How many people here actually love their job?
How many people here actually love their job?
There's nowhere else I'd rather be
What do you do?
Well I work at krispy kreme and I enjoy it to the max. But this is only a job to help me in college. Nothing more, nothing less
I legitimately do, OP. I got really lucky and got hired on before opening day at a brand new distillery here in the US. It's a small operation and we're currently only distributed throughout the county we're located in, but things are doing well and I'm basically the only person here not a member of the family.
I love my job, I get paid to sit around my house and browse the internet all day, lul.
where do i sign up ye lucky Veeky Forumstard
look up social media evaluator or search engine evaluator
Security guard
This 80% of the time, just in a warehouse instead.
I know I do, but being able to retire whenever takes most of the pressure off.
Get yourself made, then youre golden
Working on it, user. They already love me, so I think I'm golden. Literally asked if they could have "2-3 more of you."
I have a love hate relationship with my career and current employer. First thing is I do see my self as being the top guy in the office and this has caused problems as other people started looking at someone else as if they are one of the top guys. Caused a little problem with me as I've always been the go to guy, kind of sucks when you are truly replaceable and even if they won't have you to help out/figure stuff out they will still have a large group of people there who will find someone eventually. I spent a few months working remote in another office, and when you come back to your old office with your current coworkers who haven't seen you in a while, they literally don't give a shit who you are. It has gotten better though, I've had some people try to crawl back in my life and they are trying to learn from me again so I don't know what I'm complaining about, I just miss the way things were when we all started working there, the thing that sucks is we all climbed the ladder, and some of us eventually ended up being enemies, or just not friendly to each other anymore
I'm still one of the best guys there, but they have more options these days so they don't have to come to me with every project/assignment
I regret majoring in accounting and regret having a job in accounting for so long. Has to be the most meaningless job Ive ever had. I'm learning photoshop+whatever+programming and getting out asap
I love my job. They pay me well to work on interesting problems. 10/10 would study again
here's the way I see it OP.
the classic difficulty in "doing what you want/love to do" is that making money is completely based off of what OTHER people want.
people like money. they want to keep it. the only way they're giving it up is if they want to exchange it for something they want more. you only get their money if you provide what they want.
so let's say you're a chef. you love italian cooking. you live for italian food. but the area you live in, no one likes italian, they despise it actually. however, they love chinese. you hate chinese food, and yet, you're skilled in making it. you can give them what they want.
its not what you want. its what sells. its what's in demand. the first premise in making money is satisfying other people. its somewhat the opposite of how we're wired.
What did you study and what do you do?
>computer science
>product management
it's not as technical as software, but i enjoy the people side of things
I loved my job when I was a preschool teacher. Then I graduated and became a pharmacist and hate it. At least i'll be able to retire now.
Yes. I'm a "Territory Manager" so basically it's an outside sales job. But my firm is the sole manufacturer and distributor of an industrial lubricant that companies NEED in order to operate some special kinds of equipment, so the client base is guaranteed and I have zero competition. I spend a lot of time traveling, buying expensive steak dinners for clients to thank them for their business, and prowling hotel bars for lonely women.
I do. Mine's demanding but also dynamic and my role in the firm is client-facing so I get to see different verticals all at once.
i tolerate it
fuck around on my phone most of the time anyway
I don't know if i love the actual physical tasks and management of personnel involved in my job currently. But I along with 5-6 others helped start a manufacturing plant back in 2010. This energy plant produces an environmentally friendly product. This gives me a warm fuzzy feeling and also now that the plant is working correctly and at full capacity we make bank. In the beginning startup mode it was tough, we all went through hell. We figured shit out that no one else could and many contractors and consultants talked shit about it wouldn't work well we proved them all wrong. And it took hard fucking work and not just throwing a shit ton of money at it or the most expensive piece of equipment. It just took the right piece of equipment. So now I help manage the place and sit around and its pretty boring but it gives me time & money to do my side deals and travel. I moved away for a few years and came back and I felt it was a learning experience and actually excelled in the other city but working at this place is like working with a band of brothers. The other interesting thing was that I did this job as a hobby during college it was only on the fringes of my degree field. You have to be a phD in my degree field to make the kind of money I make now.
