Galio & Lux edition



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>enemy jungler ganks top

Thanks for free dragon retard

Are we really gonna pretend at it's peak Tahm Kench top was not absolutely batshit insane?

Ketch is always cancer to lane against for melees

almost as anti-fun as warlords graves toplane

How is jared in masters then ?

Don't mind me.

Just posting best champs.

Has anyone here ever went pro?

Have to knock you some points for the Lulu and glaring lack of Vi after that it checks out.

This is why I don't want jungle graves nerfed to hard, because then he'll come back to top lane and none of us want that back

QT and Pobelter used to shitpost here

Post champ themes


>First thing I see is Ahri
Your turn is over


>these fucking casters

Master race genes!

Fizz shouldn't exist on this game.
Prove me wrong

I haven't played since last year

is top lane basically the same?

League of Legends official fighting game when


league is the worst game of the 21st century
prove me wrong

Renekton/Tank Fizz/Jayce are meta
so that

> Kench spamming dance in 3D
Yes please

We can't

Why would I

it's the same
it's always the same

its only if you want I guess

give me a jungle champion similar to vi and xin zhao

but Ahri is a miracle from this universe

lee sin

how the hell does one even have fun in this game.

its only an addiction for me at this point

>leave for nearly a year
>jayce and fizz are still meta
>gather from the thread that its esports time
>leblanc fizz ahri thresh kog tahm khazix


Reminder that it's been 1 year since Riot bought Radiant and got Rising Thunder cancelled and they still have NOTHING to show for it.

I forgot to take a screenshot and ask for bets with my 2nd promo game to masters, my bad /lolg/.

Well, Katarina snowballed, and Jhin snowballed, and I got carried
Don't ask me about my summoner spells

play ranked
beating the shit out of people and making their time spent on this game miserable is fun

>lolnamecheck and lolinactive say a name is available
>it isn'trrrr

>buy team to develop new game and/or property
>they have nothing to publicly show for yet after one year
what's the issue here?

was Rising Thunder that robot fighting game
If so it was fucking terrible

Find a champ or champs you really like and play them incessantly. Don't play to win, just play to do well individually. If you play consistently well on your own and are a credit to your team then the wins will come eventually.

Ahri is a dumb animal meant for poaching and clubbing like a seal.

>mention I want to play some league to gf
>haven't played in eons
>she lends me one of her accounts because I usually play on NA
>oh hey viktor is free
>figure if I carry hard I'll get my dick sucked and if I feed real hard she'll never ask me to play with her again, so win/win
>go against kat
>feed my ass off
>people start giving me free kills
>get a penta
>still lose
>brs start acting like br even though we can win
>she asks me if i want to play again

where's my gun

My internet connection is not good enough and I would stress myself out knowing that any living thing is watching and judging everything I do. Maybe one day when I won't be as autistic.

so mad I forgot pic

also >that w/l jesus christ

Where's the stream, champ?

>spam warwick jungle
>get double buffs and gank a lane, results are first blood or enemy flash
>go do dragon after
>no on EVER contests
>nig nogs left and right trying to fight warwick without ignite/healing redux

he seems broken, but I think its the meta game that hasn't caught up with how to fight against him yet.

Anyway cool stuff, hope you make it user

Warwick is a completely fair champion that's just really good at punishing dumb shit that people do.


>enemy team has 3 junglers

Wait you're on eune? Wanna play some games sometimes?

Aw, okay. I was hyped to see you play, eune bro. I'm trapped in my D1 promos on EUW and I like watching other anons play...

Best of luck anyway. You go get your challenjour, eventually, dude.

>lose game to awful Yasuo who got carried by Zac and Kennen

fucking hate this game


>Lose game to an awful Lee Sin because our team threw the game to the fucking moon
The struggle

Question regarding cs'ing. So during laning phase, my cs is usually not terrible (70-80 something creeps at 10 min, could be better), but as soon as the roaming phase starts, I always find my cs dropping abysmally. Any tips for keeping cs up while maintaining a presence on the map after laning phase?

literally why does no one buy executioners calling

even in situations where it'd completely shut down enemy healing they still always just go for normal build

why don't people ever adapt?

lose game at enemy nexus because midlaner assassin (always the assassin) wants to stand in front of fountain and taunt instead of hitting the nexus

Haven't played in over 2 years, just re-downloaded.

