>Bump limit is 315 and thread subject is TRUMP DOESN'T GIVE A FUCK

-- Links --
Stickerbitch's calendar of memes and dreams:
calendar.google.com/calendar/[email protected]

Biopharma Catalyst Calendar:

Shitposting room:

Alternative memechat for poorfags:
-- Robinhood FAQs --
- VISIT THE WEBSITE FIRST DAMMIT!! - www.robinhood.com

> How is it free?
They invest your unsettled funds after a trade. It's also pretty basic shit.

> When is it coming to my country?
Never. They only have "plans" on an Australian beta.

> It's been X days, why isn't my account verified yet?
If it takes more than 3 days, email their support. They are very good.

> Is this the place to pump and dump and/or shill a worthless stock?

> I hit sell when the stock was X.XX, but it actually sold at a lower price, am I being jewed?
No, that would actually be illegal. Robinhood graphs are just shit and only show you an average, not-really-realtime price. To get Bid/Ask prices and important things like candlestick graphs, you should use a more robust platform. -- (also learn difference between LIMIT and MARKET orders!!!)

> Where can I get better charting or bid/ask?
thinkorswim is bretty gud if you want a 2nd account with real broker.
Otherwise you should be using stockcharts.com, finviz, or a non-pile-of-shit for your graphing in addition to Robinhood.

>How do I git gud?
Search for press releases. Don't listen to any advice in this thread.

> Can I use Robinhood on my PC?
Yes, download an android emulator


Other urls found in this thread:




DCTH .49 wall

>another /pol/ thread

I'm done. The good days of /rgt/ are long gone.

Thanks for ruining something that had really great potential. I hope you all lose your money

R-RNVA t-to the moon

Good position for quick p&d for those rnva bagholders.

Gonna jump pre close

sold mine this morning to buy DCTH

Trump just signed to advance Dakota Access Pipeline. Gonna invest in ETP stock

Good idea to hold for a year?:



You mean the Earth's mantle?

Probably next week desu it will retest 8 like it always does and then back to 15

Guys please

I dont want to see you get burned when this pump and dump takes a shit on you

can anyone explain why DCTH is up today?
why would you expect it to keep running
what are you talking about? Trump and the EPA are relevant to the markets today... this is not the same as trying to sneak 'jews are not people' into the OP text and you know it

how about you read the news, you are already on the internet! you are halfway there!

Other stocks related to pipeline:

KMI +1.7%,
PAA +3.6%,
PAGP +1.7%,
ENB +2.1%,
EEP +1.7%,
OKE +0.6%,
OKS +1.1%,
ETE +3.1%,
TCP +2.1%,
SXL +4.4%.

you seem fun

>Missed AMD dip again

I dont see any relevant news to explain a 40% pump today

pls spoonfeed


Whoever thinks of selling DCTH for pennies, look at the 1 year chart and look at what stage youre buying in.

It literally can almost only go up from here. And when it bounces, it will bounce hard.

This is still nothing. I predict at least $1+ this week.

How did you guys call DCTH? I'm looking to make $50 and I got in late. How can I replicate the way you guys found this goldmine in the future?

Find a post that contains the word moon it and buy that stock. I made a million dollars doing this

you must be new to trading, look up what a short squeeze is, add that to good news.. you're welcome.

9 out of 10 tickers that get called out here drop like flies and become bankrupt within a few months. Count yourself lucky, and remember to meme safely.

$MACK is doing a thing.

Is HEB kill


ok dude. please tell me what good news?

>"it can only go up from here!!!!" says the """"""""investor""""""""" as he holds stock in a pennystock company thats been trending down for ages, has posted net losses of millions every year, and has reverse split twice


good luck

This guy is rustling my jimmies
Will sell at .45

i care about you user

prime example of someone missing out on a moon mission, they get all salty

Sensitivity like yours would have worked under SHILLARY you fucking degenerate pleb

You dont know how things work senpai.

Ok dont buy in. Guess ill be the only one raking in those gains tomorrow ehen we gap up by double digits.

$1 before end of this week. It will happen.

nobody 'called' anything

it was up 20% before it was mentioned in the last thread

its fine to be a momentum trader but just know the risks is all

CALA at day highs boys

i got in .32 i actually called it in last thread.

DCTH is going to be another ETRM tomorrow.

