Hsg - hearthstone general

dead game
>professional hearthstone

>Deck lists, news etc
thelightforge.com/it/TierList (Arena)

>Open Tournaments

>/hsg/ Tournament
Signup Sheet: docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSezW_F-LPJ8SRG7HvmDEH9ZqVTzKJMG-6wrVkRNR3BG4U2Yng/viewform?usp=sf_link
Tourney Discord: discord.gg/xHRA3Qz
Dates: April 28th-30th NA
May 5th - 7th EU
Prize Pool: 20$ Blizzbucks, a Gallon of Chocolate Milk

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probably should include a link to the /hsg/ tourney that is happening now

>play Arena Hunter
>go 10-3
>every single Mage above 5 wins has Kazakus in his deck

really makes you think

Haha wow so impressive

such massive skill

Thanks team 5

Game decided by coinclip

Shit game

fucking yurocunts

clearly the better digital gymnast won

>Reynad being mad at RNG

He should go back and rewatch all his other games because he certainly didn't win from "skill"

how do we cure TJ from severe autism?

>38 (thirty eight) packs into ungoro
>24 days of painful f2p grind
>First legendary unpacked 1 hour after the new season starts
>It's the druid quest
Hahaha that's so much ironic bullshit I'm not even mad.

Keep golden brass knuckles or craft my first Doomsayer?

God bless Australia

brass knuckles is literal shit


I hope someone makes a video of all his good RNG and puts it to a clip of him talking about his bad RNG in the last game

These fucking cunts honestly just called that literal who from Aussieland "talented"

I'm fucking baffled

post em eurobros

songbird's looks are kind of growing on me
anyone else?

>that game

Shoop has a greedier lineup, he should be favored

I'd fuck the fat chick

I'd throw her the ol' bone

yeah she is fucking cute

I kind of wanna jerk off to Cora but her super mario eyebrows are too distracting

It's basically a lot of "walk 10 miles over there and kill X things" with EXTREMELY dated graphics.

t. someone who never played WoW before and leveled up a human mage to 20 for Liadrin recently this month because Truesilver my asshole~

>that dess with choker
>no bra
i'd smash that with all my might, who cares about face


>2 literal who's in the grand finals

Time to watch them numbers plummet

No one cares about actual hearthstone, we want to watch our favorite people play each other

This is why """professional""" hearthstone is shit.

It's full of these charismaless autists who luck their way thorugh

something about those thick eyebrows get me so hard

Leave Teej alone, he is the homie

Damn, I didn't know that Shoop was an ADVANCED Twitch shitposter

but face is the place

If I have a golden hero and get an alternative will that be golden too?

>2 literal who's in the grand finals

Just proves how this game takes no skill at all, and the games are decided by rng. Also reynad sucks dick. Eat shit reynad fangays.

Taunt warrior has killed all enjoyment in this game.

People say paladin has a good matchup but they just whirlwind or dragon away my tokens while I run out of hp against the hero power.

she's disgusting step up your game /hsg/

Reynad looks so cool among those r9k posters he is playing against

>Taunt warrior has killed all enjoyment in this game.

Have you been playing since last week, little kid? Literally every season someone has been saying the same thing about a deck, ever since beta.

Yes you retard

Are there people in this thread that are actually under the impression that hearthstone takes skill?

I don't believe it. Certainly not anyone who has played more than a dozen games.

Reynad's actually a cool guy

His stream personality is bad because he lets the toxicity of his "community" get to him, but he's a nice guy in real life.

I would smash Songbird any time, she may not be a babe but she has great blowjob lips

it does take skill. see pavel

>not the most r9k poster in the HS community ever

I want reddit cuckboy fans to leave.

What was that tournament called way back when hearthstone just started hosted by frodan?

t. supreme gentlemen

I'm not saying you marry her and start a family, but she's definitely good for a poke or two.

Reynard was robbed

>Arthas comes back to live...

So, Hearthstone expansion or WoW expansion?

This is from the official Chinese Hearthstone YouTube

I'm pretty sure Shoop was the highest earner on the ONOG tour last year, just because he doesn't stream doesn't mean he's an irrelevant player, seriously.

