/lolg/ - League of Legends General

OT eyosongive.us

gay yordles edition

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>gay yordles

take the yordle part away and you get something pretty comfy

as in comfy bfs~


when's tsm playing?




Xth for Kennen

Urgot on PBE when

Do you spend time in the practice tool? I use it to get my riven combos cleaned up.

I love Lissandra!
Shes soooooo cute!

>dyrone trying his hardest to carry poki and summit in flex
>they lose to plats/golds

>there are people here not playing super hidden op ziggs support

I don't see a support on ziggs team tho
why did they troll? why did enemy team troll harder tho?

>Click on summit's stream
>Anime scrolls, monster energy drinks and le nerd culture hat

Why are twitch streamers such faggots at times, like holy shit how many dicks did he have to suck to get such a big fanbase.

my fetish

>Gross bird feet
Sorry, Quinn is still best bird girl

Veeky Forums vs Veeky Forums results

the stuff that you saw IS the dicksucking, what do you expect from twitch viewers


/v/g vs Veeky Forums +2

Why are people so much better in normals than in ranked?

Not even steraks can keep up with your high genetic gameplay hehe

>lichbane/gunblade meme on karma
for what reason?

>hurrrrrr i'm proud of stomping random silvers

kill yourself quickly my man

120% gold efficiency.

would you rather:

kill all lulufags
kill all poppyfags and tristanafags
kill all yordles(male)fags

Just trying out stuff, trying to have fun.

nothing wrong with someone loving their waifu
but the gays, gotta go


Veeky Forums vs Veeky Forums bets


anyone that says anything other than lulufags is either a lulufag or retarded


Build a lichbane. Weave autos into your spells and run fast
Shit on kids.

just died

ask anybody playing with sneaky currently anything

Yeah that too. If I went full meme I would have gone Nashor's third, but the game wasn't looking so good.

Doesnt Shunpo automatically auto after cast?

youre all losers
everyone wins

but husbandos and waifus are the same shit you degenerated waifufag

shoulda gone tank karma


>its another majin place himself in the better team

I usually go ADC Karma but I felt we had enough physical damage. Tank Karma is boring, not a fan.

How do i warwick? or at least team fight with him? should i peel over dive?




>loving your waifu is ok but loving your husbando is not

new option
kill /lolg/

The only time having a husbando is acceptable is if you are female (female), not male (male) or female (male)

Does a mage that is usually played in mid being played as support mean they are underpowered?

i.e. morgana and lux being played as support

post reasons to live

Most of the time it means that they have decent cc, can put out early kill pressure and can still be semi relevant in teamfights even if they don't have money and items

>Laned against W-Max AD Fizz for first time

My asshole hurts.

Hell yes I would. Even if the option meant all posters, myself included. At least I'd die knowing I made the world a better place.

>play sivir when i see an enemy fizz
>no longer have trouble with fizz

enjoy living in the wrong side of history kiddo

nope, it means they don't need items to be useful to the team, see Morgana and her cc, Zyra and her cc+damages, brand and his passive.

Perhaps because there's nothing on the line.

>waifus are okay though :3
Well, you can fuck right off.

I thought he said Katrina obviously

Why is Majin so desperate and angry?



How come nobody played lux support until relevantly recently then. I know velkoz/lux/morgana support isn't "new" but from the games release until about 2013 if you weren't playing a traditional support in bot lane you'd get flamed

i dont get it

Because thighs aren't actually lewd you degenerate fuck

At least you're alive. He all-ins my Veigar (not that I'm a pro) even if he misses the ult and gets away with barely any life again and again unless I have ult. Ripping my torso out whole each time. So I just Fiddle the fish from now on - until I git gud with Veig

Support items got better and Ele Lux makes her popular + Autofill denying people mid.
but really, she has a low CD ult, a snare, and a decent AoE slow albeit a weak one.

>queue ranked on a weekend's night
>it's a literal retard roulette

lol? bot is trollin what u talkin about kid its balanced af

>get auto filled as support
>enemy team has Rakan
>pick braum
>stun everything
>shield everything

I remember when I used to say that. I'd mix up Kat and Cait too since I hardly paid attention to them.

