He ordered the gyro salad minus the gyro, asked my dad if it's vegan.
My dad doesn't know what a fucking vegan is other then eats vegetables, plus his English isn't very good.
Now I find out he's using us for false advertisement and putting his well being at risk because he found out the tzatziki sauce isn't vegan.
Does he have a leg to stand on?
A Vegan is suing my dad's Greek restaurant
Other urls found in this thread:
no, as long as it wasnt advertised as vegan hes fine
What state/city is the restaurant in?
Nah he's a fuck boy. Honestly some judges might not hear the case. Advertising does not equal a simple misunderstanding necessarily.
Hahahahahahahaha fuckin vegans
They'll be gased after the jews and other undesirables
also theres no harm in eating meat, his well being was never going to be at risk unless he arguess he identifies as a plant
Even some plants eat meat though
>Fucking plants are even better than vegans
I agree with the restaurant owner in this case; the guy suing him has no business doing so. However, veganism is the superior diet and it has been proven that meat and other animal products are harmful.
Please gas the vegans first.
Some evils are just too much for this world.
>veganism is the superior diet
>it has been proven that meat and other animal products are harmful
>meat and other animal products are harmful
>are harmful
Malaka i thought vegans ate yogurt
Yfw the judge is an anti-Trump justice warrior with an axe to grind
Hope you're insured
Lol ofc you aren't. Better luck next business
First article outright says there's no definitive proof
Second is the WHO pulling it out of their ass with zero evidence
Third is just pseudo science "expert"
>First article outright says there's no definitive proof
Studies have shown that it increased risk of cancer in lab animals. Can't be much of a stretch to assume the same is true for humans. Even without it being definitively proven, the current evidence strongly suggests it's true.
>Second is the WHO pulling it out of their ass with zero evidence
>Third is just pseudo science "expert"
Oh, so you consider yourself an expert?
Wew lad
>Can't be much of a stretch to assume the same is true for humans.
>current evidence strongly suggests
correlation =/= causation
WHO literally just made that up.
The third has zero evidence.
I doubt claim to be an expert, but at least I'm not claiming bullshit with nothing to back it up
Every top athlete eats meat,despite their diet being managed by qualified nutritionnists.
>plus his English isn't very good.
Why the fuck does someone like that works in a restaurant and communicates with customers? God this is pissing me off, i hope your restaurant goes bankrupt
Vegan here. The guy suing your dad is a fucking moron. Any real vegan (you should ask how long this guy has been vegan for BTW) would know that it has yogurt in it. This would break a door open of people trying to dupe restaurants into agreeing to weird diets.
Only a moron would trust any restaurant if they were vegan. Unless you live in LA or something, all bets are off. Go to the store and buy some hummus and pita bread and leave the rest alone.
Most trendy vegans don't even know. WHITE SUGAR ISNT VEGAN. Everything has animal products in it pretty much. This kid is a fuck boy for even threatening your dad about this. You should go through his pantry and you'll find a load of stuff that isn't vegan. Vitamin D2? Not vegan. Sugar? Not vegan. Beer? Almost all not vegan. Wine? Not vegan.
NOTHING IS FUCKING VEGAN UNLESS SOME HIPPY ASSHOLE MADE IT. Even then I've seen recalls on stuff because they accidentally added a milk ingredient.
I hate these types because they ruin it for the rest of us who do it for well research and moral reasons. Not for fucking fashion or to be a better screamo band singer.
Hey OP. I'm vegan. That person sounds like a retard. Why wouldn't he just order the falafel with tahini sauce like any sane rational vegan at a Greek restaurant? Also, any vegan worth their salt should fucking know that tzatziki is a yogurt based sauce. He sounds like a shitty vegan to simply be assuming that white sauce doesn't have dairy when 99% of white sauces do have dairy.
>also theres no harm in eating meat
That's not true. Saturated fat and dietary cholesterol are 2 of the 3 main risk factors for atherosclerosis which is the top killer of adults in nearly every developed country.
>Why the fuck does someone like that works in a restaurant and communicates with customers? God this is pissing me off, i hope your restaurant goes bankrupt
Are you aware that the US has no official language?