Tell me more please.
Fucking hate my job, work in IT. Job is a mix of tickets and projects and operational duties.
Problems are:
too much project work. I want a clean slate every day but is impossible with this job.
Pure desktop jobs don't pay enough so not an option for me
Loaded with more and more responsibility as the months roll by
Demands increase and increase. Feel like being pulled apart by all the different players
Email is related to above. So many emails every day. Email is just a power play. It's vastly outdated and should be replaced by the newer generation blog/collaboration type tools which are now available
Sit at desk most of the day. I move a bit more than others but it's still highly unhealthy.
Can't see a way out....
Wish I could work in Learning & Development but most companies have downsized or eliminated these departments
Might just jack it in and become an ESL teacher abroad. But I'm probably too old for that.
Help me biz.
Sorry to say but this is the state of desktop jobs anywhere.
I'm a CEO and same shit. Surprising how nothing changes, just the number on your check.
I really like it and it's in an area I am very interested in, however despite this I still want to just sit at home and work on my own shit instead :/
I'm thinking about going into HR.
Is this a good idea?
I'm a waiter at a chef owned restaurant and I love it. The chef and manager get drunk with the staff while working. The food is amazing so it actually feels good to have customers genuinely say they loved the food. The place used to be a record store so we have a record player that anyone can come over and use so it almost always 80s Rock. Tips are ok but it's a new place and it only gets busier every weeks so it'll get way better later on. Love it.
Currently trying to get into nursing school, pretty sure it's gonna be boring as shit as soon as I start tho
Not me. I have my annual performance review tomorrow, might go through it and then quit at the end.
Not really
>IT Sys Admin, Small business, aka do everything
>Have the keys to the castle and do whatever I want
>But no budget
>Large initial learning challenge
>Plateaus quickly, have to learn/try new things to stop boredom
>Management are dumb as rocks
>No colleagues to bullshit with
Boring as fuck technically, and stressful socially.
Did bag some hard drives, cables, wifi dongles from the storage cupboard though.
What do you do?
Air Force pilot,
Like every job, there's things you love about it and things you hate.
>The mission.
>The people I work with
>Literally cannot think of a cooler job
>The places they send us are fairly shitty. Once in awhile you'll luck out and get a cool assignment
>All the bureaucratic red tape and paperwork (aka queep).
>It's lonely. The military is a sausage fest.
Mine's pretty good. I pretty much just open doors for people and smile. It's so easy I can do it unconciously, so I just pretty much spend 8 hours a day thinking about anime girls or philosophy or whatever strikes my fancy.
You should list Manlet as a con, since the air Force picks short/little guys to pilot aircraft lol
Professional welfare taker. It's alright.
Hate work in general, so I can never fully enjoy a job despite doing "what I like" which is another meme.
I went down this meme. I switched from accounting to data science. Its still 8 hours in a cube only now I have to deal with pin in the ass projects and users.
Me aside from dealing with shitlords.
Currently jave my feet kicked up and shitposting while watching "the martian" on repeat. Havent done dick since 1:30pm. Need to be here tho till 5pm. Likely wont do dick until then. It is 3:30 now.
50 hours a week
Cool as fuck bosses
Nobody over my shoulder
Do wtf i want as long as work is done.
Make good money.
Expecting another raise any day.
Good benefits.
Still have to drag my ass to work and earn someone else a check tho. I will retire rich and young our die at this job.
As long as you dont cross the family you fucking did user. There is nowhere to go but up. I have 2 bosses that own the company. But realistically all of their kids and grandkids can tell me wtf to do. They typically "suggest" what i should do if anything needs done and say "whenever u get a chance." The second they leave im fucking on it like a coon dog. Fuck yes i am a wagecuck and a damned good one. I have had some shitty jobs with shit pay while being treated like shit.
I will pay captain kissass so long as they keep being respectful and cool as fuck.
Bro, gimp is just as good and free.
Tought myself from youtube.
Ahhh u shitlord.
Bring to me gold grease now!
For i am a lonely peasant with shit teir blue
I went to high school with a blue angel.
