MANGA >Scans
Jacob Roberts
Bentley Rivera
Anal with Makoto!
Austin Taylor
Yusuke is ruining the game for me. I hate him so much, I can't even put it into words. That scene with him and the lobsters got me so angry I had to start fast-fowarding through it. It was a slap in the face.
Yusuke is a Gary Stu. He doesn't have flaws. He has Hollywood flaws. He gains everything by being handsome, then the game tries to subvert it by giving him a weakness and saying "Hey look, he's still human, he's a lonely starving artist!" But he isn't. He's a charismatic artist with an autistic side. He's not a character with flaws. He's Male Hermione.
John Fisher
Jack Brooks
>she looks like an older Yukari and is your teacher >Kawakami is your teacher now and has the same VA as Yukari
What does it all mean
Gabriel Gomez
Jeremiah Smith
Early morning (EST) /pg/ is best /pg/
Jonathan Sanchez
Evan Allen
Fuck that's great
Post more comfy please
Nathaniel Moore
Post your least favourite Persona 5 character.
Zachary Price
Joshua Carter
It means only P4 has decent dub
Tyler Gonzalez
Are these threads finally dead yet? Can I come back now?
Justin Gray
I don't hate any of the party members because I'm not a fag
I hate Shinya though
Brayden Allen
>Waiting for P5 >Learn to go fishing because Narukami and Joker did it, and Noctus FISH ERR'YDAY >Start wondering if Yu throws a memecaster or a spinning reel >They both use rods that don't have reels at all and just physically drag their catch to land
Holy shit, it's trash.
Christian Evans
Come back after 2-3 months
Brayden Flores
Jordan Lopez
Doesn't have to be hate user, just least liked
I can't think of anyone in P5 I actively hated, even the villains I liked in the "can't wait to see these guys get beat" way
Jeremiah Rodriguez
jamie molloy
Oliver Bailey
>hating shinya
James Nelson
>Yukari is in love with a maid outfit >Kawakami is a weirdo sex maid Really steals my heart.
Kayden Turner
Becky is SHIT
Sadayo is CUTE
Joshua Perry
I don't dislike any of them! I'll post my favorite though!
Grayson Gray
Here I thought the P3 movies were going to be better than the P4 anime, oh boy I was wrong.
Mason Gray
I don't get it. Why do I feel sad about the man who killed Futaba's mother and Haru's father. I hated him until he sacrificed himself to save them from puppet Goro
Why did you do that to me Atlus?
Chase Ward
Akechi is so pretty! I wish I could have let him live!
Elijah Reyes
Carson Edwards
Me too, user!
Nathaniel Russell
>newkid hating on baitcasters >not knowing about tenkara or any other number of methods of rod only fishing
Eli Green
I want to date Kawakami! I want to put a ring on Kawakami! I want to marry Kawakami! I want to impregnate Kawakami and rub her swollen belly! I want to rest my head on Kawakami's pregnant belly and feel the baby kicking! I want to raise a family with Kawakami! I want to tell Kawakami how much I love her! I want to grow old with Kawakami!
Claiming bestest, most devoted waifu!
Jayden Rodriguez
I want Jokah to steal my heart!
Chase Anderson
kawakamifags wont exist in 2 years
John Sanchez
Adam Collins
Jacob Butler
Jesus Christ that OST in the link has no label to any of the songs other than numbering of tracks. What the hell guys.
Kevin Robinson
I hope I'm not dead in 2 years...
Ian Collins
Neither will you!
Alexander Rogers
>Persona 3 Rebirth >comes with all of the streamlined features of P3P like the party control, better fatigue system, skill cards, and so on, as well as the female protagonist route >this also comes with Void Quest and the Margaret fight >also makes the male protagonist able to Social Link with his teammates, the former Social Links get written out and just become cameos >comes with the presentation of FES, so no pure VN style like P3P but rather ingame models and actual cutscenes >also comes with The Answer >all of the models are modern, especially since we've yet to see the P3 cast with modern models now as P4 had DAN and P5 is already modern >costumes are now like in P4G and P5 where they're separate from armor >the opening is either revamped or an entirely new one is done, all of the anime cutscenes are now taken straight from the movies >the special edition of this game would include the actual movies themselves >many aspects are streamlined like being able to save anywhere in the overworld just like in P5, and skipping straight to the mall when heading out at night because where the fuck else would you go >party members get rebalanced, Akihiko would finally learn a physical skill for instance >enemies also get rebalanced to make up for the fact that you can now control your party >The Answer will now require you to beat the Journey first and then you use your save data, that way they can actually show your character's name and not just "him" all the time, plus now the female protagonist can be shown and be referred to >various fixes will be implemented like when you're fighting Elizabeth/Theodore and your navigator will actually comment appropriately like Mitsuru will be your nav if you don't have Fuuka yet, and Fuuka will call Theo a man rather than refer to him as Elizabeth >Fuuka and Ken will be replaced by their Q/Ultimax VAs, so Wendee Lee and Cindy Robinson >they will redo all of their lines, and in Fuuka's case say one new line
There. Would you buy it?
Jackson Bailey
> also makes the male protagonist able to Social Link with his teammates, the former Social Links get written out and just become cameos
That would suck. The best social links are always with the non-party members.
Bentley Wood
>also comes with The Answer DROPPED
Ayden Wilson
Shido is my favorite bossfight so far and i played P1, 2,3 partially and finished 4. Lyircs kicking in after a phasechange really is a favorite of mine.
