Gonna spam the shit out of her rework edition

Old: Eyosongive.us

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how does the bronze, gold, etc ranking works in this game? you need lvl 30 first before you are placed in a ranking?

>enemy locks in darius and xin

I want to be as cute as sejuani

Vlad top Ghost/Ignite or Flash/Ignite?

Stop rushing Bork on Xayah you fucking idiots.

I always play shyvana into other attack speed junglers because she can out duel almost anyone, her issue is that she gets kited like a stupid bitch, but if enemy team is monkeys then you just win

>pick Yi
>dont feed
>clean up kills
>only gank lanes with reliable cc
>fed enemy shitters try to 1v1 me
>be yi
>win every 1v1
>try to flash ult me to pick me off with cc
>be yi
>use q to dodge and triple kill them
>be Yi

who else /Yi/ here?

>you will never handle those child bearing hips

why even live?

What's the Nida's buildpath now?

I'm completely lost with the itens changes

>Posting in a thread made by a literal nigger.

Wew lad I would've rather had a Lulu thread than this shit

>is literally the best item choice
>"hurr durr gotta be contrarian and suggest essence memer xDDD"
fuck off

Lulu official /lolg/ mascot when

yi here, the need to 1v9 is too much

>Me: "You can't possibly be serious"
>He is is serious

So it begins.

can you guess what type of person someone is from their champions played

>All Raiders fans are black people
Hey that's....actually not all that untrue.

level 30 and then you grind your tears away

>if someone else is having fun i'm not having fun.png

>aatrox buys bork
>takes 3 people to fight him
>luc buys bork
>auto wins bot

Fun times in Lego legends. 10 bans when

Try whatever you want. They gutted her so much, you might as well be creative.

I want to go swimming in Lulu.

yeah thats exactly what i like about yi.
I always played ganking junglers or assassins but they are just too team reliant. At least one of your lanes will feed. Yi doesnt care. He just farms and doesnt need kills and then you kill everyone anyway.

>is literally the best item choice
I guess that's why she has a 37% winrate when its rushed.

>He doesn't know

Raidersanon is an unironic NFL football player who posts here occasionally

He's also a TSMfag

>2/0/2 at the 6 minute mark
>80% kill participation
>countergank a couple times
>mid getting trashed
>bot getting trashed

people ACTUALLY start talking shit to me. I honestly couldn't believe it, here I was with the stereotypical "perfect" early jungle yet they have the audacity to blame me for losing lane?

>go top
>get a kill
>meanwhile ekko mid dies to anivia 1v1
>wtf dude gank he has no flash shit jg

this shit is so surreal, yeah we know the blame jg meme but holy fuck I couldn't even figure out what I could have done better that early into the game. Its like people pretend league is team deathmatch, nigga you're not supposed to die 5 times within the first 12 minutes

You have to break their spirits and then their nexus

next you're gonna tell me the highest win% on champion.gg gathered from 198 games is an adequate measurement

>you will never marry her and raise 3 beautiful children in a chateau in france.

>Trusting numbers instead of the good people at /lolg/

Shyvana should not ever win against WW. Did you not build botrk or rageblade?

>Banning Aatrox
The nigga has been in the dumpster for like four years let him have five minutes damn.

Oh yeah I remember him, I had forgotten about that.

Is champion.gg's Morgana support section accurate? Seems weird to get completed boots first on a champ, much less a support one.

Her stun though holy shit. It's range and hitbox is massive.

>enemy fiora keeps trying to split with her ebin 1v9s
>keeps getting caught and dying
>start making good shot calls
>we slowly make an unwinnable game winnable

Man, I love when people throw on their ebin 1v9 champs.

ACTUAL rework when
Fertile drake is so useless without cc and being melee
all she can do is farm farm and duel other melee carries but then she gets outscaled.
what is even the point of this kit
such a good girl gone to waste

To the nigger who was predicting RNG to finish second in MSI:
WE 3:0 RNG
go suck a cock

Her point is to go fast as fuck, and farm really well while being a brick wall of stats that can just sit on people. The problem is that the current jungle is fucking awful and that Riot has a hateboner for her, every time she starts doing well she gets necked.

wait, they still hadn't decided who's representing china? when do the monkeys stop playing so we can watch the real teams?

I'm still weirded out and mildly aroused by the toothbrush scene. Although to be fair, Karen's a fuckin' babe. Also, seriously, Aatrox was only ever good for like less than a month on release and AP. Let the edgelord have his moment.

And that nigga can go back to the dumpster where he belongs

Too bad they nerfed the shit out of her farming ability and made counterjungling fucking useless in this meta with all the catchup experience

Rather listen to 198 smart people than 12,000 stupid ones.

What are you listening to right now, /lolg/?

why don't you listen to probuilds then? oh right, they all build bork first and you can't admit you were wrong anymore. what an unfortunate situation, better continue shitposting then! lol!

God forbid there's a new challenger to the perennial throne of toplane cancer like Rumble Renekton and Fiora

>not marrying actual best waifu

>Xayah has no means of multiplying the amount of times she applies on-hit effects like Lucian's double shot passive of
>Xayah has no innate on-hit effects of her own such Caitlyn's headshot passive
>Xayah is extremely dependent on her cooldowns and needs CDR to function well mid-late game
>Xayah's primary damage source's damage scales linearly with crit chance
>Xayah primarily wants huge amounts of bonus AD, she's very dependent on her bonus AD ratios since she's a caster ADC and when she does auto attack they're usually multiplied by 20% damage
>Hurr build Bork Runaan's on her

The edgelord's time is now nigga, either get on or get slapped

Like I said, the jungle is really fucking gay right now. It hurts, Shyvana is probably my favorite champ. I've been super assblasted because my performance lately with her has tanked, but I also chalk that up to me being bad at the game.