Wanted to fly so bad.
Took a plane ride when i was about 12.
All of my nope.
Fuck heights.
Fell 8 feet and cripple for life.
Never getting off the fucking ground again...
Thank u for your service tho. Do appreciate the freedon to discuss yakheardin on a mexican forum while soeeking english instead of japanese or german.
Was working as Data Analyst. Soul sucking cubicle work. People would leave and not get replaced...had to start coming in on Sundays because of workload. And for 40k plus sub-par benefits and an all female management force, fuck that. got fired/quit before I could no longer have personal development. Learning welding now and hopefully will like the manual work. I need to use my hands and do man's work to feel alive. Continuing my programming learning again, just picking up a new skill to have an out, its computer work but may try freelancing or soemthing. Corporations have no loyalty to employees, they can go fuck themselves with industry jargon, promises, rallying the troops mantra bullshit. Get out while you still can.
Never change Veeky Forums
I wouldnt say love but i do like my job very much. Im a big believer in have a love or passion for a hobby, not a job. If I paid attention to my hobby as often as I do my job, I'd lose interest in it.
Also, in engineering, i make a decent amount of cash flow and can outperform my peers, many of whom lack basic social or professional skills. It baffles me how I work with kids from MIT, Cornell, etc. yet I went to state school and have gotten promoted quicker because I can look at people in the eye when I talk to them.
no one loves their job except rich instagrammers and youtubers and rich pornstars like nacho vidal
Engineer project manager at a small medical device company and I hate it. Pay is ok, but in the sf bay area its criminally under market.
Turnover is so high and I've been here so long, it feels all empty to me. The leadership and management from the ceo is my biggest issue.
Can't believe ive been a social retard for so many years here, rather be shitposting in my office than socializing. Now got some meaningful friendships here, but feels bad cuz of the high turnover.
They're both shit.
Everyone has skeletons in their closet. EVERYONE!
I sell hacked Pokemon for a living and while I'm not sure if "love" is the right word, I'm very satisfied with my job and can't imagine myself doing anything else right now.
Can work from home and for the most part, decide your own hours
Can apply knowledge of video games to make money (this feels great)
You can literally write off your 3DS and Pokemon games as a tax expense
Lots of customers don't know what they're doing and request illegal stuff
Frequent customers with poor English that make mistakes in their orders
Trading large orders takes a good chunk of time, though you can multi-task while trading pretty easily
Really, most of the frustration comes from the customer service.
i dont know if love is the right word but i strongly like my job. im a pawnbroker and jeweler. every day is something different, never a dull customer. im paid pretty well, have great hours and cool co-workers. i would say i look forward to 9/10 days i work.
i also buy a lot of stuff from people personally (stuff i cant buy for the store) and resell it online. In my spare time i garage sale/auction/estate sale to buy more things and resell them.
the job is basically tinkering with stuff, and buying gold and silver. its already what i like to do, so the job fits me well.
Everynow and then you deal with someone that has a really sad story and you really want to help them out but just cant. it can be a real downer. Normally the people flip shit after i turn them down or make an offer thats too low, so it makes it hard to truely care.
The kids of some of the addicts and low lives are one of the hardest parts. Every year my owners wife buys tons of winter coats and toys for kids and i get to give them out and surprise little kids. it feels good to help, but in a sad way
New grad mechanical engineer for a major company that is the sole supplier for some government work.
This monopoly won't ever go away, so everything in the company is sluggish, boring, inefficient and shit. You're not allowed to change it because management is utterly stuck in its ways, and no engineers get into management.
I spent most of the day staring out the window and occasionally looking busy incase anyone else looks at me. I'll actually be productive for an hour a day doing what essentially is data entry, the work doesn't require an engineer in any way but could be done by an automated system if I was allowed a month to make one.
Despite my severe slacking, everyone in the office loves me as I get things done faster than any of them and years of this grind means they have no personality so find me really entertaining.
I plan to ride out a few more years getting money here whilst planning out what I'm going to do when I leave. I think I'm going to open my own business. I've seen complete retards pull it off and manage to keep things ticking over at a bare minimum, I figure if they can do it I've got a good chance too.
