League of Legends General - /lolg/

Poppy a best edition

previous: eyosongive.us

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gas the lulufags

poppy is so hot there hmmmm yummy


Xth for Ivern.

I wonder if he'll receive further tweaks.


Better than lulu.

mods choose wisely

>draw a boy, call it a girl
ur a fag m8

Daily reminder that supports are useless players. Game could be as well 4v4

How is Jhin right now? is he terrible since he can't use bork?

hmm yordle pussy must be so tight, my dick is hard just thinking about it

post a champion and ill reply with a song that fits it

Alright I'm



playing champs that are WEAK as MOTHERFUCK in lane

I'm sick of having to ask "sir may I have those 2 creeps" and the fucking Renekton or the Jayce are like "lol no" and I have to sit there watching myself become useless

This happens enough to me in REAL LIFE, it will not happen to me in a GOD-DAMN VIDEO GAME this ends >NOW<

I'm buying Camille

lulufag isn't so bad
you guys hate him for no reason

aurelion sol


>I'm buying Camille
KEK you're in for a surprise

fuck off lulufag

How do we tell him?

t. Riot shill
I'm not buying SG Udyr fuck off

Fuck Lulufags.

aurelion sol


i don't hate any waifufags, i just feel bad for them and wish they'd get some help since they clearly have some major mental problems

Your favorite champion may be big, they may be bad, they may even be the best, but do they have a good champion selection quote?

the problem is that he makes every thread, always early and then noone else can make a thread.

And he gave Lulu a bad name which kinda sucks

>playing with khazix in team
>he is 10/4/9
>heh that should be easy game we have feed khazix he will carry
>he literally can't oneshot anyone
>die in 0.5s ever teamfight
>end of game
>he have 13lvl while enemy rumble have 17lvl and jax 16lvl
>im as taric support have 14lvl
>ask him why he have such lol lvl with that good kda
>dude im warding whole game

asaide that was the worst excuse i ever heard what the fuck happens to khazix? he got some snekay nerfs? or low elo players just suck no matter if they get lucky feed?

Wasn't this thread also early


How about you buy me a drink first faget

Spooky ghost waifu.

Turns out you were right, even when Sivir was a walking bag of gold it didn't matter because WW is a killing machine with the right items and singlehandedly won us the game.

Your waifu is a little girl and looks like an abomination.

No amount of fanart will change that, you paedo.

No paid vus huh

Is Ivern fun?

>he doesn't even realize that her 3D model is cute as heck

Out of every faggot that's ever graced lolg, I hate you the most

seconding this
I need a darius playlist. My templar/j4 playlist works but i feel like it could be better.

I haven't played league for a few years. Do you still run into games that back and forth for nearly an hour, even with one side having an ungodly gold and objective advantage?

In his own way.

It isn't, though.


thank you

>not putting eyosongive.us is fine
>not linking the previous thread is fine
Maybe if he bothered doing it right then there's no point to calling out his shit

poppy is the worst



Is Xayah fun and as strong as people say?

dude in league of legends ever champion have reason for picking, we call this strategic diversity
strategic diversity jayce and renekton is forced you to play hyper puss in first 20 min and stay this whole time under you tower, crying under tower rather than playing the game is what we call making difference from good players to the great ones :)

also care with camille, her lane phase suck and most of champion will just destory her
camille whole strengh is picking up enemy in midgame with her insane mobility and good lockdown

mods are gods

I like Lulu too, but why do you feel the need to spam the same message in every thread and always try to make the OP with the same picture and same description?
At least variate and moderate it a bit, then people will accept it.
now its just annoying spam.
Now youre communicating and its somewhat entertaining, but youre seriously ruining it for yourself fampai

you guys take this op shit way too seriously

>tfw you will never have sex with real life ahri


Do you want to play a support that can clear the jungle? play ivern then

Every Ivern I've played with has been a comfy player. Comfy champion too.

Lulufags are delusional, she is about as cute as a damn Slig from Oddworld and twice as ugly.

Her Winter Wonderland skin and Dragon Trainer skins make her borderline bearable, but hey, they're N O T C A N O N.


I like supporting her if that counts. If you end up supporting her go something with lots of peel.

You already know my rating.


OPs are srs bzns

Its the champion, hes so positive and helpful you cant really get mad.
I dont even flame people when they flash away from my shields, I just say "you couldve lived" and they cant be mad at this jolly tree pointing out their mistake, they just appologize and dont do it again

Hes one of the best champions released

Lulu counters yasuo in lane
Enough said

Is Ekko Donto of League of Legends?

>baaah you take it too seriously

3 fucking copypasted words at most! Other generals have entire paragraphs of links. Fuck off.

so how's the dating men thing working?

