Why are Americans more religious on average than people in other developed countries?
Why are Americans more religious on average than people in other developed countries?
Because God blesses America, heathen.
God bless amercia
Because it's mostly protestants descended from extremely fundamentalist sects. Big cities are more secular, but that comes from having a greater amount of religious diversity. Because there's so many competing denominations in major population centers they all cancel each others' influence out and you get a more secular culture overall.
But in smaller communities it's not uncommon for entire towns to belong to the same denomination and all attend the same Church. Many local communities especially in the South are organized around churches, it's a part of socializing as much as spirituality.
gave me a good chuckle
Combined with the South's resistance against non-locals, some of which manifesting in outright derision of the government and public education, this only compounds fanaticism further.
explain televangelists then.
What am I supposed to be explaining about them?
Circumcision and a tendence for authoritarianism.
Maybe the emigration of fanatical protestant sects to USA has ramifacations today.
if american churches are all about the local community, how to televangelists gain such traction?
I can think of only one more country where it is currently happening right now.
how did this happen? how did they become so rich and powerful?
this. i thought for some of the tevelangelists million tuned in, do they have to be of the same denomination?
Can someone explain this?
people are being 'healed'
Isolated isolation.
>if american churches are all about the local community
You misunderstand. Deeply Southern Churches manifest this, a few becoming outright cults.
>how to televangelists gain such traction?
The seeds spread by the introduction of television itself. Combined with the terrible charisma of the preachers and a culture that love the outrageous and entertaining, the pieces fall into place. With some Televangelists, their influence becomes global, finding little groups even in secular Japan.
Because the religious nutjobs from England were basically told to fuck off to the new world as they were getting annoying.
They ended up surviving and passing on their retarded beliefs to their children. This morphed into wha we have today, dialing 555-JEBUS to get into God's good books.
charismatism exists in catholicism as well (albeit less prevalent)
yeah but it's seen as heresy
seems it might possibly be gaining acceptance gradually
What the fuck, hahaha.
Because of this one man: Roger Williams. and will the answer, this post become ignored? Yes, most definitely.
Oh, look! no responses, no replies. Defeatism is core.
What does he mean by this?
heretics I swear
America was initially settled by radical Christians from England and afterwards they continued to do what they do best, schismatize. Most American protestant denominations are descended from movements during the Reformation that were considered radical such as the Puritans, Baptists and Anabaptists, and Reformed camps to a certain extent as well.
he was raised eastern orthodox
pretty interesting desu
That gif holy shit my sides
>that gif
And you people shit on catholics
It's partially erroneous to consider them a single state culturally (outside of their jingoist approach to foreign policy).
The cosmopolitan, developed regions like NY and CA subsidies the 3rd world backwards states like Kentucky and Alabama.
Think of it like how France, UK and Germany subsidise Bulgaria and Romania, only if they actually felt a bit more connected nationally.
>I can think of only one more country where it is currently happening right now.
Which? Brazil?
India. But its far more inclusive than it's american counterparts. Of course it has it's own variety of particular differences, but the core phenomena of telecommunications propagating more eye grabbing forms of religious devotion is still the same.
USA is developed beacause of God's grace.
Other countries are developed because of America's grace, so they naturally worship America instead of God.
What is this meme? It's like saying the British Empire was irrelevant.
Pretty much this. Also, like a few other have stated, America used to be a place where radical sects went when their original communities got sick of them, which means that fundamentalism has always had a strong place in American culture (think of circuit riders and the Great Awakenings).
There's also the tendency of Americans to build religion into the founding mythology of the country. We're told things like the Puritans founded the country to establish religious freedom and that the founding fathers built the country on Christian principles. That, paired with how common religion is in certain areas, make most people feel like being religious is part of what being a "real" American is.
Because when the pilgrims fled England they were escaping religious persecution and seeking to open their own church.
America is built on religious freedom but is essentially one of the most unaccepted religious nations out there, on a social level of course.
>Because when the pilgrims fled England they were escaping religious persecution and seeking to open their own church.
The Puritans never actually faced any kind of persecution. People were generally pretty tolerant of them. They were just mad that England and the Netherlands wouldn't let them set up a radical theocracy and decided to go to America so they could found their own. The Plymouth colony was also founded as part of a business interest, so the motivation wasn't even entirely religious.
It makes for a better story to tell kids, but it's not accurate.
America and Americans are not religious; one cannot be born into faith in the modern age.
A big portion of it is political, rather than genuinely religious, in nature.
I'm from the north-east.
if i were to go to the south or mid-west, will it feel like a different country?
