peasant ed
>Warhammer II
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post your campaigns fags
peasant ed
>Warhammer II
>Steam Groups
>FAQs and General Info
post your campaigns fags
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Sigmar a fag
Oldest of Friends.
Have you come to pledge me your loyalty?
>this few embeds
xth for
>its a saurus
>reading Wood Elves army book
>all these fucking instances of unprovoked attacks, often without clear motive
brb starting a Bretonnian campaign and burning down their shitty treefort
never change /twg/
Opening with one that hasn't been seen in a while.
>dead kid
(its a child that's dead)
Holy fuck. The chaos units are op.
so is warhammer 2 going to have all the factions from the first one?
if not, what's the fucking point?
Wood Elves are the comfiest and best elves
In the combined campaign update that will be out shortly after release
>so is warhammer 2 going to have all the factions from the first one?
If you own the first one. It's more like a standalone expansion pack that an actual sequel.
I fucking knew the "Warhammer 2" title would be confusing. Such a stupid decision by CA
Any news about the new historian title?
>i-ignore these h-hooves guys
Not yet
wow /twg/ BTFO, how will they ever recover
Do the Dawi have knees?
what sort of question is that
An important one
no, and neither do elves
everyone who can walk have to have knees
>Belegar is so fortified by both beard & armour that you can't even tell if he has skin or not
what if... Belegar is actually a ghost dad too?
snakes dont have knees
where is that art even from
wonder why birds' knees bend backwards
They don't.
I don't even know, some guy posted it here and I saved it.
>take me closer, so I can hit them with my hammer!
>United Bretonnia
>Friends with whole Empire, Dwarfs etc.
>Chaos and Norscan shits come
>Glorious battles near Marienburg
>Orion diplomacy opens
>Orion stop
>Orion please
>5 stacks of green hitlers on back lines
>cut to Franz slowly getting into position over Manny
>leans out and just drops his hammer onto him
>welfs dont get shield of civilization
Karl Franz (Gyrocopter) (Trollhammer Torpedo) (Lance and Barding) (Good Against Infantry) (Fast (For a Dwarf)) (Old Grumbler)
Snakes don't walk.
How do I into Bretonnia /twg/?
In my elves campaign i even broke the alliances with the other elves to not go to war with chaos.
Instead i occupyed the destroyed citys.
Lost them as the chaos lord was reborn and declared war with everyone though
quick who's the best beastlord in campaign
shadowgave seems kinda bad because his minotaurs are expensive as fuck
only with mods. Without them bretonnia is boring as fuck
One eye or the chaos undivided lord.
wod do
difficulty is legendary, other army is gobbo warboss with 2 orc boyz and 3 gobbo spears
Mass cavs, bum rush from 4 directions. Don't even bother with peasants
>chaos undivided lord
I heard his lore is pretty shit now that devolve got nerfed
Flee you fool
Far to little Missile Infantry
Need more canons.
>Play empire
>Everyone and their asses want to fuck you over
>AI spams agents in my glorious Reikland
>Chaos, vampire-chan and fucking STAAAB everywhere.
Truely the endtimes
Doesn't he still have the ability where If he's casting then the army gets buffed?
All Spelllords need that desu
>Gelt troops get armor
>Necromancers give speed or maybe locks binding for a couple of seconds
>Choas sorcerers give charge bonuses
>Wood Elves get more speed and accuracy
>Orcs get weapon damage
I don't know.
After dealing with the initial threats, your home front is relatively secure. But that just means you can send a couple of stacks off on a glorious crusade.
In my last campaign, I sent Louen to the Badlands, marched my way north, razing Orc hovels as I went and befriended the Dwarfs. Then I got some military access deals with the Empire, moved up through Blackfire Pass and took out the Vampires. Which meant that when Archaon came, I was in a great position to coordinate with the allies I made on the journey and fuck them up right proper.
Are night goblin warbosses on cave squigs any good?
