Asymmetrical Slasher General /asg/ /dbdg/

Sleepy Axe Edition

>What is Dead by Daylight?
Asymmetrical Online Multiplayer. 4 survivors scramble to fix 5 generators, while 1 killer wants to sacrifice all of them.

>What is Friday the 13th?
An upcoming slasher game featuring Jason and counselors. 7 counselors with different stats and abilities try to escape the camp while Jason kills them one by one.

Game is set to release on May 26th

>What is Last Year?

>Discord Chat

>Steam Group

>Latest Patch Notes

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ded gaems

The ideal lobby

ded game

ded general

>when the claudette gets mad because i just played the game

Nothing getting done: the lobby

How do you figure?

Whenever I get a Nea in my game they just fuck off somewhere and don't do anything. Scoreboard will say they got around 7k usually.

>when you just want to do them dailies

what to heck was that about?

But I was there, so at least 4 gens or so would get done just off that. :^)

>Having to do 4 gens

Boy I love to be proven right. 3/4 Neas agree that doing gens is a waste of time. :^)

shit. fuckin got me.

3/4 Dwights share the same opinion :^)
[spoilers]one of them managed to get more points than me from being chased and unhooking the other dwights[/spoilers]

fuck, i guess im retarded now

As a Dwight main, I break more hooks and meme around instead of doing gens. Around Dwight, you're alright.

DbD will die when they remove hook trapping.

they already did

DbD will die when they remove machine gun

they already removed machine gun and sub machinegun

He's quoting people while posting a picture showing a near 50% increase in players. That's the joke


Machine gun was busted as fuck though. Granted the did the wrong thing to make the perks not busted. But still, it fucked over the people who didn't play meta memes and therefore didn't deserve it. Plus borrowed time is a thing now so machine gun for swarmers is useless anyway you're better off with more useful perks.

Unrelenting is a dead perk now, it's not that its useless, it's that there are dozens of better perks.
Save the best for last is a fucking joke.
20 seconds in a fucking chase mate? They drop a pallet on your ass and lose line of sight and they're gone and the chase ends. Unless they run in a fucking straight line for 20 fucking seconds, which isn't gonna happen, because 1. no survivors with more than 10 hours does that and 2. if you have to chase a cunt for 20 fucking seconds in a straight line you WILL catch up in less than 20 seconds, making the perk a 1/10 of what it was.
Also, if you think that "poor, innocent noob survivors" didn't deserve it, it's cool because when a killer gets the bloodpoints necessary to level up both, or one of those perks he will be rank >10, so innocent or survivors who don't run the meta(same thing) aren't gonna be affected much, if at all.
If a killer stays on rank 20 because he's bad even with those perks, then that means you can outsmart him easily and you won't have much of a problem really.
Now that most killer perks are fucking dead or dying, you only have tracking perks, gen slowing perks, gimmick perks and trash perks. the only chasing perk left is brutal strength, enduring if you want to be generous. This is fucked up because when you do find a survivor you'll have to take his fucking dance for at least 3 minutes, which is enough for 2 generators to be made alone, more if there are more survivors alive. (hint: survivors almost always come with backup to do gens)
Now if you have read through all of this you might say (HURR DURR BUT YOU GOT BLOODLUST) and that's right, but what's not fucking alright is that it's a fucking useless piece of shit dressed as the slayer of pallet loopers. It takes a fucking minute of playing killer with a pallet cucker to realize that it's useless. gave us a fucking useless gimmick that only works when the survivor runs in a straight line.

Did survivors figure out there is a crouch button yet? I don't want them nerf Hag again.

Post what you feel/think will be the best to worst

1. Last Year
2. Dead by Daylight (Would be one if the devs were not retarded)
3. Friday the 13th

Sleep tight smol axe

Last year all the way. The trap setup thing looks like it takes way too much planning for it to be considered fun for me.

What are the good killer perks these days?

what happened to skillchecks? the bonus for a great check is almost non-existent

Ruin+Thrill of the hunt
Nurses calling

sleep tight smol axe

Whispers, Brutal Strength and Enduring are as good as ever but BS is not as needed anymore now with Bloodlust in the game.

Nurse's Calling and Stridor are still the best tracking perks but now with Bloodlust, Bloodhound and Sloppy Butcher might be worth the consideration over NC and Stridor seeing as though they help you track without breaking chase.

Agitation over Iron Grasp now. IG only gives you around two seconds of wiggle time more. Though it still gets you a good bit farther than vanilla carrying by reducing the path swaying, it's not as far as Agitation, which also saves time. You can use them simultaneously if you still want to go full basement douche.

Deerstalker, Shadowborn and NOED are still very good. SB just got a buff and too helps tracking in chases. NOED arguably got a buff too. DS is even with regenerating hooks still valuable because slugging just saves a lot of time and allows you to build more pressure.

