/gbfg/ Granblue Fantasy General #1512

>READ THE FAQ before posting! - it will answer most of your questions if you are new or learning

>Sky Compass Guide (now includes air dates)

>Schedule for April:
4/1 - 4/9 - Table for Six
4/10 - 4/15 - All Four Celestials (Renewal)
4/16 - 4/21 - Cerberus/Fenrir Showdown
4/16 - 4/21 - The Inner Light (Mary Event; Rerun and Renewal)
4/22 - 4/29 - Guild War (Fire)
4/30 - 5/9 - Alchemist Astray

4/30 - 5/2 - Legfest
5/1 - 5/5 - Free 10 Rolls
5/6 - 5/15 - Free Memerolls
5/1 - 5/15 - Golden Week Special (Free Rolls, Magnafest, 1/2 Off Coop/Specials, etc.)

>How to Start
Go to game.granbluefantasy.jp in Chrome. Set language to English.

>Mega Pastebin - This pastebin has lots of useful things like important guides and other stuff so don't be a shitter and read these before asking something.

>Guild pastebin

Previous thread

Other urls found in this thread:


reminder to MVP your luck

Why did they change the voiceline for when Eugen gets his ougi? He never used to only say "FIYA!"

>Revenge of Bonito will get the Sandalphon treatment
>EX+ Revenge of the Revenge of Bonito


>IP banned from rerolling
Oh SHIT bros, what do I do now?

gathering crystals...


Breeding cog's Philosopher's Stone pussy!

turn on your vpn dumb cuck

Who are you rerolling for?

I knew it. Cog's body is that of a teenager, not a kid.

just ask for reroll account here. there was user offering his reroll accounts. guess you missed it.


*kisses you softly*

Give me one of those

Just anyone decent.

sauce of that cog

When is the daily rest in this game?

stop ERPing with yourself

Is something like Alexiel or Shiva worth as much as an an A-rank or S-rank SSR for starting?

wtf 3 drang

SSS rank

specially shiva that you can use him outside of fire as a sub summon with his godlike active

>finally get a new SSR
>Wind Bonito

I rerolled 3 times and got summer zoey. I am assuming I start this account right

art looks like yozo

That's still on the levels of naizuri


18 man HL Bonito raid when

i would only say if you're not f2p

My wife.

Would it be sacrilege to post brainstorming of an S. Medusa outfit? Has Cygames ever taken inspiration from fan artwork?

I know. Just trying to pinpoint Cog's apparent age here.

That's nice user.

Here's mine

Is S.Medusa even confirmed

My wife.

Are Charlotta/Carmelina any good?

I hope my free 10 roll
doesn't get zoi
reverse psychology doesn't work well, huh?

wish I got vira or some cute grill

>Leave the game for ages
>Come back to free rolls and a Cagliostro event
Guess I'll stick around for a while

Swimsuit and stockings



why does my heart twinge so every time I see this outfit?

go check your sky compasses for the may schedule

>tfw no luck
It hurts so much

No, medusafags are mindbroken because they can't get her. They're playing make-believe at this point

>luring us into now activated banning mode

eastern fetishization

>xeno ifrit

Who's getting lb5 this month?

My bet is on naru

She's a loli, not a teenger. The word you are looking for here is budding loli.

Fenrir is a girl not a boy.

Huh?? I'm from SEA though..


Is that the outline of her underwear?

>dumped everything i had for summer zoey
>didnt get anything remotely good
what a game

Saramama or Arururururu

Xeno Ifrit and Naoise event rerun huh

It kinda sucks asking this after Origin crystals were killed, but does anybody get a sense of joy out of buying gifts for others? I saw everyone rolling last night, and even though I'm an unluckshitter, I bought 2 3k mbgcoin cards and got Shiva in the first 10 roll. Fire's my weakest element, but I was so elated, I gave the other card's code away to an Eleven I follow on twitter, since he's an edgelord and really wanted Dark Cag, but got Drang instead. He seemed really confused at first, as if I was trying to prank him, but he seemed genuinely happy and put the card aside for the next suptix.

Why am I so unlucky?

Host Baha

>medusa without the skin suit
Who cares? Don't defile my wife like that.

non-fire/earth elements btfo

Two of the best potatoes.


which one

Are they really not doing Xeno for the other elements?

I guess KMR really was just doing them to buff earth and fire?

>Naoise event rerun


Hey, fuck you. Sochie is a beautiful woman.

Post cute

There was just talk about it and I felt strangely inspired. I'm nowhere close to being able to make good use of such a character, but her design is nice.

It's loosely along those lines actually, but I can't say straight-up stockings would be good swim wear, right? She's still going to look battle-ready too.

Seruel 5* incoming.

>getting two(2) SSRs
>getting SSRs at all

>xeno ifrit
How many pots will I need for 2 MLB axes

clearly a boy

>84 rolls
>Dupe Vortex Dragon
What did I do wrong? Can I confess sins somewhere to repent?

better than nothing... I guess...

nice blog

Banana hammock
School swimsuit

B71F89E2 proto-chicken regular

Where's my Xeno Sagi? I just want to collect the weapon and fuck off.


Stop, don't shit up my wifes tag with bad art.

>xeno ifrit
>you people thought you were done with water

Is this game even worth getting into at this point? Done with Fire Emblem and looking for new gachashit to fill the void.

They aren't very high on the tier list and I haven't seen anyone mention them before.

>xeno ifrit


>event naoise

>Heles introduction event rerun
Seruel 5* incoming

"Skinsuit" for the torso was going to remain. RoB wiki would have some lore info on her right?
Skinsuit in this context makes me think of wetsuit. Something to do with treasure could be interesting actually. Thanks for the inspiration.
You also did more or less answer my question. Anyway, I was thinking of a more "natural" look for her S. outfit.

How hard is it to get the Xeno weapon? only Grid I have at the moment is wind

May 2017 Event Schedule
5/10 - 5/15: Celestial Event
5/17 - 5/24: Guild War (Light Bosses)
5/25 - 5/30: Xeno Ifrit Crash + Hero's Return Scenario Rerun
5/31 - ??: New Scenario Event

>actually seeking out more gacha shit

>decide to start playing fire
>xeno ifrit rerun the next month
You're alright sometimes KMR. Now introduce xeno sagi and greenstar weapons

what was the team for xeno ifrit again?

i remember romeo was apparently useful.

>wind getting anything after korwa/zoi

Way better than FeH.


oh fuck now i'll have to reinvest into that shitty dagger pool i made