How is this not a genocide?
How is this not a genocide?
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>how is being outbred not a genocide
How is this not /pol/?
>fantasizing about his race being wiped out
Typical neo/pol/ cuck.
because no one is getting intentionally killed for that to happen.
If the white population isn't being decreased numerically rather than percentages, there's no preface to claim killing of a race
OP, you better have 3 kids otherwise you are partaking in the genocide of the white race.
>ignoring data
Has there ever been a time like this when native peoples were ok with becoming minorities in their own land? Barbarian invasions?
that's not white genocide, get your argument right the first time instead of changing it
Because white people are evil, goy
Because it's not
Whites are doing it to themselves by not having children and by overwhelmingly supporting mass-immigration
It's not like those million non-white migrants came to Germany naturally. Western politicians like Merkel bring in and entice lots of third world migrants on purpose. The way Italy is forced to save all those migrants in the Mediterranean who eventually move in and stay in Europe iis a good example.
So Tibetan genocide a-ok?
its jews
It's not 'da joos' fault white people refuse to have kids.
So has there been another time like this? Honestly why are white people not resisting becoming minorities in their own countries?
They will have kids, when they reach their 30s and 40s
Sigmund Freud
oy vey
That's not genocide per-se, that's intentional cultural assimilation campaign at best, ethnocide at worst.
But it is their fault that we have sexual liberation, woman in the workforce and no-fault divorce, which directly causes low birth-rates in whites.
oy vey it's like a white shoa
how many kids you have lad
So genocide
Can you imagine how badly liberals would flip out if millions of white immigrants were colonizing Mexico or the Middle East?
>sexual liberation, woman in the workforce and no-fault divorce
Nice attempt at blaming everything on emancipation, the true cause of low birth rates is far more complex and pretty much involves every single social and economical change that happened from the late modern period up until now, it's pretty much just the result of what has been going on in the last centuries
Who cares?
They're not evil like white people. White genocide is justice.
It's cultural marxism
Giving financial help to nogs and muzz who have 8 of them contributes to it even more
>I have no argument so I'll false flag
Yeah, women deciding en masse to reject their role has nothing to do with it...
Sometimes I think we deserve to get wiped out
Are you white bigot racist pig?
/pol/fags remind me of those retarded black activists who claim black people are being "genocided" because some choose to marry other races and live amongst them
>the true reason for our disadvantageous situation is actually my favorite political buzzword
End yourself
>i know nothing about history: the post
You realize there was no significant birthrate drop in the 60's-80's?
You should check your eyes, did I every said anything like that?
Fuck off commie
That's because of the degenerate sinful sexual """liberation"""
>sluts not having sex with me is literally genocide by niggers
you clowns are a riot
>1. powerful ethnic group says it will enact policies to destroy a certain people
>2. policies are enacted, with full backing of powerful ethnic group, that leads to the gradual destruction of a certain people
We live in a world where connecting "1" to "2" is called "conspiracy theorizing".
>a demonstrable decline in white population is nothing to worry about
Nah, I predict they'll have kids. Tides are turning.
Immigrants have more children but 8 is an overstatement.
You predict white people will be a minority before 2100, I don't see that happening.
Please, stop claiming things like white genocide, because you are only doing damage.
This is about Europe obviously.
America will be fine with much higher certainty, hispanics are european + native american blood, so they'll sooner or later fit, and 13% blacks aint that much.
I dont care about Tibet
And if they don't have as many kids as the Han do that's their choice
What do you suggest we do.
Nobody is getting killed for it either.
Deport all minorities
>hispanics are european + native american blood
So tainted non-whites
>who have 8 of them
Immigrant's birth rates usually decline and adjust within 2 or 3 generations
>tainted non-whites
Yeah fuck off idiot.
It's a -cide.
Pablo you have to go back
Tell that to the UN
White Genocide is genocide BY DEFINITION
Who's going to treat your mom when she gets ill.
no one used that user, get your reading glasses on
why isn't this thread deleted yet
post UN definiton of genocide
id like to read it and see for myself
>/pol/tards do the same thing to "genocide" what tumblrinas do to "rape";
>acts committed with intent to destroy, in whole or in part, a national, ethnical, racial or religious group
>with intent
What he essentially is implying that he's a crazed conspiracy nutjob
Not him buts it goes something like the deliberate attempt to destroy or remove a people through any means.
Whites are choosing to have fewer children than Hispanics. They aren't being killed or sterilized en masse.
> Claiming Genocide
> Without killing people
How will leftists stop the creation of a White Caucus then?
Hispanics is a cultural term
because hiroshima has crippling down syndrome
thanks for the source
"Article II: In the present Convention, genocide means any of the following acts committed with intent to destroy, in whole or in part, a national, ethnical, racial or religious group, as such:
(a) Killing members of the group;
(b) Causing serious bodily or mental harm to members of the group;
(c) Deliberately inflicting on the group conditions of life calculated to bring about its physical destruction in whole or in part;
(d) Imposing measures intended to prevent births within the group;
(e) Forcibly transferring children of the group to another group.
I don't know. The way I see it, genocide is not an accurate term, as defined by the legal meaning of genocide.
>crazed conspiracy nutjobery
Ignatiev quote is fake
Tell it to the UN
90% of them are mestizo
>shut it down
Who is telling the truth.
> Killing members of the group
Nobody mass murdering whites.
> Causing serious bodily or mental harm to members of the group.
Nobody causing serious harm to whites.
> Deliberately inflicting on the group conditions of life calculated to bring about its physical destruction in whole or in part.
Nobody inflicting bad conditions only on whites.
> Imposing measures intended to prevent births within the group.
Nobody preventing white births.
> Forcibly transferring children of the group to another group.
Nobody child traffic whites.
So... Where is so called genocide?
>in their own countries
Where is it implied that countries are based entirely on racial identity rather than citizrnship?
Is there a Constitution that openly says the state operates for the sole benefit and longevity of a single race or ethnicity?
All of this shit is literally fault of right wing people, who started two world wars. This is how feminism got into position of power and masculinity with the Europe itself was destroyed forever. Greedy idiots pulled the trigger of a something that they couldn't ever control back in 1914, yet alone in 2016.
>right wing
>Nobody preventing white births.
Organizations like planned parenthood and women on waves
>Nobody child traffic whites.
The Muslim gangs in Rotherham targeted white girls and politicians were complacent with it by not doing anything. There are also similar gangs in other parts of Britain and Europe.
>Nobody inflicting bad conditions only on whites.
>Nobody preventing white births.
>Nobody child traffic whites.
But they are
>Masculinity killed millions of people
>It's the current year
Please leave and go back to plebbit
It was the fault of the good guys losing said wars.