Living is a main risk factor for death.
Other than that, the plain vitamin deficiencies put you at a significantly greater risk of neurological and psychiatric disorders
Personally, I'd rather be dead than lose my mind.
As a greek, enlighten me on what a gyros salad is and especially a gyros salad without the gyros? Isnt that just a χωριάτιkη
Suing for what? The price of the meal. Holy shit, it will likely be thrown out of court.
Vegan, here, the guy who is suiing your father is FRKN RETARDED, he should have known not to trust others
>Vegan here.
Why? Genuinely curious.
It's one thing to cut red meat for health reasons or chicken for moral reasons, but what advantage could veganism have over pescatarianism? Animal protein is better than plant protein and fish can't suffer.
They probably ate sausage preserved with huge amounts of Sodium nitrite
hur dur it can only be the meat
not the chermicals they put into it
lab animals
because they are exactly like humans
the probably used animals that arent eating meat in nature
this sounds like a lot of class action lawsuits
except the difference is your 1 small greek restaurant, not a chain like applebees, or buttruckers.
Your dad sounds like a retard and shouldn't be in the food/hospitality business.
That's exactly what I was thinking. Are they feeding steak to rats? Rats dont fucking eat steak regularly. Humans have evolved with digestion designed for cooked food.
Feed humans rat food and I bet they will develop health problems too.
I work in the restaurant industry as a risk analyst, and I can tell you that over 75% of the places that claim to be Vegan are not anywhere close to vegan.
Same with places that claim to be "organic".
And roughly 1/4 of the sushi you eat is not the fish that's advertised.
First off, what fucking moron doesn't know that tzatziki sauce has yogurt in it?
Secondly, I'd get a lawyer either way. Simply to embarrass the fuck out of the plaintiff.
Show me a vegan that isn't borderline retarded. I'll wait.
>suing restaurant for unvegan food
I think this is enough american internet for this day. Your justice system is totally retarded.
>Humans have evolved with digestion designed for cooked food.
Are you fucking retarded? Have you ever studied human health and nutrition or biology? We didn't "evolve" to eat cooked food. We evolved to eat plants. Cooking food is a form of pre-digestion that allows us to cheat and consume foods that our species has not made any physiological adaptions to be able to consume. We do not have a single physiologicial adaption which helps us consume cooked food (because it isi inherrently easier to break down cooked meat vs uncooked meat)
That's a nice hypothesis. However, you have no evidence supporting it. Also, the WHO claims regarding colorectal cancer and processed meat consumption was only released after discovering mechanistic evidence. It is not based solely on correlation. This is something you would know if you did your own research instead of relying on rumours from a bunch of morons on Veeky Forums
Because it's unethical to cause unnecessary suffering or to unnecessarily deny pleasure to any entity capable of feeling those things. Aka. Empathy. It's called not being an asshole just because you can't control your dopamine cravings.
>but what advantage could veganism have over pescatarianism?
You mean besides less saturated fat and dietary cholesterol (2 of the top 3 risk factors for atherosclerosis) and besides the lack heavy metals accumulating in my body from fish consumption?
>Animal protein is better
Based on what metrics? So far nearly every reputable study indicates that animal protein is a risk factor in a number of easily preventable illnesses. Also, the fact that you are even thinking about protein in this context tells me that you are completely clueless. Literally every living cell on the planet has protein. It is very difficult to be lacking sufficient protein in your diiet as long as you consume enough calories and are not a fruititarian. The dietary reference intake specifies that a typical person only requires 0.36g protein per pound of lean body mass. So a 150lb male with 15% body fat technically only needs 45.9g protein per day. This is rediculously easy. I almost always get at least double that without trying in any way shape or form. Even many bodybuilders are showing nowadays that you only need 0.8g per pound of lean body mass to make serious gains and that consuming more than you need has no benefitial effect (and actually correlates very strongly to a lot of nasty health problems). So again for a 150lb person with 15% body fat, this would be 102g per day. This is obtainable without even using protein powder.
>Fish can't suffer
That is not true. The ability to suffer is an extremely basic evolutionary trait needed by nearly all animals in order to survive (although there are some notable exceptions such as jellylfish and oysters).