I don't know which user to listen to

Ride the lightning

just buy a few bucks worth of shares man you will never know what could've been if you are always just sitting on the bench.

Which phase of etrm lol

I'm 900 shares in I just don't know if i should sell now like how user says or sit on it until tomorrow like the other user says

What news apps/sites do you guys watch for the press releases? Yahoo Finance and Investing.com app is too slow. You guys beat me to these stocks 9/10.



How low can it go


ask him again what the good news is that moved this stock today

HEB that is

maybe sell some to lock in profits toward end of day but keep some incase of a huge pop

New user here who would like to try this out.

How does Robinhood work with reporting to the IRS?

Since it's so easy to day-trade, would your 1040 by like pages and pages of all of your Robinhood trades?

It's a dollar and a half off its all time high around 12 dollars.

But unless you can gamble and are willing to lose money, I wouldn't buy in. Q4 has a pretty good chance of disappointing.


shit, i hope the good one :)

and yes the consolidated 1099 form is many pages detailing every trade

>Two articles yesterday saying that AMD will fall
>AMD has gone up by 40ยข so far today
Loving every laugh

Does anyone here have robinhood gold and is it worth it?

This shit is killing it today. This pipeline is going to push it to the roof




So hold DCTH through power hour or bail while my assholes still attached?

Thinking about buying this dip

Yeah what happened?

>AMD will fall in 2017
>AMD too optimistic

And then today is shoots up. Don't care though, I sold a put, so more premium for me. Fly well, AMD.

I have my sell limit at .45
Hopefully it even gets back there

I just wish I had bought in a few days ago when it was less than $10 a share. All I've got are 5 shares that cost $10.15 each because poorfag.
It's in the news section for AMD's Robinhood listing.

I want to stay on AMD's Wild Ride.

It's a great ride. Honestly, AMD is one of my consistent money makers. God bless AMD.

Will AMD finally BTFO the Intel Jew?


Honestly not sure. IF they are making a chance at a comeback, this might be it. They have an odd position with their competitors. I want to buy some shares of AMD because I like the company and see them in my day to day life, but I am hesitant because the rest of the market is at a standstill, and I am afraid that the attitude might spill onto them eventually. A good time to make money with options though.

DCTH about to start running again
Hold your shares high!

I dont know why this is happening, but i am enjoying it

I sold at .45
It was a good run boys

DCTH breaking $0.50 today??

>tfw sold too early

You should be saying

>twf when profit

You are winning, big or small. Love you user.

did you make a profit? if so that is all that matters, but next time if you are bullish hold your sell limit very high then when you want to get out move it. this frees up the level 2 and you can get bigger runs if everyone does this.

All you faggots had to do was buy some calls on semis lol, cleaning up over here

Are 'level 2' trades like limit sells that people set?

Hey guys, I bought 7 shares for 23 cents of a "warrant" stock.
What the fuck have I done?

you've done basically nothing

Well, yeah sure, it's just 23 cents.

My question is more what the heck is a warrant stock?

yeah exactly
thats what youre seeing. the limit buys and sellls that are standing at the moment.

How long do you guys usually hold your shares? Minutes/hours/days?

Are any of the popular paid trade platforms in browser? Most that I've seen are download able applications

depends if im underwater or not

what is google, what is investopedia. what is stop expecting to be spoon fed, faggot.

Is it safe to hold AMD overnight?

Hold dcth overnight?

Nope, there's a good chance they'll go bust and file chapter 10. Better get out while you can.

Anyone thinking about holding DCTH overnight? Good idea or bad idea?

We haven't landed on the moon have we user?

Pussies. It's gonna be a moon mission and you're gonna lose a fuck ton and have your day trade slot locked like a cuck.

Im holding overnight, especially if DCTH has a bullish close.

If it stays within range of $0.45 it will gap up tomorrow by a nice margin.

Personally expecting a $0.50+ close.

lol so much this

Im getting tired of people on here asking for some DD to be done by others and then when someone post a bunch of DD they've done everyone just ignores it.

Is there a way for your everyday retail investor to see level 2 trades?

HEB pls stop. It hurts my anus

Does anyone here watch Martin Shkreli financial advisement on stocks? Gone through first episode seems like a pretty good guy and can actually teach pretty well


you can get delayed data with think or swim paper account