Answer me honestly, will Trump be good or bad for the economy?
Answer me honestly, will Trump be good or bad for the economy?
Other urls found in this thread:
Isolationist policies never make anyone rich. The extreme of what trump is trying to do (minimal trade, high barriers to entry and exit) is north Korea.
He's catering to the rust belt which is high amounts of industry jobs. The United States is no longer an industrial economy, we are now a service economy. His policies (ripping up trade agreements and weakening NATO and stopping progress with the TPP) could allow the Chinese to step in and dictate the rules of international trade.
He won votes by telling industry workers that he is going to cater to them which will likely set us back in the world economy. It's hard to tell people that coal and steel jobs are not coming back.
Look for a boost in the industrial sector at around the four year mark, but the larger ramifications will be much harder to quantify
>The United States is no longer an industrial economy, we are now a service economy.
This is an absurd statement to make and shows me how little you know about the American economy. Take a look at how much value industry/manufacturing adds vs. How much the service economy adds and then get back to me
Wrong again.
Wrong one more time!
can you even read? those graphs have no bearing on actual
>value added
get the fuck outta here with your stem-grad-student-wannabe ass
You are retarded
Wrong again. I can do this all day
Just because more people are employed, does not mean they contribute more value to the economy.
America is still a massive producer of heavy equipment, raw materials and advanced technology. No other country in the world has the advanced infrastructure, market, and labor force that the US has. But I'm sorry all of your friends work shitty service sector jobs, so you wouldn't know about this.
Here's specific US numbers in case you wanted to get wronger
How were you to know you were walking into the terrordome?
These graphs are very misleading and don't actually account for the diversification of industries. What the fuck do they include as "service sector"? Everyone who works provides a service to their employer. There is no way the American economy is driven by people who work near minimum wage jobs.
I know guys who sit next to very expensive machines watching porn on their phone and make six figures. They add over $1MM in value. That's how many minimum wage fast food or retail employees?
He just keeps waking into the buzzsaw!
It's sad to see, really.
>100% charged
Didn't read, but this makes it seem true.
I'm plugged in laying on my bed. But laying the smackdown on these fools in this thread got me charged up!
This only proves my point.
Please stay down! I don't want to keep hurting you!
>% of gdp
>% of gdp
>& of gdp
How to spot the kid who never took econ beyond freshmen core reqs. GDP has fuck all to do with producing value.
People like you are why nobody ever listens to anybody who doesn't share the same opinion. Show some fucking grace.
you are retarded
thanks for the (you) @1755401
Which site do you use to pull this macro economic data from?
>gdp as percent of economy has no value
And if we're talking about employment, it's definitely going down while manufacturing is going up.
No one cares about your petty fight with this guy, no one even cares if you admit you're wrong. Kys.
ask yourself the following
is it better to handle hyperinflation with autarchy or with total free market?
what does hurt more to an US citizien?
losing purchase power with production located around you, or located outside
It's correct that turning to autarchy actually attacks current purchase power of any US citizien, and it does not make anyone rich, and it does not increase profits of corporations neither.
But that's not the deep down motif IMO. With hyperinflation you will lose the ability to import anyways, so it would be worse if there's no local production of all the shit
Now I have to look up definitions for you?
Or are you going to try and change the definition of the word 'value'?
It's okay to admit you're wrong, little buddy.
well the DOW is at 20k so you tell me
This whole thread is just so fucking sweet. Thank's for going through the effort pulling up the actual numbers. A model way of arguing right here.
Wish we had lots of posters like this posting in pol, sadly is too much if a shit hole to even try reasoning with
Too tiring convincing people one thread at a time when there's another thousand retards of the same opinion
Yeah /pol/ definitely needs more shills for globalization and (((free trade))).
>Don't want to reduce your purchasing powa let those mercantile Chinamen produce everything and you can just purchase it on credit!
>You only need a simple waitressing job to afford these low low payments goy!
Sounds good.
it's kind of sad that the phoneposter had to use this many proxies to pretend he isn't fucking retarded
>posting Jew memes when Trump is surrounded by them
Really makes you think
>US manufacturing falls while china is in the most devious period of its currency manipulation
>US services increase after Clinton lets the banks use deposits for derivative investing
B-but these trends are organic and not the result of political meddling!
It's almost like you're capable of reading the charts but have no understanding of the nuance behind these economic events.
The story of Donald Trump Jr.'s first failed business:
>Get loan from daddy to buy factory, rent out to relatively successful local manufacturing co.
>Company complains that roof is leaking in factory, asks responsible landlord to repair it because leaking roof will damage raw materials.
>DTJr sees this as an opportunity to make a deal (remember, he was mentored by the best dealmaker): "I'll fix the roof only if you sign the next 10-year lease."
