/wfg/ OP pastebin, if it's not like this one report it and make a proper one: pastebin.com/iAgtMahh
Cameron Williams
First for Ivara is THIcK
Landon Nguyen
>t. tiercuck
Liam Torres
I want to ____ ember's ___ ____ ____
Isaac Carter
You contributed nothing to negate his previous claim.
Parker Hall
>can't refute anything else
Dunno man, sounds like you're just not good at playing Valkyr in all honesty. Makes sense that you'd prefer Wukong considering how you can press 3 at the start of the mission and not have to use any of your brain processes to use the other keys on your keyboard.
Hudson Rogers
I want to frot Ember's thick futa cock
Nicholas Gomez
>13. Do not use avatars or attach signatures to your posts >last thread had around 20 of TQ's signature images
Jayden Jenkins
I want to turn Ember's bod into Ivara[/spoier]
Jacob Thompson
I love Valkyr too but her 4 is vastly inferior to the Monkey's 4.
Jordan Gomez
I want to take Ember's huge, juicy, cock
Brandon Ortiz
>exalted weapon that deals slash and that restores HP on hit on top of invulnerability is worse than big impact staff
Easton Bell
Defy is on 2, not 4. And every other Wukong ability is literally useless, at least Valkyr has moves that do SOMETHING more useful than weak punch, weak stick, and EZ parkour mode.
Jeremiah Brooks
Had a brain fart, I meant her 4 is vastly inferior to Monkey's Defy.
Here's a thicc Valkyr
Aaron Davis
I want to hold Ember's thick, veiny hand
Logan Russell
Price check it
Jordan Hernandez
>veiny hand
That's kinda gross.
Elijah Scott
Justin Cruz
Why does Valkyr Prime look absolutely nothing like base Valkyr?
Not even in a styling way; Valkyr is supposed to be a Warframe who's parts have been stripped away, but Valkyr Prime doesn't look like a -completed' Valkyr, but rather a fucking Tennogen skin or some shit.
Brody Ross
I press 4 to harvest loot and affinity en masse
Logan Diaz
She's supposed to be based on the the Gersemi skin.
Easton Murphy
Being useful means jack shit when you're not the best.
Defy is the best invincible skill in the game, and it makes all other pretends obsolete.
Michael Garcia
Because Mynki was a shit.
Ryder James
the ironic thing is, valk is not not the best, she's not even CLOSE to the best. In terms of EHP she's scraping the bottom of the battle when it comes to tank frames
Nicholas Ross
I don't know and I hate it. She's one of the ugliest Primes and I can't stand that nosering.
Well, the technical real reason is DE being lazy. Compare vanilla Valk to Prime--you'll notice a lot of vanilla Valk's textures are reused with a different tint. So the Prime is just a jazzed up version of base Valkyr, not an undamaged Valkyr.
Cameron Lewis
warframes are gross
Colton Rodriguez
Can a kindly 10o show me how Nova Prime looks in a Tennogen skin with the Prime details toggled on?
Josiah Diaz
The one thing I don't understand about all of these Valkyr discussions is why people compare her by her 4 when her real power is in her 2. There isn't really anything in Wukongs arsenal that makes him a better melee frame than say, an Iron Skin Rhino.
Anthony Phillips
Cooper Williams
What's a good reliable frame
Gavin Myers
Rhino Prime
Jose Cruz
you mean...besides the fact he's fucking invincible?
as far as steroids go warcry is shit compared to, say, chroma, or better yet, an actual DPS like mesa
Henry Morales
Michael Baker
That's semi easy to acquire for newish players
Brody Campbell
Excalibur Prime
Ian Carter
It won't let me report him any more. What do we do. My filters aren't working either.
Elijah Collins
Loki is all you'll ever need.
James Myers
So there isn't one, okay.
Alexander Turner
Get 4chanx and start using the filters in the op
Brandon Allen
>you mean...besides the fact he's fucking invincible? That's not the point, I'm just saying that despite Wukong being advertised as a melee frame there isn't anything in his kit that makes him a better melee frame than a warframe that isn't specialized in melee. At least Valk has an ability that defines her as a melee frame and makes her unique to other frames due to her raw DPS in an Eternal War build.
>an actual DPS like mesa Mesa doesn't have anything in her kit that enhances her melee abilities, I don't get the comparison.
Lucas Butler
>Wukong being advertised as a melee frame
Luis Ross
who want
Nolan Carter
show the stats of the despair one
Cooper Nguyen
Yes? What's the point of saying Wukong is better than Valkyr if you're playing them in two different styles. You don't need Defy to point a gun and shoot.
Josiah Thompson
Would you spread Saryn?
