League of Legends General - /lolg/
based thread
Hopefully mods dont delete this one.
Dog bless for a new thread.
Fuck this little purple cumstain.
Thank you for not being a shitty op
>He doesn't pick obscure champions for the strategical advantage of playing against people who don't know what the fuck does your champion do
if people actually reported threads...
yfw you're not Anthony Burch
>seamonkeys vs monkeys
who do u root 4
Is lolg dying? Why does dota have more views than us.
I did, the other one.
now you can find your new main and retire akali to the forest where she can freely fulfill her furry desires
A shit
Thank God I'm not Anthony Burch.
But damn I wolud make some sweet steamy love to his sister. She isn;t attractive in a traditional way but there is something in her that catches my attention.
you're mistaking me for wizard hat
I haven't played a game of akali for like 4 years
cause in Doto, you actually get something for viewing
Its insane how people have no idea how much damage top-lane olaf can do early game.
I honestly think Jinx needs a small rework
Because they get free stuff for watching the stream
probably the fucking nose
fluffy tails
>Yorick has four graves up
>pops corrupting pot and blatantly walks forward
>dodge the E and punish for it
So hard guise
xth for Syndra
Age of shitpicks is upon us.
I'm actually looking forward to this game.
I mean.
If I was it'd such but atleast I'd get to hang out with Ashly.
Ashly voiced champ when?
Its her eyes for me, and the fact she has a very nice and fun personality.
>toplane olaf before the nerfs + rework to warlords' bloodlust
And they said Riot doesn't like sustain
wasn't she supposed to be gutted and unplayable?
It's the shape of the head
We are never using Lulufag threads again. Report them and never go to them.
We did it with Lissandrafag we can do it again.
her name isn't even complete
I have not played this game in a while. Is Rek'sai still good (or at least decent)?
And are any of the recently released (Jhin and on) heroes good?
Sona is big!
It won't work. I do this all time only to wake up for a lulu thread.
It's a nightmare.
I want to look EXACTLY like shyvana!
everyone has to agree to
let's do it bois
lissfag is dead?
Why did Riot think having MSI in Brazil was a good idea?
>Is Rek'sai still good (or at least decent)?
No, wait for her miniwork in literally two patches
> (Jhin and on) heroes good?
Illaoi is kinda strong if your opponent is retarded
Aurelion Sol is still retardedly strong in the right hands
Ivern is too strong right now
Kled is good
I want to fall asleep wrapped around your fluffy tails, and with my arms wrapped around you.
>tfw ywn fuck real life ahri
I AM Shyvana!
A woman with tits that big would not be able to do basic everyday things
>See Thumbnail
>Think its Kat or MF
That's how you know your waifu is bad.
there's a thousand of these creeps made in factory in eastern europe. They never sleep, they never eat (albeit displaying grave cases of morbid obesity) and they cannot be killed by conventional means. Such is the power of being an autist lulu player
why are they even clapping now
also that fucking clapstick is as annoying as the vuvuzela
how did we get from big ass shyvana to this?
>mods nuke'd the lulu thread
Great. Now this faggot will shitpost in here.
i wanna cuddle too... :c
never say never, user. dyrus found an ahri, you can too when you're rich and famous
I want to CUDDLE and PROTECT Lulu!
I fucking hate brazilian crowds
brazillian holocaust when
It's called thundersticks, you fucking clapistan
>tfw i finally embrace my true self
>and threadwars ruin my happy moment
>that old bald guy
it's just a skin that was designed so that poor-taste normies would also buy skins for her when she's meta
a true shyvanafriend loves her classic skin above all else, but other shyvanas are ok
Rip other lulu thread
mods not being cucks what is going on
1:50s for comparison
What about the lovebirds?
We killed Lissfag and we'll kill you too, pedophile.
What's a good champt to play for a secondary top laner, Mid main. I'm gold elo, and I'm considering Fiora or Irelia.
I got every shyvana skin except boneclaw (ugly as sin) and this one (still not sure if worth it)
When will riot games make this a new skin for the champion Lulu of the videogame League of Legends???
that's literally rewarding destructive behaviour though. Every dog trainer knows not to do this.
No user don't do this, it's not too late.
hotpockets finally got executed iraqi style, and some actual moderators were hired
other thread couldn't follow the one rule of posting the website
pic related, it's me, shyvana
ezreal in every lane
it's okay i'm happier now
Xayah is pretty strong. New champion overtuned, simple as that. Nothing ultimately cancerous.
Rakan's a little weak but in high-tiers is pretty strong as well.
>. Every dog trainer knows not to do this.
I'm spooked
she just had star guardian
>people don't understand you go IE>PD on Xayah and you get support to get Harbinger
watch the first clip
How about playing an inbetween
>build a garbage item because I synergise well with it, instead of those actual good items
tip top adcock
pretty much every pro is saying rakan is actually useless, and he's only good for his recall with a xayah. then you say he's pretty strong in their tiers?
I am gonna do it faggots
Lulu is a cancer, and I've chosen to cut out the disease.
this is the power of LAS
why does it take so many games to reach lvl 30? for fucks sake
Lulu is the cutest! THE CUTEST!
No, Lulu's haters are dogs. Matter of fact, they're female dogs. They're tiny little bitches that cry and bark until someone throws em a treat out of pity, thus reinforcing negative behaviour.
it used to take double
inb4 you roll a terrible skin for a champion you hate
isn't better just to get more orange thingie?
The only female dog here is the purple bitch you posted.
When was the last time you had someone hugging you for a prolonged period of time? While lying down in a bed together? Not wearing any clothes, feeling their skin against yours?
do it fag
the only good skin is the liss one but I bet you don't play that shit
Rideable ult fucking when?
Honestly though Jinx's fantasy has a lot of potential that could be realized. If she was to ever get a rework of some kind I would want it small and keeping her fundamentals but also adding to her. Most importantly I'd want something for her survivablity, she's ridiculously fragile even for a hyper carry.
lets spam images to get to the next luluthread faster!
>rerolling skins worth more than 520 rp
stop that
yeah it's shit
200 or so games of moderate length
unless you buy boosts
>A documented autist thinks his opinion on anything or anyone, especially their behavior, matter
what is this even from
daily reminder lulu looks like this