Those are the best general use perks. Hex: Devour Hope/Ruin + Hex: Thrill of the Hunt, Thanatophobia and Tinkerer deserve mentions in more specific builds.

ruin with hag and decent perks is the easiest way to 4k

My builds right now:

Trapper: Whispers, Enduring, Agitation, Thanatophobia (Agitation because with Trapper it's important to be able to choose your hooks and save time. Thanatophobia is a recent addition for Brutal Strength. Stalls time, makes my Trapper late game really strong.)

Wraith: Whispers, Enduring, Nurse's Calling, NOED (NC came for STBFL and NOED for BS. I might try Thanatophobia instead of NOED because NOED is such a cheese perk. I also switch between NC/NOED and Bloodhound/Sloppy Butcher currently. The key to success with Wraith is to always use hooks to secure the next chase, and thereby to occupy three survivors with every hook and to try to keep that cycle up as best as possible for the entire game.)

Billy: Whispers, Enduring, Deerstalker, Shadowborn (Just backrev people and then control the slug farm. Shadowborn replaced BS, but it really helps with chainsawing and also in regular chases.)

Nurse: Whispers, Shadowborn, Nurse's Calling, Stridor (I switch out Stridor for Deerstalker sometimes especially if I see toolboxes in lobby, and sometimes I switch Nurse's Calling and Stridor for the BH/SB combo.)

Myers: Whispers, Enduring, Insidious, Dying Light (I don't often play Myers, but when I do, I hunt down and Insidious-camp my Obsession to death. Immersed as Pure Evil.)

Hag: Whispers, Enduring, Agitation, Iron Grasp (I put people into the basement and they never get out, only more get in. But now after 1.5 I might change my playstyle and loadout with her.)


im a big dumb-dumb

i didnt realize he was laying on them at first. i thought the guys were carrying him to put him in a dumpster or something while the women just talked instead of helping.

The best thing about this picture is Claudette isn't in it.

Or maybe you just can't see her because the rat blends in so fucking well.

Whispers, Distressing, Unnverving Presence, Hex: Ruin sounds fun.

Still nothing but Trappers and Myers. So fucking boring.

whispers is shit, and isn't useful for any kind of decent build.

distressing, hag has a reduced heartbeat radius and with other killers it isn't very useful, even if you couple it with unnerving presence. you could go with spies from the shadow which is better, more reliable, is only one perk and works even if they aren't doing a gen.

ruin is the only decent one, because apart from reducing 3.5 seconds every time they hit a good skillcheck, it WILL make survivors go for the totem. Now this might seem redundant, but if you are playing hag and you put a trap infront of the totem, you got people falling for the trap numerous times and people doing gens slower.

>whispers is shit

Rank 20s need to stop talking.

>whispers is shit, and isn't useful for any kind of decent build.
Uh huh?
>hag has a reduced heartbeat radius
She does?
>ruin is the only decent one
I said fun. The idea is simple enough: Distressing=larger terror radius, Unnerving Presence=more skill checks in terror radius that are also harder to hit, Ruin=punishes for skill checks. Combine that with Hag's gen patrolling and regression tactic and they never get shit done.
>you got people falling for the trap numerous times
Maybe rank15 survs that don't know to crouch.

You can't ruin Ruin or DH without TotH. It'll be destroyed within the opening 2 minutes of the game.

>Whispers is shit
You should use spies until you have whispers 3, then whispers becomes arguably the strongest killer perk especially considering it has no counter.
>hag has a reduced heartbeat radius
No she doesn't, and the terror radius of her clones proc both distressing and unnerving.

Replace Whispers with TotH then I guess. If you hard patrol three gens, you don't absolutely need Whispers for that build.

How long until DBD and F13 get a seperate general because of infighting?

FF13 will kill Dead by Daylight.

Final Fight 13?

Not with a $40 dollar price tag

Why? It's so easy to track downed survivors.

>anything but trash
Are you fucking retarded

Final Fantasy 13

When F13 comes out, I'd say.

Why do rank 20s keep talking?

Rank 20 killers with less than 10 hours really need to stop talking

There's really no reason to waste a perk slot for less pallet stun. I never get stunned more than 1-2 times per match, and I never respect pallets.

>being contrarian for the sake of being contrarian
Enduring reduces timing from DS and pallet stuns, both of which survivors love. Enduring makes it so you can make lunges at pallets with less risk of punishment, and you've obviously never played any killer that can consistently one-down survivors like Myers or Billy where you can easily down multiple Survivors in an area and they all try to crawl off if you think Deerstalker is trash.

t. Rank 14

Holy shit mobile posters need to be executed

Do you think Iron Grasp is a good perk.