Karen is sweaty and smelly. And that only makes me harder.

Frank said it best, it goes from one ear to the other.

I was playing Rakan btw

grant me death
fluffy tails


red pill me on bork vi

its shit

its bad


may 10

LPL for some retarded reason only had it's finals today.

>when ER is the top build on op.gg
>when /ourguy/ imaqtpie builds it first
if you're so awful at laning get LS quints or some other source of LS


well, that was fast

>not building full crit items on Xayah

lmaoing @ your life

>tfw really like Rakan
>but he for some reason loves a stupid "so rebel rawr :3" girl


Pajeet champion when?

Orianna and Lee Sin getting MAOKAI'D when??? Generalist cancer needs to go

I just realised how that would be a good idea.

Pajeet champion who has personality like Rakan, really flamboyant and kind of naive.

Mix of Aladdin / Prince of Persia

Is a jungler or mid-laner.


Best song from the album

ori gonna get slapped in the patch when they gut ahri. lee sin will never be bad (#lcsbigplays™)

wew thats a pretty comfy bfs~ image, mind if I save it?

how are you enjoying the snow?


go ahead kang, the image is all yours.
i. hate. snow. and cold. fuck this

But vlad has so much sustain you don't need to tp back to lane

Why the hell isn't Brand mid back in the meta?

Now that everyone does the rush 50 dorans ring shit, he is the perfect champ for it
>Buy 3 dorans
>Farm up, you are unkillable in lane and have infinite mana
>When you have 3 items flash and a teamfight is going on just flash+R and kill everyone

People say "support brand does the same amount of dmg anyway"which is not true. Sup Brand at like a 20-30min mark does way less dmg obviously.

because he's actually hard to play and they shifted all of his power into his passive. He's also pretty fucking immobile.

Will the game become too early game focused with Nu-Rift Herald able to run it down a lane and nuke all of it's towers?

Because he is hilariously immobile and there's better more versatile options

Oh fuck dude what did she mean by this?

>37% winrate when its rushed
>literally everyone that plays her in challenger gets it and hurricane

>and there's better more versatile options

There is no champ that is even close in how much AoE dmg he/she can do compared to Brand, maybe only Veig's W with 10k AP

>Mix of Aladdin / Prince of Persia
Neither of those are Indian my man

>First tower gold still exists
>bot Lane towers still have no early game fortification
>bot remains the duo lane
If anything new herald merely stops people from TPing bot for clown fiestas becauss it means giving up herald. She's going to be this thing that keeps toplaners anchored to top lane because you can't afford to lose it, and unless you stomp lane really hard will just go untaken, a big stalemate. Secondly dragon is still superior to it.

not enjoying the festive spring weather?

just pull up a blanket and get comfy with ne buddy~

whats /lolg/ opinion of the half breed?

How is Ziggs right now?
He seems fun and interesting, not sure if good tho.

Too immobile, his dmg is in his passive which has great bases but meh scaling. Rylai's Liandri's Void Staff is pretty much all he needs dmgwise, Eye of Equinox and a Morrel for wards and CDR and you're good to go. Some people really like Ionian's on him but I'd rather just get pen boots for maximum %based hp fun.

>whoa that looks like a lot of money
>it's less than 220k

You can't get 100% on her unless you're going full glass cannon and sacrificing either LS, pen or boots.

Challenger/Pro players aren't gonna be dumbasses and clump up together to less Brand's passive pop on each other again and again

Orianna is a much more practical and useful champion than Brand could ever hope to be in that niche.

Except yknow, qt plays her with the ER build and it's clearly the best.

>tfw you will never play urgot jungle w/ wriggles ever again

BoRK is better at high elo where teams are more coordinated and the ADC needs to be able to impact the game faster or get their shit pushed in. You give up scaling power for that early impact. When you aren't talking about the top, so certainly Plat and below, you can afford to durdle around a little more and the hard scaling build that doesn't spike till 2 or 3 items is usually a stronger choice.

I thought I was the one

>be playing Jax
>1-0-4 by 7 mins AND early drag

un-fucking believeable

Not to mention that IE and ER and Zeal are getting price reductions across the board so Crit ADCs can spike sooner.

I like her tights and think she's very cute

Playstyle wise, I wish they rework her abilities on Dragon form


SHE'S THE SINGLE BEST ADC USER OF THE ITEM and Rakan is the single best support user of the item so it works out

>capable of childrearing
Trash wife kiddo

>just flash R
You know that's not how you'll kill people with brand, you'll need to land at least one more skill so your passive starts proccing and that's assuming they're stacked on the same spot, and if we can assume that Orianna is literally better.

the problem is that he's too unreliable while also being less mobile than pretty much any other current meta midlaner. Ask yourself "Why isn't Lux back in the meta?" and the answer is pretty much the same.

>i-it's better at high elo
>high elo players don't build it

Really gets the cashews caramelizing.

i'd rather do that anyday, than deal with this gloomy frozenness. but got a few errands to run

shyvana is in my top 3 fav champions. good taste. she's not the only half breed you know~

>dragon buffs are permanent
Still, is it worth throwing the game trying to get them when it seems it didn't matter either way at that point. If you think you need buffs how are you even able to waste time when destroying the fucking Nexus would end the game
Remove dragons

>Secondly dragon is still superior to it.

I disagree heartily with that. With a good push you could EASILY take 2+ towers and straight up clear a lane of it's towers with a good Herald push. That's easily worth more than any singular dragon

Oh boy I can't wait to start sieging Nexus turrets while the enemy team is Acef just so our jungler can go "we need drag" and leave

Stop posting this picture, it doesn't look like Shyvana