I'm a neet

I'm a neet.

There's a debt collections call center agency hiring full-time. Should I apply?

Is it a job worth doing?


If you have a weak character then don't bother, if you make a call in regards to someone's debt, things are going to get heated quickly.
If you're a pussy who can't control a situation and persist on the phone, then the job isn't for you.

>/threading your own post
You make me sick

I think I'll be able to... But will they have to know my name?

I can probably handle myself well but I don't want to get my shit kicked in for missing off the wrong delinquent

>There's a debt collections call center agency hiring full-time.


Yes, you should apply for any job you can get. Though call center collections would probably motivate you to find something better, it would still build character and give you some transferable skills

No, they won't know your name

Won't I need to present it when I speak to them

Or is it more of a "hello I'm calling from x to discuss your delinquent payments to z, am I speaking to Mr. Y?"

le transferable skills meme

It's true tho, especially for un or low skilled jobs



Pls help

It's not that hard to be tough on the phone. What are they gonna do, hang up?

I don't get it.


Pretty much this. Noone will know your full name, unless you tell them but you don't have to.
Try it, OP. Nothing to lose, much to gain.

true thanks man

I just been reading the glassdoor and indeed reviews on working there and it kinda seemed shit just based on those. But i'm guessing that usually happens for these kinds of jobs

There's no harm in applying but...

>Is it a job worth doing?

To be honest, no.

The only reason you would ever do a job like that is if you were desperate for cash or phone experience.

Call center gigs are the bottom of the barrel. Maybe just slightly above mopping up piss in the McDonald's toilets.

You really won't learn much since you'll likely be reading from a script and the job will be more stressful than it's worth since you're dealing with irate people constantly.

Ultimately, it depends on your situation but personally, even if I was desperate for work, I would think twice before applying for a job in a call center, speaking as someone who has worked in a call center before btw.

where should i apply then

i need a job

If you're that desperate for a job why are you even asking the question?

It's a shit job though. You will not enjoy it.

I'm just thinking it's probably better than most other minimum wage jobs, and at least it's guaranteed 9-5 fulltime

Most jobs are 9-5 fulltime.

May I ask how old you are and what your experience/qualifaction levels are like?

I'm 21 years old and I don't have any experience or skills

I've been fired from every job ive ever worked

In that case, it sounds like this job might be right up your alley.

How do you keep getting fired? You have to really fuck up to get fired these days...

I just became disinterested or it was some retarded reason always

They expect too much for too little pay desu

Really I just want a fulltime job that isn't complete shit so I can save/invest my money and be able to get a car finally