League of legends general /lolg/

Pokimane is cute! Edition


at least it's not a lulu thread

Guess the champ

Cho Graph

literally who


>mastery emote bm
>clown fiestas

these games aren't that bad


Lee Sin is balanced and a fun champion to play that takes a lot of skill.

>he doesn't play or main Lee Sin

Fox butt!


comfy bfs~

Ya'll need to calm down about Yasuo. When was the last time you actually saw him in a game?

alright so i literally just got 1-shot by a syndra as twitch, her ult did 1600 damage

when is she going to get fucking deleted

no you for you faggot

guess ya should have been in stealh hehe

What champion pisses you off the most?

lmao get good???????????????????

2 MSI capsules or Blood Moon Jhin?

le balanced mummy of no friends


>mentioned once, by you

nobody's talking about yasuo

fizz, no one else even comes close. fuck fizz.

Yeah, I'm not a fan.

>just don't get within Flash+R range

>a skin I want
>or the chance to flip a coin and get something I probably don't want

Why would anyone buy hextech/MSI/raffle shit when they could just buy the skin they want?

Pink her ult????

>trace two images
>try to hide the middle under clothing

what a shit drawing.

Tank Ekko

>Implying there isn't a mention of Yasuo on every single thread
Last thread, smarty pants.

go to
Fuck early faggots
it's not fine just because it's not a lulu thread

>Dismissing Darius as a force in Noxan politics

Sounds like a fast way to get your head chopped off.

>wahhhhh why aren't people using my post

I second this I play Fiddle or Morg when I have to mid just in anticipation of it. I've come to enjoy it though.

...Bard would have the same problem tho

I can only play like 5 champions at an "acceptable" level, I feel like i'll be doomed in higher elo

what regions are even playing at MSI right now? Lyons is a brazillian team right? I've never heard of the other team

If this succubus drains Bjerg's talent I swear to god

fucking hypocrites, all you niggers should kill yourselves

renekton because his faggot mains feels the urge to post the same stupid fucking webm of them getting outplayed while probably being behind in kills, then crying about muh OP

please kill yourself and never return to this thread, thanks

She can take his talent. Force pro players to learn what the fuck "teamwork" means.

bard's ult gives him like, 1-2 shots max before it hits

t. lulufag


Lee Sin isn't fun at all though

This is how you do the combo.

5 spells in less than a second, may it never be said this champ is no skill

poki jumped from meteos to bjerg? I don't follow this kind of drama

5 is plenty, especially if they're meta champs like Swain

Try being a Jax one trick, I'm not challenger level so my winrate dropped like 10% the moment I hit plat

My man.

Also; nothing wrong with only playing a few champions.

>the bm team is a bunch of spics

What should I do

Pick up Hec for jung, he's pretty feast or famine like Noc. Noc builds more dmg though.

I also suggest another AP champ aside from Swain. Having problems with hypercarries? Play Syndra and delete them as you rake in their salty tears about "1.2k dmg ult wtf"

Need a way to siege but all your allies are close ranged? Xerath and Q from miles away.

middle? the new meme is top lane fizz with tp/ignite and going trinity force and then full tank and abusing absurd base damages and ignite advantage to win basically any lane

fun! fun fun!

fuck lulufag but fuck earlyposters too
you're literally breeding the next lulufag by allowing this kind of shit to happen

oh wow its nothing

but both of them were spics

roll olaf, vel and sona into a new permanent skin

>pick blade of the ruined king
>as any champ in the game

Oh, we are in season 4 again it seems.
I do love to have 3 guys on the enemy team with this meme item ignoring my 300 armor, pretty nice.
It is kinda annoying to lose 2 diamond promos in a row because the enemy team had a Yi/Xin/Lucian/Vayne in every fucking game.

>hold e + flash + r + release e + protobelt + w
It's just a combination of like 4-5 buttons how is that hard

not auto upgrading legendary is poor value

guise how do i make league fun again, i just get exhaused after 2 or 3 ranked games when 3 years ago i could play for 10hours

Craft the god fister.

>only ONE(1) red side win up to now on MSI
Seems balanced.

Correct order and positioning to hit the max amount of people

be 3 years younger

I haven't had that misfortune, but considering who I'd take top it wouldn't be as bad as my mid experiences with him.

Lulu is a crazy cat lady and i love her!

>le adc 2k17
>lucian 3 shotting everyone
>vayne being vayne
>xin zhao is release tier now

You forgot a Q there.

I don't even know why he would commit that hard. What the fuck did he think Darius would do? Not ult?

>jax one trick
tell me your secrets user

Delete every skin for essence except for Naut and Sion's skin.

uh, why is poki all dressed up? she's looking all thick in the chest too

Should I make Reaper Soraka?

stop stressing so much about the meta game and optimum play and instead fuck around and focus instead on having fun. people take this video game way too fucking seriously.

Do this without resetting cooldowns, absolutely horrible to see what the fuck you're doing if they're resetting.

Lulu is my STAR!

Because Renektonfags are delusional shitters thanks to their champion being the most obnoxious statball bruiser in the game, they usually get away with shit like this.

play with funny ppl or play with some friends. Try random shit like 3 or 5 ppl top or go all jungle.

Depends on the range of the shot.

Same w/ Nami.

>no witch champion

tards who post literally the same thing every thread are what pisses me off the most

Start E
Release E

imagine being so tilted about a misplay you made that you spend the rest of your life posting the same webm over and over in /lolg/ threads

just imagine


u people do realize he wouldve won that if he used his hero correctly right? he straight up missed 3 autos and didnt wait the half second for rage q

good night /lolg/


Fuck off DOTAfag

But in all seriousness that literally just proves my point honestly.

Best advice

What can you gift to your friends with IP, aside from the new champions? Icons and shit?

Reminder that Sejuani will have 2-second point and click stuns and a nearly fucking impossible to miss ult in 4 days

hero is wc3 kiddo dont didnt invent shit

>make an OP related to lulu in any way
>why are people avoiding it like the plague?!
How about you just stop trying to force lulu into everything?

I know what you're doing, I mean to someone who didn't already know the combo it's a bad webm

>not using E while in pool

pleb youll just get cced instantly after your flash if you dont pool.

goodnight lulufag

Pokimane plays a lot of Lulu

Ya'll posting in a stealth Lulubread

Just Rakan and Xayah

it's not even my thread, I just want to skullfuck earlyposters

how do you get target dummies on lol? I thought they never added a sandbox..

He sure lived up to his name

>autistic Luluhater also doesn't like OPs with streamer sluts
>is easily offended by anything he hasn't personally approved as the OP post