>My dad doesn't know what a fucking vegan is other then eats vegetables, plus his English isn't very good.
Have your dad tan heavily before the hearing and accuse him of discrimination.
Go out in the wild for a couple of years and eat nothing but greens and see where that gets you. You won't even last two months before you die of malnutrition.
>Go out in the wild for a couple of years and eat nothing but greens and see where that gets you
Why the fuck would I do that? Are you literally mentally handiicapped?
>You won't even last two months before you die of malnutrition
To be perfectly honest, this would probably be true of most of society regardless of whether they were trying to follow a plant based diet (unless you are granting a grace period to study survival techniques). In either case, I don't spend my time thinking about hypotheticals that won't ever happen in real life.
>inb4 if you were on a deserted island and didn't have any source of plant based foods ...
Yeah, fuck off retard
Yeah, that's exactly right, your entire lifestyle is a luxury permitted only by the massive wealth of a technologically advanced industrial nation
Well, you're half right. Pretty much any nation which understands how to farm food can figure out that they can get more nutrients per acre of land by feeding the plants to humans instead of to animals to feed to humans. It's basic physics. The laws of thermodynamics make this irrefutable.
Also, lets say I were to concede your point here. So? We are privileged. So what? Because this lifestyle requires a certain level of privilege, that means I should pay people to exploit the sexual organs of animals and stab them in the neck so I can much on their flesh and wear their skin?
I'm not seeing any substance to your argument. It sounds to me like you are just grasping at straws.
Lawyer here. The case will take probably about a year to even go to trial in small claims court. His retainer for his lawyer will be minimum 1k. There is substantial risk for him to pay court costs. He will likely net negative. Waste of time. I see shit like this all the time.
What will you do when the supermarket isles are barren, and people are fighting over the last scraps of food? Society is your crutch, and any society can fall.
If the bare minimum suffering in order for me to survive requires me to consume flesh than I will do that. However, this is not presently the case and will likely not ever be during my lifetime. If this ever does become the case, I suspect I'll have more time-critical problems to worry about. To be honest, if society were in such a state I question what the fuck is actually going on outside of our little isolated scenario and whether that chaotic world would be worth living in. People are already pretty unbearable. I can't imagine being able to tolerate something worse.
>ITT: Vegan here
kek, bunch of weak beta cucks
Only of it said "Vegan" or such on the menu. Otherwise nothing can be proven by word of mouth. And even if he had a tape recording of your dad agreeing that it was vegan, the judge would notice the accent and easily dismiss it. GL, you won't need it though, the vegan idiot sounds like a cuck faggot.
One of the biggest advantages to being a vegan male is that the majority of the community are vegan females desperately looking for a man who isn't afraid to stand up for non-human animals.
>muh masculinity though
The only people who go out of their way to show off their masculinity are the people who flat out don't have any worth mentioning.
>he thinks the plants he eats arent suffering
theyre living beings, theyre alive and they feel
>hurr I'd rather die from heart disease or stroke than actually learn what nutrients are present in the foods I eat.
>implying suffering can exist without central processing mechanisms.
Evidence when? And no, the ability to react to external stimuli does not prove they have the capacity to suffer. Suffering is an evolutionary trait that would not even benefit most plants to begin with, nevermind the impossibility of implementing such a mechanism without central processing.
>being this unevolved
im sorry your powers of perception are so weak, take lsd and stare at some plant then get back to me
I've taken LSD before. It's good fun, and it most likely contributed towards me going vegan in some ways since it pretty much prevents me from consciously sidesteppinig cognitive dissonance (the feeling most meat eaters get when they realize they are in the presense of a vegan).
So the main problem here is that I can't force you to understand what I know unless you read some books on neuroscience and learn a little bit about what constitutes suffering and what the prerequisites are for it to exist as we know it. You are free to pose whatever hypothesis you want, but unless you have verifiable evidence to present (and no, LSD experiences are not verifiable evidence) it will not be a theory and thus should not ever logically be allowed to superscede a theory.
Its cool, i get you, however i think direct experience supercedes thinking and theorizing.