Its to deny you the (you) you so desperately crave like cock, you flaming faggot.

I never said Deerstalker is trash, just that there's no reason to use it.

There are two types of decent perks: the ones that make your life simpler, and the ones that let you do things that you objectively couldn't without them. Deerstalker is the former, therefore not a necessary perk.

Get good with spacial awareness and you won't need it.

Bottom of the fucking garbage bin

@ isn't mobile posters, it's to deny giving (you)s to retards

Whispers is a wasted perk slot, you WILL find survivors trapping gens to gens and re trapping the totem.

Hag has 28m heartbeat, normal killers have 32.

You forgot to mention that those two aren't even good, considering that missing happens when you fuck it up trying to aim for the great skillcheck. Spies from the shadow is reliable and doesn't depent on the skill of the other player to be useful.

I'm sorry if I break this for you, but survivors that matter (experienced memesters) won't move instantly in fear when they hear the heartbeat, unless you are in hit range they won't do anything because most of them run sprint burst.
If you do save a perk slot by using spies from the shadow you can also KILL SURVIVORS while placing traps by using a chasing perk (brutal strength) which is (subjectively) more fun than pressing space and replacing your traps every 20 seconds.

Finally, I'm gonna ask you; do you seriously think they are gonna crouch? place two traps near the totem and you will catch any faggot smart enough to crouch near the totem, if they do, obviously, since most of the time they don't.

>no she doesn't
she does you dumb cunt, even the devs themselves said it.
>proc both distressing and unnerving
that might be true, but survbabas don't give a shit about the heartbeat.
>no counter for whispers
closets, although that's stretching the point there IS a counter. Although whispers and spies share the same strength: you don't know if the killer is running the perk or not, so I don't think survivors are gonna dodge the crows and the ones who do I can problably count them with both hands.

But if I'm on a 1v1 whispers is really strong, but spies isn't left behind because when it triggers (and it has a 75% chance per crow of doing so) you know the exact location of the survivor, which is much more accurate than the one from whispers.

>you WILL find survivors trapping gens to gens and re trapping the totem
Not the guy you're replying to, but can't Survivors simply crouch through the trap?

It's because it gives the same amount of progress as before, but it also takes more to fill the bar in the first place so it's smaller in comparison.

1 out of 10 survivors will, maybe.

But even then you will patrol if you're not trapping or chasing someone, so there is a big fucking chance of finding someone when they're walking around the map.

>Get good with spacial awareness and you won't need it.
It's impossible to know where exactly downed survivors are from a distance. In order to slug in a controlled fashion as a strategy you need Deerstalker. Yeah slugging isn't impossible without it, but a lot less consistent and effective.
Deerstalker is one of the good killer perks and extremely valuable if you know how to use it because slugging is just so damn valuable.

If you do not respect pallets (that is run and lunge through and bodyblock them) and do not get stunned, you are simply playing against bad survivors. Enduring is next to Brutal Strength a direct way to deny a survivor to gain distance on you in a chase and undermines the main chase mechanic that are pallets. It is even stronger now with Bloodlust because getting stunned doesn't end the chase with Enduring.
To call it trash is absurd. It was second only to Brutal Strength and is now the most valuable chase perk in the game against survivors that are actually good with pallets. Since you can now run around 90% of pallets in chases, the stun is the only thing you have to worry about most of the time. And with Enduring, you don't need to worry.

I'll try Enduring again, but in my experience I always hit 9 out of 10 Survivors who wait at pallets.

Sure they drop it on me, but I almost always get a hit. I'm almost rank 3 this season, and this has been so consistent that I really never thought about getting Enduring.


When you rev right on the survivors ass so you can't miss.

you know that was only proposed and not actually implemented right? and even then it's not really a counter

>expecting lower rank killers with shit opinions to know anything.

>Whispers is a wasted perk slot, you WILL find survivors
So are you saying Whispers is only shit on the Hag? That's a different statement (but still wrong). Whispers is one of the most valuable killer perks because it saves a shit ton of time in the early game, and is decides matches by itself in the late game.
>Spies from the shadow is reliable
It's a completely different perk with a completely different purpose. The purpose of the build I posted is to make them take forever to do gens, generate as many points as you want in the process and time to kill them. Ruin regresses when they hit good skill checks. You patrol gens close to each other so that two or three have terror radius. This triggers more skill checks, and Ruin means they regress. Even without Unnerving Presence people do only hit great skillchecks like half the time. You constantly chase them away from the gens and regress them manually, then set traps and continue.
I didn't say this is the greatest Hag build and i've never played it, but it sounds fun and is effective at what it sets out to do, which is making the gen patrol even more punishing.