I watched some pro play of him. Haven't tried him yet myself though. He looks like he can counter jungle well

Strong but people are still treating her E as a kalista's rend instead of a situational snare which kills them alot

Riot games should release a new Lulu skin every month. They would have so many shekels that they wouldn't even know what to do with em.

i try my best to keep the waifuposting as varied as possible, but please do remember i am an officially diagnosed assburger and escaping the monotony is particularly difficult for me

i do link the previous thread everytime.
And that eyoson shit is a 3rd party circlejerk which nobody needs to support.

Other generals don't care if you post links or not
t. old dng fag

I don't know man, you're the one who wants to fuck literal man.

>kassadin is getting increasingly popular

So, can we make waifuposting a bannable offence?

It contributes nothing to the actual discussion of the game, when it actually is discussed.

>He looks like he can counter jungle well
Only when you have smite to instantly finish the circle and your enemy is too stupid to not place wards against you

if this fucking faggot also get ban sing me in

You must slay so many pussy
He's fun to play as and against so idk

>he doesnt like discussing who is the most fertile

get out of here, fag this is 4chin

It's not different from avatarfagging, t b h I'd make posts like "xth for [champion]" automatically filtered. It only bumps image limit and contributes nothing.


>but please do remember i am an officially diagnosed assburger

Fuck off, faggot.

Your retardation doesn't mean we should have to suffer.

>Rework him into a weaker version of himself and give him a shitty meme on his ult
>nerf his AD because assassins shouldn't be able to assassinate glass cannon carries
>Nerf his AP which they gave him during his "rework" as compensation for the dump they took on the rest of his numbers
>Gut his early game gank potential
>Take away whatever damage he had on his Q making it even harder for him to 1v1 anyone without having to use his ultimate
>Half the league community still calling for his blood
Why does Riot hate shaco so much?
Like I get that he's frustrating to play against but jesus christ it's like beating a dead horse at this point.

>and against
if he gets a single kill thorugh a gank he snowballs out of control and is everywhere on the map. fuck that champ

I rather have a rampaging kass than a rampaging GP

Above silver where people ward he isnt even that bad to play against
I honestly dont get the hate for him either

>jhin in 2017

It's not too bad. Play a tank that shits out crowd control, listen to some relaxing music for half an hour, and keep an eye on the other lanes to tp down to help out.
Yeah, you'll be denied.
Yeah, you'll likely be dived under tower.
Yeah, you'll die.
And yeah, it can get frustrating.
But half an hour in, when you finally manage to get a few items, oh ho. Oh hohoho. That Renekton that kept you off your creeps for so long? The Darius, who zoned you with the constant threat of taking 60% of your health away if you took so much as one cannon minion? I'll tell you a secret, user. They pay. They pay with their lives. They owe you debt that can only be cleared with blood. It's like living the perfect revenge fantasy. Every. Fucking. Game.
So just chill out, take it easy, and relax. Bide your time. There's never a dull moment.
Except the gray screens.

My main pool of champions all have a lot of hard cc idgaf

Must've been played by TheCriticalMiss

>cute fanart = suffering
OK. Whatever you say.

I mean i know what's wrong with me, but do you know what's wrong with you?
Maybe you should see a doctor.

wrong, if that is your experience against kassa, then you need to play more games

i'm an Azir main and he just teleports through my ult like wtf is this broken shit

Because he is still annoying as shit cancer with his boxes that puke out endless damage, and so fucking unfun to play against with his dodging and jumping.

Nigger no amount of pink wards will ever stop a shaco. Doesn't matter if you're a tanky fuck either, you go on him and you'll just get raped. The only ever reliable way to kill a good shaco is to have your team with you stopping all his escapes.

>jhin is now being played as a utility champ because of his W and R
this isn't new

You guys should get that "arguing with everyone" syndrome checked out. You could have /pol/.

/pol/boogeyman out of nowhere

Now this is some serious paranoia, you should get that checked out

>all this utility

death is a great utility

>I don't want people to argue but let's argue tho
Fuck off

>ward slightly further then normal or ward camps OR buy pink wards OR watch the behaviour of your enemy laners
>"oh shaco is coming to gank, better back off"

congratulations, shaco now wasted his time and is falling behind. His clears are terrible so if he just farms he will always fall behind to the enemy jungler, and even if he does get some kills he isnt that hard to deal with

go away and stay go bronze

Used to play him in s5 and recently just picked him up again.

The destroyed this champion, his only viable build is a tank/bruiser build.
Why the fuck do they still class him as an assassin? whatever happened to "we don't want to remove any of shaco's identity"?

If you unironically have a hard time vs a shaco then you're trash, he's literally countered by a red trinket, a free fucking item.

>ywn work out with Sona to help her lose weight

Holy shit
at least try to hide it

>7 assist
He already did his job being getting deleted

Have I missed some meme or why do suddenly so many people play Shaco top? These shitters always go TP/Ignite and then feed their ass off.

>7 assist when there were 40+ kills on either side

his job was doing nothing

you have a weird obsession with weight fampai
you should get that checked out