I used to main Draven adc in high gold, what do I need to know?

>win game against an okay lee sin with a giant lead because he built damage and his team couldn't finish the game

cute! who's this?¿¿?¿?

>play 6 ranked games
>5 games have enemy xayah
>E deals shitton of damage and her W gives her insane speed
>can't even IK her like any other ADC with assassin because she has untargetable for 20 years

Don't get me start on Rakan, holy shit what a fucking cancer duo.

Is that Scarra with a wig?

Because champion.gg doesn't tell them too.

Your image gave me a tumor


>watch msi
>bunch of whos
>seen better games in dia mmr

why does anyone watch this other than the finals?

That is scarra with a wig


I need to be Akali!

Are we bumping yasuo mains

Stop please it hurts

spoonfeed me on nasus please

lifesteal quints?

You have misunderstood what roaming means.

Roaming is the action of pushing your creep wave and then looking for advantages on the map by moving to other lanes. It is not the act of leaving your lane to get kills.

You do not roam unless you have priority and can afford to make that roam work. It is too easy to punish.

This is why champions like Taliyah are great at roaming - yes they have the wall, but they also have the ability to insta-shove the wave and then roam in the duration that the other midlaner is clearing. Your cs is failing you because you are just roaming and leaving creeps.

Also, take your jungler (and their, if you have ward support and have figured out where their jung is)'s raptors. You should be warding their raptor camp and know the spawn timer on it.

Why is it always yasuo players. tfw you live long enough for the "vayne thoughts" players to find a new champion to distribute cancer.


We never stop dumping them

This is why you always ban Yasuo.

losing at enemy fountain is always an experience

>Still no best girl champ that's voiced by literal best girl.

The good burch working with riot when

Who is this girl (male)?

>ADCs are irrelevant because of the horrible BF>zeal>IE build path
>it's even fucking worse for Reaver ADCs
>every alternate build path for ADCs whether it's Bork, lethality or on-hit/rage blade always exists because it brings them online early bypassing that horrible 2 or 3 item power spike crit builds use
>BorK currently is a one slot item giving AD, AS, LS, and tank killing power via its passive and kiting power via its active
>EVERY ADC builds bork, ADCs that actually synergize with bork and would build it even if it wasn't overtuned become OP as shit


>mfw lulu kog

Are all Yasuo mains passive aggressive?

>all Botrk Xayah's in enemy team won game
really gets the old knob joggin up

You are fucking terrible

>tfw ywn fuck real life ahri

a lot of them are aggressive aggressive and will just flame left and right

A really annoying friend of mine got a contract for a challenger series team.

Should i ignore it or become "BFF's" to slay some egirl pussy?

Sounds like they need to gut BotRK then

ADCs are fully intended to be shit early game with how fucking retarded strong they get in the mid/late game, the fact they can circumvent this now and what's making his like Lucian utterly unbearable.

Something about this post just reeks of reddit.

Ashly Burch, she is a girl (girl) and the only good part of the Burch clan.
Her shit heel brother works at riot now.
You can thank him for the new lore of the Vastaya

Need team's name

>tfw ywn fuck real life Sona

I'm not going to lose my chance of slaying pussy by giving away info buddy

Don't you DARE tell an ADC main that their entire role is meant to be weak early game by design. They'll crucify you.

You're an idiot, my man.

nice fake story


7 of 10

>cheese strat for game 5
why is dota so terrible?

>tfw no one draws Camille porn because of her horrible blade legs

Idgaf, that's Riot's own definition and they run the game so what they say goes.
The 100 gold price hike they have for it is an utter joke, everyone and their mother is still going to rush it. That much early game sustain and kiting potential is far too alluring for any ADC who can even remotely use it. Especially when you compare it to the other lifesteal items in the game that are crazy expensive like BT and DD.

They either need to put BotRK's pricepoint into that 3500-3700 range or nerf the stats outright.

Pictures like this make me genuinely want to call off my engagement with my b cup fiancee

>thicc cougar

I fucking hate her kit, but i'll be damned if I wouldn't take that back to the house