Yeah he is the owner of tempostorm and does more than only playing hearthstone unlike the autists he plays against.

Like 95% of most people, I only give a fuck about streamers because I know them, I don't know some literal who whom plays tournaments constantly because I don't watch ONOG tournaments like an autist.

>who vs who

No thanks. Was a decent tournament, casting was terrible.

Kripp would clean house at these tourneys

>people literally defending reynad in these threads

Fucking lmao. Blizzard communities truly are the most reddit on here.

Oh no, it's retarded. Root for who you like, I enjoy watching streams sometimes too, but not every consistent tournament player wants to be an eceleb

Then why doesn't he?

Someone asked him the other day why he doesn't do the pro circuit and he responded that he did it initially to help promote the game but as time moved on the preparation for tournaments became worse and worse so he has no interest in practicing and prep.

ESGN Fight Nights?

why the fuck does blizzard hire degenerate drug addicts like this?

>Hearthstone casters unironically calling players "talented"

>Reynad eliminated
>viewers drop tremendously
>now its literal who vs who

Im out peace

>Losing or winning based on your opening hand / first draws almost every game
how do you guys put up with this

Bye reddit.

Yes that's the one

>no interest in practising
>literally spends all day playing



You can't practice rng.

He said that to practice for a tournament you have to dedicate mass amounts of time to playing only a couple of decks and that it's really uninteresting to him.

He also thinks constructed is absolute AIDs so

His main appeal is watching his arena stream anyways, I couldn't give any less of a fuck about him playing constructed

he cant even "clean house" on ladder

>pick reynad
>guaranteed 3 packs
>tfw only 2 packs

Shit sucks... they're Classic packs too, fuck

Food and shelter, goy!

I've been playing since beta. I just felt like complaining and maybe getting a (You).


>MrLEGO actually banned Paladin

Holy shit he actually has a chance now, literal best play of the set he could make

>Intercollegiate packs never

do they really have to put noxious in the middle every time?


I don't know how I would prove that. I didn't spend money for the gold Mekkatorque. I don't really know why anyone would care enough to want proof or lie about it.

what are these packs and voting everyone keeps talking about?

poor guy

>game just started
>tab out for a second
>tab back in
>mrlego won

Hello? What happened?

You can argue that they are wasting their lives doing it, but it's just a fact that the people who win these tournaments tend to prepare the most. It's a game of simple arithmetic with loaded dice, they practice the art of the roll all day instead of doing things with their life

Murloc faggotry.

Worse than Rogue faggotry... turn 5 lethal, which he actually missed.

Its a cunning trick from trolls

Wait, was there a blizzard promo for dreamhack?

not sure how i didnt see that


I'm not a furry but Draenei are for fug

>it's just a fact that the people who win these tournaments tend to prepare the most
>saying this when finals are shoop and lego

Nice try literal braindead retard.

Nigga, I just said it was a troll ruse. There are no packs, or source for it.

>People say paladin has a good matchup but they just whirlwind or dragon away my tokens while I run out of hp against the hero power.

Your hero power is a natural counter to lmao8randomdamage and murlocs easily overwhelm the fuck out of warrior taunts early. You just suck at the game. It's you.

t. murlocadin main.

I meant for the hot draenei.

>prepare the most

Pretty sure one of these finalists has a full time job.

VS Reynad, who literally spends all day every day practising.

Practising means shit - you can't "practise" to beat topdeck Skill Command

Drgraevling Monara

>gets 4 iceblocks
>still loses

is shoop autistic?

>Shoop is a pro well known in the scene

Shut the fuck up

speaking of packs, do we get any for the global games?

get good at luck shitter

I was playing a version of midrange paladin without murlocs I guess that was the problem.

I like Shoop.

He looks like a typical /hsg/ awkward as fuck autist. Kind of cute in a way ;_;

H-hope he wins... no homo

>he'll get beat by koalalego
>a real player

Lmaoing @ you

playing around betrayal

It doesn't take skill. See Lifecoach: youtube.com/watch?v=egkNbk5XBS4&t=228

Skill != "well he's autistic and he plays a million games a month and got a high rank."

Your move user.

Pretty sure the only bad matchup Paladin has atm is any deck with Hungry Crab.