>Company: "Uhh you're the landlord -- we'd sue if you don't fix the roof, except it's fucking stupid if you don't since the next rain storm could destroy millions of dollars in materials and bankrupt us, meaning we default on the rent for the lease we already have. Don't be a retard."
>Art of the deal: Don't relent.
>Rainstorm comes within the month. Wipes out millions of dollars in materials. Company files bankruptcy. DTJr does not collect rent and water damage to factory increases, plus he's now liable for all environmental damage from factory. DTJr. must be bailed out of debts from factory by daddy to avoid bankruptcy filing.
Never miss an opportunity to make a deal, folks. Apparently that means no matter how ridiculously stupid, illegal, and existentially risky the deal is, and what the long-term liabilities of failure are, according to Trump's mentorship.
Pretty sure they call that the rich dad put.
Dumbest shit Ive heard.
Nobody knows, and nobody's guess is worth a shit. Dont listen to people who say they know.
Trump will be bad for the economy.
Yeah fuck math. Fuck historical trends and patterns. The only useful tool for investing is daily prayers to Jesus and the I Ching.
I lol'd
And yeah you're right people can make well supported claims based on those things.
But his question was halfwit, so I give him the unfullfilling answer of "No one can know for 100% sure the future"
Starting a trade war with China will only be bad for America especially considering Xi's indication at Davos that China is ready to step into the place that America is vacating in regards to globalisation.
The right answer is yes. Ultimately it is going to be a shell game with money. Money will just be shuffled around.
This may be the most ridiculous thing I've seen on Veeky Forums
How, in any world, does my use of statistics and data show that I am somehow stupid, or weaken my point in any way?
I don't know if you read the whole thread or not (You didn't) but I didn't make any claim to why manufacturing was falling in the United States, but just the fact that it is happening.
The whole point of the graphs is to show what is happening, because the original idiot claimed that the United States is not moving away from an industry economy to a service economy. As the statistics show, it is.
>because the original idiot claimed that the United States is not moving away from an industry economy to a service economy.
did you even read his post? that wasn't what he wrote at all
If it helps, I am the guy posting the graphs and the idiot I was referring to was
>will Trump be good or bad for the economy?
Yes, he will be good or bad for the economy.
This is such a quality board
>The extreme of what trump is trying to do
You mean the strawman of what trump is trying to do.
Yeah... kinda the point to make chinks do our shit labor
But keep dreaming of being a lower-middle class dildo line worker
I believe we'll see a boom over the next 2-3 years, after which the big crunch comes back.
You can only go so far with money when your money system perpetuates debt.
Honestly if I could make like 45k a year doing finishing work on molded dildos I wouldn't even care.
>Trump supporters argue that Hillary will turn USA into Brazil and how horrible it is
>Trump wins by pandering to industry workers with economic policies that are exactly like Brazil's in all it's flaws.
I voted for Trump and made my whole family vote for him just to watch this country burn. I should be labeled as a traitor, but democracy works like that. I do whatever the fuck whenever the fuck you want, and I voted for him just because I could. I do not regret.
Let this country tear itself apart when the avarage american can no longer buy a shirt for ten dollars or afford a new macbook pro because it cost as much as a luxury car. Americans took it all they had for granted, it's time they learn the true value of hardwork and how's the american dream retired with boomers and is never going back.
But I do like his immigration policies for middle east countries, fuck those goddamn muslims.
>>Trump wins by pandering to industry workers with economic policies that are exactly like Brazil's in all it's flaws.
Pretty much this, sure brazil had a nice time for industrial workers during the past decade with all the growth it had but it all came crashing down when cost overruns meant they could compete with foreign products so they could only depend on the internal market which could no longer afford the insane prices of domestic products
A car over there is easily worth twice or three times than the same model in murrica or euro, tho it often has less features and a crappier quality so you could argue its even more expensive
Yeah except now we've got an entire generation of people who think their fast food career should sustain them. Huge swaths of the U.S. economy being propped up by foreign manufacturing has pretty much killed class mobility because people who only have labor to sell have been getting fucked in the ass in exchange for cheap electronics.
Shit like cars haven't gotten any cheaper either because they've added all these fancy bells and whistles.
>there's no class mobility
of course there is dofus, but the rules have changed. You no longer need to work yourself to an early grave down a coal mine or a blue collar job. Tech fuckers go from 0 to six figures every fucking month.
It's not our goddamn fault you're brain dead and can't tell a machine how to do stuff.
Respect for your honesty.
And Trump will reverse it, and that's good for the economy.
Yeah and they're under siege by a billion poos and chinks. San Francisco is going to look like Detroit in 50 years.
> Gay Detroit
the movie just writes itself
Actually manufacturing is going more and more to automation and that's a good thing because it means more efficiency and less cost.
>it takes away jobs
Ok that may be a valid excuse for say a toy company, but what about the accuracy that your car is built on. Do you want a robot with laser accuracy or joe schmo whopper shitfaced last night
Will be very bad.