We live in a predatory universe, the strong absorb the weak. As for suffering, well maybe the plants gladly give up there lives to feed us, but maybe not. Theres a theory.
>i think direct experience supercedes thinking and theorizing.
Our senses are not infallible though. This is why it is important that others are able to repeat the same experiments and obtain the same results consistently. This helps to reduce the possibility of being mislead by our senses in any way which is meaningful in regards to the way we interact with the universe.
So I was recently sued, also frivolously, so I have some experience.
How much he being sued for?
Firstly the case is obvious bullshit. Judges see these often and usually just throw them out right away. Still you should do 3 things, 1 call a lawyer and ask them about the case, 2 put together some evidence that supports you, 3 go to court.
Just go to court, The judge will be on your side.
Sorry you have to go through this I was also a victim of a ridiculous lawsuit and it sucks.
Actually you are incorrect. The research is correlary not causation. Look up the difference.
The truth is that meat and animal products are fine in small doses. Similar to the ape diet. But we Americans eat large portions of meat and it is clearly killing us.
what'd they sue you for?
Also this.
Until you get a subpoena I would not worry.
Crazy landlord said I had thousands in unpaid rent and damages. Totally untrue.
Never got a subpoena and the case was dismissed.
>Show me a vegan that isn't borderline retarded. I'll wait.
>vegan owns entire thread
Hello my fellow gaygreek
The same thing almost happened at my dad's restaurant. We just gave the fag his money back and problem was solved. This whole thing is silly and Americans are just uber fags and don't know how to enjoy a meal
>tzatziki sauce isn't vegan.
he should've known that
why the fuck would your dad care?
Hand it off to his liability insurance and forget about it.
Oh, he doesn't have liability insurance? That's the IQ test. If you're not smart enough to buy insurance you don't deserve to own a business.
>Actually you are incorrect. The research is correlary not causation. Look up the difference.
You literally just made this up or parroted it without verifying the accuracy of the statement. In fact, they waited until they had mechanistic evidence before announcing their findings. You would know that if you bothered to read an actual scientific article on the subject. Furthermore, even if they didn't have mechanistic evidence to provide you, correlation can still be evidence. I suppose you're the type of retard who says things like "You can't prove God isn't real. Checkmate atheists!"
Call him a malaka
He don't eat no meat?!
That's OK, I cook lamb
>unethical to deny pleasure
Brb, suing every woman who's rejected my sexual advances
So like male feminists, you're cosplaying to earn pussy tokens. There's no shame in that.
itt: kids who dont like vegetables and refuse to accept facts because of some people taking a moral high ground
I agree the other guy was being retardedd but we do have a language and that language is American English.
>it has been proven that meat and other animal products are harmful.
things that never happened
>may be linked to
desu if some fag asked me of anything if it was vegan i would tell him "not after i jizzed in it you faggot!"
i worked at a hotel for 15 years. the number of times someone told me they were going to sue the hotel for something is probably 4-5 times a month. they number of people who did sue maybe 5. they number of people that ended up in court like 1. your much more likely to lose a lawsuit to an employee.
just tell your dad to have them contact his lawyer. he doesn't even need to have a lawyer. just say that line
But sadly if you are a person with money you should have a lawyer on hand you pay money to for this kind of thing.
We live in a litigious society. And people with money or property are the target.
Tell that to the best steak in kansas. And also the burger i get every friday by the guy who smokes while he cooks and doesnt where shoes.
From your first article
>However, the doses of HCAs and PAHs used in these studies were very high—equivalent to thousands of times the doses that a person would consume in a normal diet.
From your second article
>He added, “Scientific evidence shows cancer is a complex disease not caused by single foods and that a balanced diet and healthy lifestyle choices are essential to good health.”
Do you people even read your own sources for argument? The third article is even about milk, not nearly consumed at the same rate as red or white meat and the entire article is filled with "may" or "might".
ITT: a bunch of Veeky Forums fags who have gone off the rails and are letting their preconceived biases stop them from objective judgement
It's the vegan's fault for ordering the gyro salad with Tzatziki sauce, He probably could have excluded it just like the gyro. Else than that just deny any claims the veggietard says, there is no evidence.