>since most of the time they don't
Not yet, people will wisen up to it though because that's literally the counter they built into the game against her.
Once everybody crouches and she cannot just rely on her traps to control the map, she will turn into a hook camper probably, to prevent crouch saves.

>I always hit 9 out of 10 Survivors who wait at pallets.
I would have believed this if the pallet stun was like it used to be later in the drop. But it stuns at the start, and from quite the distance. And the survivors get sucked through the pallets.
Even if you did hit people 90% of the time, you would also get stunned plenty because you would need to lunge into pallet drops a lot. So now you are stunned for 3 seconds and maybe they even get the hit sprint and make serious distance on you.
I used to think I didn't need Enduring because I can easily prevent the stun. Now I cannot go back to without it without seriously adjusting for its lack. And against good players, i feel that lack a lot.

As I've said it got even more valuable of an asset with Bloodlust in the game. Forcing the pallet drop as early as possible is even more important now than it was, and you cannot force it against good players without Enduring. Even less so in the future when the good players have adjusted completely to Bloodlust and know stunning is the most value you can get out of a pallet after stalling any amount of time with it, rather than forcing the killer to break the pallet how it used to be before Bloodlust (there aren't enough safe pallets on the maps to force the killer to break them so he will just Bloodlust around them, but every single pallet can be used to stun and they will try it and prolong chases a lot with it if you don't run Enduring).

The old Iron Works got a make over.

Bumping with some stuff on why slugging is so good:
1: A slug is out of the game. As long as they are on the ground, they cannot do anything productive and other survivors still have to come to heal them. The only real reason the killer has to hook someone is a few points and working towards the 3-hook counter, which is not necessary if you down everyone because they will die on their first hook anyway.
2: Hooking someone takes a lot of time. The pickup animation, walking to a hook and the hooking animation cost you precious 10+ seconds every time. If you simply leave them, you can chase another survivor immediately, saving your time and wasting theirs.
3: Going for hooks allows a lot more gameplay for survivors. When you pick someone up you can get pallet or flashlight stunned. While you carry them you can get pallet and flashlight stunned and body blocked. Your hooks can get sabotaged. They can wiggle out or Decisive Strike you. Once you hook them, there's a chance they jump off. And the hook activates perks like Borrowed Time and We'll Make It. A slug only has the rare possibility of Unbreakable.

Deerstalker allows you to control downed survivors so that you can snowball from one into two, and then three and four slugs. Slugging is strong with Billy and Nurse because of their mobility where you can control slugs essentially across the map. It's particularly strong on Billy because of his one-hit. Without Deerstalker, you cannot consistently and as effectively play a slug strategy as you will simply lose oversight and people will get healed up all the time everywhere and you end up playing whack-a-mole for minutes in which you are working from behind because they have time gaps where they can progress gens you have no time regressing lest you lose the little control you had. With Deerstalker you control the pace of the slug game and will a lot more often and quickly snowball your slugging into a 4k if you play it well.

On the other killers the hooks have more strategical value and they are too slow to effectively slug as a win strategy anyway, but they can still use opportunities to slug mid match just like Billy and Nurse can profit from hooking people sometimes too. But that doesn't really justify the perk slot spent on Deerstalker if you don't slug with strategy, so it's best kept on Billy, and maybe Nurse if you want. Nurse's Calling is an alternative to DS that can enable you to slug opprtunistically (albeit not as effectively), while still having more general utility.

Legacy Meg!

>Titties about to pop out

is there any cute nea porn

also remember to watch my stealth webms people!

oh shit

tru3 is back

twitch tv/videos/138625209

who else /spoopy/ here


spooky alright

how much are you getting paid?

I thought this general liked tru3

one of the best dbd players imo

Are you trying to frame me friend?

Why do people do that shit, kaz?

Anyway here's the Nea "pictures" you asked through the discord, when you pass my money through our paypal I'll send it to you.
Remember, these are more hot than the last ones.

>it's always a killer with glowing eyes
is that the gibus of DbD.

Goddammit. I forgot I went to the Discord that one time.

Considering I use the glowing eyes on Trapper I hope not.

From Nurse with love!

>killer sees someone
>massive lag spike
>they D/C
>Killer moves onto the next person
>Repeats until all dead
>rank 4 killer
How is this fun for a person, to just cheat by lag switching?
Yes. its tells the survivors you're a massive noob and a faggot and 9/10 times you're going to just smack on the hook until that person dies

Im spanish though european

wtf is this image?

nurse is supposed to be FLAT!

You should come do some kyf sometimes since your no longer pure.

>pre-1.5 bullying wraith

that's all that wraiths are good for. Not even spooky thanks to his retard breathing.

Not completely flat!

Perhaps. I really don't think I'd do much good in a game lie that though lol.

>Been almost a week
>rituals still not fixed

Is it still possible to run balanced landing w/ sprint burst?