Dominic Roberts
>tfw liked the old Fatigue system, since it was a good way to give everyone experience
Kevin Scott
>Excited to see Joker use best gunfu >Willing to use it no matter how bad the stats >It's in the game >It's for Goro
Jason Wilson
>that wall of text
just give dual audio, the gameplay improvements of P3P and updated models
MAYBE insert some scenes from the movies like the stuff around December that's not in the game but improves the characters
Elijah Thompson
Isn't P3 already getting a remake?
Nolan Long
drop the femc
Connor Brooks
Stop bulling Kawakamifags
Connor Adams
>he downloaded the mp3 tracks
Carter James
Shido and Sae are without a doubt my favorites from this game but if I'm to be honest, Door-kun's final battle with his slinks encouraging him is still the best. It would be a shame if you didn't play that part.
Isaiah Collins
>also makes the male protagonist able to Social Link with his teammates, the former Social Links get written out and just become cameos Why, team members develop throughout the story by themselves
Juan Hall
Best boy gets best gunfu!
Adrian Wright
If we go by the Social Link Arcanas and not the actual Arcanas then that means Hierophant remains (the old couple, but also Shinjiro)
Meaning Star is still whoever the fuck and Moon is still the weird chubby kid rather than Aki and Shinji
Plus this means Kenji is still the Magician. Which non-party member Social Link is worth keeping over a party member Social Link?
Benjamin Baker
>ambush shadow, hit all its weaknesses consecutively, all out attack >it survives with barely a sliver of health left >it oneshots Joker the next turn every time
John Jackson
I know that feel. I was also hoping someone might be a rifle user with high crit/damage but pitiful ammo and we got a grenade launcher for that instead.
Charles Gray
Just give Futaba a goddamn sniper rifle
Jeremiah Peterson
Now that you said it i actually remember finishing P3P as FeMC. But dont get me wrong, the final fights of 4 and 3 were amazing too.
Gavin White
> Which non-party member Social Link is worth keeping over a party member Social Link?
All of them. The whole point of the system in P3 is the bonds he gets from the community (which is what the system is called in Japanese). SEES has its own reasons to fight and the join their forces to him regardless of having a social link. But in MC's journey, he meets people from all over that lend their strength to his. That's the point.
Wyatt White
>FLAC OST rip Now I feel like a pile of rocks.
Dominic Gonzalez
Surorised everyone is still saying social link/slink instead of Confidant for P5.
Joshua Gutierrez
Man, Paradise Lost is a really neat looking weapon
Hunter Hughes
The problem is that most of the social links in 3 were crap. For every Akinari, there's two Bebes.
Chase Bell
easier to type and functionally identical
Chase Lopez
last 4 games used that term and its basically the same thing. dont get your panties in a twist
David Butler
If Futaba did her squat while wearing the metaverse gear she'd look like a frog
Wyatt Mitchell
No one ever posts Metis.......
Alexander Rodriguez
I'm just wondering, did any of the npc say anything about shiho? I heard there was a rumor spreading about her as well besides Anne and jorker.
Henry Robinson
Nobody ever posts MCxRyoji but we can't ask people to care about our obscure tastes user
Nathan Hughes
I heard she has webbed toes, heh heh heh.
Robert Myers
do you have a full version of that? I need it for my chie folder.
Evan Rivera
Confidant is used for P5 specifically, and while they're functionally the same as a Social Link they also come with extra abilities and perks.
When the concept is referred to in the other games it's a Social Link.
Blake Collins
Does negotiating for money/items yield the same exp as just beating them?
Alexander Murphy
Lucky you posted such a cute Haru
Isaac Miller
Thank you!
Blake Gray
Why is chee so beeg?
Kevin Richardson
harufags are chiefags confirmed
Jonathan Hill
Not true. I'm a Chiefag, not a fan of Haru at all.
Kayden Jones
Because yuuten is quick to notice birthing hips
Aaron Jenkins
When she first appeared I thought she would be a bland romanceable SL like chihiro or Ayane.
What dissapointment, I wanted to bang her
Colton Perry
they are a smiliar kind of dumb but cute wallflower. Dont know if thats an expression in english tho.
Xavier Gray
Everyone you hate is a Chiefag to you /pg/
Adam Smith
So is it Juh-steen or Joo-steen? They're not very consistent
William Torres
Anne does not look like a human being when she wears her bikini. It looks like a gentle breeze would snap her in twain.
Nolan Hughes
Tomato Tomato
Lucas Turner
Literally no one says tomato.
Robert Allen
just as in justice
Luke Fisher
Does Haru have the biggest melons? Seems like every animation of her with PT attire has her rack jumping up and down trying to escape.
Tyler Jones
>Atlus gives us not 1 older woman to romance but 3
I hope this becomes a trend
Connor Ortiz
i think so.
Xavier Nelson
One of the female students say that she's getting arrogant because of all the attention Kamoshida was giving her. >Dude, you can't go after Kamoshida's bitch like that!
James Wright
Sae is not one of them so what's the point
Alexander Flores
Persona 6 will take place in a nursing home
Parker Phillips
They were talking about Ann.
Jace Davis
I hope they just remove all straight options in the game
Anthony Morris
Evan Garcia
kys degenerate
Logan Fisher
P6 will be a 30 year old protag who can romance high school girls
Grayson Howard
I too want many, many gay options. But I also enjoy straight options. I'll take both plz
Cameron Richardson
Phantom is from Sumaru City!
Wyatt Bell
I'm a Makotofag and people call me a Yukakofag, Naotofag and Chiefag every day