Kayden Gray
Tyler Powell
defy makes you literally invincible, you can use anything you want with it. That's part of the reason why Wukong is so much better than Valkyr. Warcry/Hysteria locks you to melee (a really shitty melee in the case of hysteria). In fact, with Wukong I almost never use melee, I just put on my Tigris and go to town
Jacob Perez
But I could put on my tigris and go to town as nekros and actually be useful.
Wyatt Kelly
But then why are you comparing Wukong to Valkyr? People don't play Valkyr for immortality, they play it for melee. Her immortality is just part of her kit when she needs it.
Ryder Diaz
and nekros is also a better frame than valkyr. What's your point again?
>People don't play Valkyr for immortality
Ayden Diaz
>gets completely annihilated in a debate once he realizes that he has no argument >resorts to smug cartoon women
Samuel Stewart
now i just wait 15 days
Jaxon Morales
Whos worse? Valkyrshitters or tq?
Andrew Martinez
>tq falseflagging as if he's not the one posting this
Matthew Perry
>Checks Codex for Crushing Ruin >Sees "Sedna: Rakka" or something like that. >That node's a Rathuum space.
Bleh. Is there some easier way to farm that stance? Seekers themselves are rare as shit.
Oliver Reed
>only tq knows valkyr is shit Wew valkyrcuck
Alexander Hernandez
There's really no love for the PS4 version huh?
That's a bummer, basically I gotta go to my five year old PC account to get anywhere.
Christian Gonzalez
if i need forma right now should i just spend the shekel? or are there better ways
i never got my 50 intro plat ;_;
Jace Stewart
Samuel Russell
>5 year
only buy plat if you have a steady income of plat already. otherwise grind the old fashioned way
Julian Lee
Final Harbinger's shield toss is the most fun I've had meleeing for a while. I've been playing Shocking Speed Volt with my Ack and Brunt and it's just been so much fun tomahawking four or five people in one swing.
Isaiah Perry
It could be about 5 if he was a closed Beta fag.
John Reyes
the max he could be is 4.5
Wyatt Roberts
Limbo is better at melee than both Valkyr and Wukong. Prove me wrong. Protip: you can't.
Cooper Walker
Loki is better at melee than any of those fagolas
Gabriel Cooper
>cant force finishers >cant amplify finisher damage why are you even talking about Loki
Samuel Williams
Shadow Step>Loki
Jason King
>5 year Yeah, why?
You seem troubled.
Parker Gutierrez
just pointing out numbers, friend
John Baker
>locking yourself into finisher animations instead of zipping around with your meme whip and stacking procs while passively doubling all of your melee damage and being really hard to kill if you aren't dumb
Nah, If I said seven years, that'd be pointing out numbers, getting triggered over a couple months +/- Now that's autism. You sound like the kind of person that would lose their shit when someone says "literally" in a figurative manner.
Julian Hall
If I remember correctly it drops from Moon spies.
Mason White
Ryder Cruz
what happened?
Carter Thomas
>>locking yourself into finisher animations do you really think this?
>triggered no
Mason Myers
I heard a rumor that Mynki was released because he found out [DE]Rebecca gets paids the most.
Jace Cruz
no fucking idea, i come back after months of not playing to this. friend of mine said my account was on 84 days ago, which could have been it.
Check with support to see if your account has negative plat.
William Jenkins
>vazarin Literally nothing
Kevin Ward
i aint proving nothin
Luis Hughes
I'm pressing LMB Nothing's happening help
Parker Powell
Stay triggered.
Nathan Evans
>Motion Blur You deserve this.
Brayden Peterson
no, i must give you (you)s
Camden Gonzalez
anyone? I'm also stuck at 2hp and unable to die
Easton Taylor
B-but... I was giving you (you)s...
Will you be my friend on PS4, or carry me through PC?
Noah Gonzalez
That's probably not bullshit and I will believe it
Jeremiah Williams
If that's TSD you're doing, you can't die in that quest, dunno why pressing/holding the left mouse button wouldn't work.
Austin Brooks
no, no i only grind kuva and sorties
Jace Robinson
c-can't I be your kurva?
Adam Perez
Go for it bro im right here
Jeremiah Morales
Wyatt Cox
It's all fucked I've got a second operator stuck in my tenno body before the 2nd cutscene starts, I've restarted the game, changed frames and weapons, nothing fucking works fuck shit
Jace Roberts
>I've got a second operator stuck in my tenno
Go on....
Grayson Bell
Hunter Sanders
the sleek is evolving over time
can you still be your operator holding your operator?
Isaiah Taylor
Well, never mind. I can't remember my login, and I'm pretty sure the email I signed up under originally no longer exists.
Ryan Garcia
FUCK Am I going to have to resort to going to the forums?