Only certain parts of the country are developed. The South and much of the midwest is populated by sub 80 IQ troglodytes.
Because much, if not most of America doesn't live in an urban environment, but rather a distant suburban or rural one.
Protestantism isn't a real answer.
what denomination is this gif?
Americans are stupid and easily controlled.
Fuck. I hate televangelists so much. My grandma is addicted to one called Jimmy Swaggart and his stupid shit. All of it is fucking stupid. I don't hate religion, but Jesus Christ stop being a cunt about it. His endless books and shit are so fucking garbage. She also, because of him, watches Alex Jones and absolutely hates Hillary Clinton. All because she's told.
She does not have opinions anymore. She is just a fucking parrot for whatever she watches.
I've posted the exact same thing before so I'll summarize for brevity. 4 Great Awakenings with a fifth in the works. Europe stopped having religious revivals in the 18th century and thus secularized. The U.S. continued to have religious revivals into the 1980's (and some argue that we are in the midst of another). That's how.
The Americas didn't directly experience the Thirty Years War.
Why. Religious revivals don't spring from nothing.
is the new atheism movement partially in response to this?
Immigrant waves, cultural reaction, crises, you name it. Mostly the middle.
No, my grandma is just retarded.
Similar things happened in Europe but they didn't have the same reaction.
Europe sent all their religious extremists to the US. Making Europe less religious and the US more.
I think it's because there's no state church and religions are by definition exempt from taxation.
Also this
>Similar things happened in Europe
When (post-founding of the U.S.) did Europe's population triple because of immigration? Anti-communism (Third Great Awakening) didn't have anywhere NEAR the same cultural effect in Europe as it did in the U.S. Also most of Europe didn't adopt neoconservatism in the 70's and 80's. Some of Europe did, but most of it went Social Democrat or neoliberal. You did not have anywhere near the same cultural issues that the U.S. did during the Great Awakenings outside of the First and you had your one and only Great Awakening then as well.
Human gentics is the reason, they are a specially selected sub set of europeans.
something in the soil
>exempt from taxation.
how much of an influencing factor is this?
>how much of an influencing factor is this?
Not much of one for most churches in the U.S.. Preachers/Reverends barely get by as it is. Makes a huge difference for megachurches.
>Preachers/Reverends barely get by as it is
lol, people like Pat Robertson and Kenneth Copeland are literally worth hundreds of millions of dollars.
what about televangelists
Did you not see the part about mega churches, you autists?
i didn't know televangelists were necessarily correllated with megachurches
>you will never be american
Separation of church and state helped.
pretty much all televangelists either have a megachurch or are rich con-artists. a lot of programming is blatantly for selling recorded bible lessons and various products including, I kid you not, buckets of tacos and other shit to prepare you for the apocalypse:
jesus christ
How many buckets have you bought, Veeky Forums?
none. my grandma assured me that the tribulation will occur after the rapture and Bakker is a wacko for thinking the tribulation comes first
I guess Adam had a case of the Mondays.
I was taught in school that there were just two Great Awakenings. Why do you think that there were two more in the 20 century? According to most people the 20th century got less and less religious as time went on.
>Why do you think that there were two more in the 20 century
Anticommunism in the 1950's (hedge against atheist commies) and the rise of neo-conservatism in between the late 1960's into the 1980's (hedge against the counterculture movement). It's pretty much the same reason that we appear to be in the midst of another Great Awakening. The reality of the American religious identity has always been one of kulturkampf. On the left, you have those committed to secularism (and currently atheism). On the right, you have those committed to tradition (and currently very vocal protestant backlash against what they perceive as governmental intervention in their religious rights). Each Great Awakening in America was pre-emptively signaled by great social upheaval, sometimes foreign but usually domestic in origin.
>According to most people the 20th century got less and less religious as time went on
In theory, it did. On paper, there are less people who identify as denominational Protestant outright. However, the majority of Americans still identify as religious in some capacity (generally non-denominational Protestant Christian). The religious aspect of America is still strongly there, despite common belief to the contrary. However, the reality of religious practice and the role religion plays in politics has been altered. You can factually claim that the United States government is less secular than it was 250 years ago. You can also factually claim that the United States government is fighting over secularism at a higher rate than 30 years ago. I don't mean to go full post-modernist, but it just depends on your perspective.
Because amerilards are idiots
How does jesuss scummy circumcissed cock taste like, christian?
*tips fedora*
god bless america
Everybody hates Hillary Clinton.
Eat my shit you fedora meneing autists
Buy silver and gold instead of using that religious American money!