No one play Lux support besides bronzies and autofilled mid laners.
She's bad Morgana, need items to do damages, and he shield is fucking terrible without AP.
She's also super squishy and immobile and if you miss q you're dead.

the only mid laners that can also be played support are brand, vel'koz, malzahar, zyra, fiddlesticks, annie, karma and zilean

You died didn't you lol

>jannies deleted my jinx post

Literally why

no it usually means that their base damages are too strong so they can afford a supports low income but still pump out bullshit damage coupled with some form of utility

Karma, Vel'koz, Lux, Brand

It's lewd af you said it yourself

Oh fuck thanks for reminding me Jared is streaming

What a qt

is jared a twink?


Bad Malzahar


Bad Zyra




Top tier


Silver theorycrafting pick, avoid


Can be OK




Bad support pick, better mid

What happens if they go mid and build full AP? Are they weaker that way?

what about waifu(male)?

u really know me :)))

Feathers FLY!

tfw just got level 7 fizz

>bad zyra

Nigga are you high

give me the bogpill on how to understand the fundementals of league of legends so I can get gud

I can understand the fundementals of games like CS, overwatch, counter strike, but I just don't understand how to understand league

Is that face supposed to show how many chins you have in real life?

understand that league is about killing towers not people

congrats you're now high diamond

I'll like her better when Bork is obliterated so everyone stops calling me shit for building in some logical way instead of rushing it.

>falling for the mastery meme
real patricians use 5

oh you dont know me that well my face has been posted here countless times friend

is plat the hardest elo to climb out of? the level of skill flip flops so much that it's hard to think normal matchmaking applies in this division

>league is about killing towers not people


CS> Objectives > Not dying >Kills
See you in the LCS.

>tfw no Rakan bf to be his Xayah gf (male)
>tfw no assertive, confident bf to be his cute gf (male)
>tfw nobody to bring coffee to first thing in the morning while they're still in bed
>tfw nobody's dick to suck while they ignore me and play video games
>tfw nobody to pat my head

why must I suffer like this

Is not dying really a thing that is "good"?

I feel like if I really tried, I could go every game only dying 1 or 2 times. But I feel like if I try too hard to not die, them I'm not contributing enough to fights

Kills at the LEAST important thing in League.

Stats are everything. It doesn't matter how high elo you are, someone with significantly more stats than you can just right click you to death and miss half of their abilities.

You get stats from levels (don't matter past 3), and from buying items with gold. So, this game is all about gold. You have more gold, you (should probably) win.

So you need to maximize the amount of gold you get. Don't miss CS, get kills in lane, think about chasing for 1 or 2 kills compared to the gold you'd get from taking a tower and a minion wave or three. Remember that safe, consistent gold is superior to risky gold, but don't be afraid to play aggro.

Outer turrets are worth more than inner turrets for gold. Mountain and Infernal are worth a lot of gold. Gold gold gold.

Heard rumors you put on a few pounds

if they go mid and build full AP theyre letting that high base damage go to waste since they wont be able to bully a REAL midlane mage with good waveclear

basically youre wasting values for minimal payoff

they go bot to FORCE a lead with high base damage since you dont NEED cs to carry with them, just levels

I'm new to this game, why do people regard Fizz as cancerous?

plat is easy, it just doesnt look that way to you because you belong there

free flashes built into his kit

free zhonyas built into his kit

If you can go every game dying 1 or 2 times you'll hit plat. Denying the other team gold is more important than getting gold. Even trades benefit the team that's behind. More gold for everyone means that it comes down to a clown fiesta.

It's a shame things like brand and vel'koz are utter shite late game

Snowball champs were a mistake

2 spells that makes him untargetable

mobility + nuke on low cd


>six dodges

half hour to get into a game
which turns out to be a remake


Because he misses his fish and still kills you.

Then dodges all your teammates shit, hops over a wall and walks away.

This. 100% this. One of my friends has a hardstuck bronzie rl friend. 3 yrs ago, I played with them both once when I was Silver and jungling Hec all the time. Bronzie played mid Brand and didn't even break 100 CS until 32 mins, and Flashed twice for kills when he didn't have a single CD available. I was actually tilted for once in my life. I told him I'd never play ranked with him again as long as he's playing too, and my friend stopped playing with him, at least when he wanted to win.