Is it posible that Trump will restrict the usage of cryptocoin?
Is it posible that Trump will restrict the usage of cryptocoin?
>Is it posible that Trump will
anything is possible with that moron. he can do the things noone with sane mind expects.
Fuck off CTR why is Clinton still paying you?
i don't give a fuck about clinton, in fact if i had to choose from the two i would have gone for trump.
but he is a fucking lunatic and the damage he will do does not worth the entertainment value.
All Millenials need to switch to Crypto now... cuz your US Economy "upsideown pyramid" taxes and social payments is unsustainable.
not just the us the entire developed world really.
only immigration could help but nobody wants that really.
Considering that it's only used by the black market he probably will.
Get ready for the Mexican-American civil drug war.
Drugs should be legalized from an economic nationalist angle, I'm sure he realizes how that fits in with border security.
>what is inflation?
>what are minimum payments?
Yes. Any crypto-currency that becomes large enough to rival a nation's regular currency will be outlawed. Do you think nations will take kindly to not being able to control their own money supply?
thngs that don't exist in Bitcoin?
Be specific.
how can he even recover?
simply trump is a troll he built his life around doing the most outrageous and unexpected things possible to grab the spotlight. basically like a giant attention whore mixed with a spastic sperglord who is not afraid to use twitter.
sadly he is also the president of the largest military and second largest economic power.
the world might not be ready for this shitshow.
Well it is odd.
Whenever people attack Trump it's typically on his appearance or his personal character.
Not his ideas and specific actions.
>Not his ideas and specific actions.
if he had any ideas or did anything it would be less impossible.
>Whenever people attack Trump it's typically on his appearance or his personal character.
>Not his ideas and specific actions
Its funny how much Trump has done in his first week that's triggered so many Liberal tears.
Liberals are literally crying in the fucking streets.
The guy gets shit done. Period.
>simply trump is a troll
Trump is a Litmus Test.
The people bashing Trump are revealing themselves more than anything else.
what did he do aside from shitposting on twitter?
fixed that for ya
>This guy got even more shit done. Period.
He did suggest a 20% tariff to make shit Americans buy more expensive. That'll pay for his wall I guess and poor millenials can get second jobs to buy goods they need..
I might have to get the judge to raise my alimony kek
>ohh he uses twitter, I better put my savings somewhere safe.
Anything that gets big enough to threaten the dollar, regardless of who is president, will be stomped out of existence. We all saw what happened to Gadhaffi in Libya when he tried to make his own petro currency. He got sodomized to death with a bayonet courtesy of Hillary Clinton's state department.
Trump probably has little to nothing to do with it, or he would have no choice other than to act against it if it means the dollar getting less popular. The powers that be will make sure the monopoly on the world's reserve currency remains.
No. Cyber policy is decided by barron.
Crypto is the red pill to save this generation (of whites)
>getting out from TPP
>banning sanctuary cities
>increasing border security
>getting the pipelines started again
>federal hiring freeze (except military and law enforcement)
That's more than what Obama did in months
meanwhile, everybody talks about shit like crowd sizes