but he isn't really involved in FGO outside of the Zero event where Nasu needed to bring him.

Who else worked with TM ?

>Altera being relevant in GO

>not fuck the shit out Nero


>people thinking 1 keyword is referring to 1 servant
Remember how Shinjuku btfo this delusion?

Not fight user, kill. It is very different.

That bitch is Iskandar level, no way she gets in.

They have like, nothing in common.

Saber Scathach

No one else seems to fit "Annihilation of All" more than her, especially since she's a Saber. I guess it could be Arthur.

Maybe the Salem part really is going to be lolis only and it's Hiroyama writing it.

Stupid cute shit.


Hassan is related to the Hassan and killing them is one of his goal.

Meanwhile Musashi, who only like shota and fighting strong opponent suddenly want to kill Nero out of the blue ?

I get she is annoying but not even Liz get this treatment for nothing. They surely interract in EoR.


Inb4 Saber Gilgamesh

There is Hiroyama and that Foxtail guy.

Don't know about that, karate seems like it would be too basic and general.

Sakura has, even Dark Sakura's moves have deep Buddhist (her technique with the Shadow is called Layer of the Cursed Womb:Mandala), Imaginary Around is basically a shrine maiden, if you look up Seitai exercise, iirc, it has Budo origins. Sakura was given strong Nip leanings.

Or they could use some European roots because she has foreign blood too.

I kind of wonder why Nasu picked Parvati especially, maybe because she has so many Buddhist implications. It would be interesting to ask him what his thought process is regarding her. Or if it's just, "hey she has Japanese and European blood, so I can mishmash anything I want in their for goddesses that fit her!" and just wiki'd it.

Or it could just be describing a non-playable villain, or a villainous plan, or the idea that all swordsmen will get wiped out, etc.

>No one else seems to fit "Annihilation of All" more than her
Yeah, a new Servant that can actually beat Iskandar at close combat.



I'm willing to bet Salem is Hoshizora honestly.

>gets rekt in 3 seconds flat by any other participant
Yes please.

At least, we can all agree swordman chapter will be a mess.
It may also be the most hyped chapter, even if I'm really curious about Agartha.

I'm the most excited for Agartha because it's the most likely to have some neat worldbuilding lore considering the setting.

reminder that Gil was beating the shit out of Altera in melee in Extella

Salem has potential, I want to see some witch hunting on my Fate.
I'm excited for that.

Arthur is definitely gonna be in the Swordsmen chapter if Musashi is considering their sliding got compared and we already know he's going to be relevant later due to him 'chasing' something.

Honestly I'm half expecting it to turn out Beast IV survives Prototype despite getting blasted again and EoR is just setup for a showdown with a PM where we don't have to feel guilty about hurting Fou.

Yes Agartha seems good for lore.
Meanwhile Swordman chapter will be the powerlevel fest and the pinnacle of autism in this thread.

>She lost 3 polls in Extella, it's damn over for her.
Wait, what happened? Haven't been much into poll stuff, specially from Extella, but I'm curious about the polls are you talking about,

that's fucking cute

Cute burger tyrant

>yfw Manaka is the final villain of Agartha and ruins yet another thing

>three polls
Wasn't it only one that took place both before the game and final team comp reveals?

>Beast IV
It's Beast VI now. The 'IV' was either a typo or it's been retconned to be VI.

>Annihilation of All
jesus this is delusion EX

I'm looking forward to Salem the most. I hope all evil witches get in.

Prototype beast isn't IV, Primate Murder, it is VI, the biblical 666 that appears along the Whore of Babylon.

She was struggling with Iskeker, she is a meme at this point.

post that to twitter, the elvens will love it
Wait, seriously? Fucking SERIOUSLY? God dammit I've wasted so much time theorycrafting about that.


There was no typo, it wasn't done with Roman numerals at the time.