Don't fall for the Stem meme. It's a miserable existence.
>so I just pretty much spend 8 hours a day thinking about anime girls or philosophy or whatever strikes my fancy.
*opens door and twirls fedora*
enter, m'lady
hey man, you're a good guy
Rather still work at the factory i was working at.
Realy comfy and got to do my own thing.
Too bad there was not many apartments around, otherwise id still live there.
Worked at a similar company once, monopoly companies are the worst. I hated every minute of it. It looked great on paper, good pay good benefits, rock-solid job stability but the whole working climate is poison for any young professional.
Get out while you still can.
>get drunk on the company product.
>never her high on your own supplie.
Holy shit either the dudes making a killing selling food booze is paid for or this dudes going to be in debt when it slows down.
Quite drinking for free, you're eating the profit.
Thats stupid, a drink taken yourself is not a sale less made or profit margin lost.
Its actually cheaper cause you can deduct taxes from the booze bought for your restaurant
Never get high on your own supply refers to the drug trade bc the shit they sell ruins lives
did an internship for a quarter at a similar company, even though I worked at the innovations department you could still get sucked in by the depressing atmosphere.
why did you even apply in the first place mate. Stem is actually fun because of the creating and innovating. desu in this case I think the 'stem meme' is actually misplaced. This seems mostly your own fault imo.
I really like the people. Also it takes my mind off of other shitty things in my life.
Still a shot is still money here in canada a beer at the bar is a fiver.
Booze is exspensive around here, eh??
Yes I unironically love my job. My cubicle is comfy and it beats going into the roughest neighborhoods every day, not knowing if I'm going to get shot at.
That shit was stressful. My job now is a fucking vacation
Lel right with you.
I'm sticking with my job at costco till the whole profession shits itself.
Then I'm fucked I guess.
How did you get it?
I always think you have to be buff, but then I remember this 5 foot blonde lady who was a security guard at my community college.
>community college.
Thats probably why. Its really rare seeing bad shit happen on any campus. People there want to do well in life so no one is gonna fight or start shit with other people.
Has anyone here ever start in an entry lvl job and then work there way up to a better position that paid really well?
Pest Control?
Financial Advisor here and I love it. I'm a 1099 instead of W-2 because I dislike set in stone hours, sitting in one place for too long, and being restricted in creativity. Before I found this position and firm I worked under large name insurance companies that just whipped your ass after the next case was finished. I realized a lot of the supervisors/management weren't even hitting their own numbers or making the income they wanted, so they stood on the shoulders of myself and others like me. I also realized you can't work for someone who hates their job or isn't making a lot of money to begin with.
My boss actually enjoys his job, makes a six figure income, and he's well read when it comes to leadership. Combined with a unique structure that allows me some much creative freedom I can't help but gush whenever I talk about it. I'm also close to realizing my own six figure income within a year's time thanks to my boss and the team we have.
As annoying as it can be at times, I think so. The pay is decent and the hours are whenever the hell I want to work. For retail, that's pretty much heaven on earth. It may only be part time casual but it's still better than being unemployed. Plus for a while during the christmas season, I was able to get at least double the hours which made it more tolerable than being at home during that time.
That's pretty neat. It makes a world of a difference being able to have any creative freedom to do whatever. Since moving, it's been hard and I've almost become completely discouraged for a while by how weird things are but lately I've been able to do a lot more again and it feels nice. Not only that but one of the GM's said something I did was one of the best areas if not the best that the store had at the time.
i never realized i did till i was out for 8 years but i actually miss running in pt with my unit.
>Started as busboy and worked up to general manager in three years
>Spent 8 years as a GM
Quit because some slut, who's been with the company 30yrs thought the GM position should of gone to her, made it a bitch to go into work and the owners wouldn't let me fire her.
Funny shit is they fired her 2 years after she became the GM.
That's extremely funny. People often think that they're hot stuff just because they've been somewhere for so long. Truth be told, I had to learn the very same thing albeit not from such a high position nor did I need to be fired in the process and only working for the company for going on 4 years now. lol
my job, love this stuff