They seem like they'd be great for mulching infantry.
Devolve was unnerfed to the point of being an actual decent spell again
It's not the destroyer of worlds it used to be, but it's functional.
>lizard penis
she gets one in each hole senpai
>Doesn't he still have the ability where If he's casting then the army gets buffed?
That's one of Wurrzag's items (I think)
>he's so unimaginative he needs mods to make a sandbox game interesting
From what I understand, they're actually great duelists.
Which faction would make the most sense for oversea exploration in TWW2?
The empire works, but that's kind of given. I've recently gotten interested in Bretonnia, and they seem like they'd be cool to play as going on a grand quest to the new world.
Estalia and Tilea
wait till lines meet then send Franz to kill the warboss ASAP, a lot of the time the AI is slow to keep their lord attacking your lord and you can take them out with very little damage.
Then use Reiksguard to kill shaman, avoid getting them caught in melee at any cost.
Keep your ranged units far away enough that they'll be reluctant to send melee units after them. If they do wait till they catch your dudes in melee and then charge with reiksguard.
Use reiksguard to keep cycle charging their blobbed up infantry that's fucking up your l-
WAIT nvm.
I just realised Franz is on a warhorse. Your fucked m8, doesn't that reduce his MD & armour by a hefty amount?
reddi/tg/ is slow to answer so ill ask here too. whats the most aesthetic fantasy ship?
bretonnia has better ships than the empire and if you want to handwave a little its easy to say they copied ship designs and techniques from the high elves since most of bretonnia civ is just copying them anyway
Estelia, Tilea, to some extend the norscan tribes and the Empire.
Greenskins because they're fucking everywhere and do as they please.
Chaos because norscans and destroying the plans of the old ones.
What's the best campaign you've had, /twg/?
stay there pls
There better be a fucking sailing squig.
Gigantic squigs greenskins tie their huts to and drift where ever the winds and waaagh takes them.
Standalone expansion that costs 60 burger dollars.
WRE extravaganza
first empire campaign on launch
Norscans getting an bit of a revamp and Tilea and Estalia.
I think it's because their bonus vs. infantry applies against lords which gives them 95 melee attack base against those units.
That is how bonus against inf. & cav works right?
A heavily modded FotS Saga republic campaign. It's the only time I've ever conquered the entire map in any TW.
By ze lady!
>pygmies are the preorder faction
oh my god
but thats stupid in a bad way. better to just have them be kaptains and freebooters on stolen ships
I thought bonus vs infantry was a damage bonus, not attack bonus
Lizardmen are asexual is his point, they're all clones spawned from the birthing pools.
will we get Amazons?
need some new models for feet pics tbhfam
Somehow I doubt it.
Probably not, it's not like we've gotten other minor factions like Halflings. Best just get Blood Bowl for Amazon admiring.
So arch has gone full on Nazi.
Is this the guy that supposedly only ever talks about sjws, alt right stuff and all that shit while in theory he should be talking about the game?
> German campaign starts
> You're in Bavaria
> Marching and singing
> This isn't WWII at all
> Suddenly around the corner are rows of policemen
> They fire into your march
> Duck for cover as a brown coat jumps in front of you, splashing you with his blood screaming "MEIN FUHRER"
Legendary Carcassone run done in 203 turns, are you guise proud of me?
pls give me (you)s
I'm going to be dominated by a best elf!
well bonus vs large applies to both so I don't see why infantry would be any different.
Ungrim for example has 35 bonus vs. large, which adding to his 450 melee damage is very little, but adding to melee attack as well makes him pretty good vs. monsters.
> all that blue
but if they're in Blood Bowl they're more of a legit faction than Halflings tho?
muh Dwarf allies
had to remove that much on my legendary Von Carstein campaign, was not fun at all.
Dwarfs are like fucking cocroaches
>well bonus vs large applies to both
this is news to me
>are you guise proud of me?
no, it looks like your a shitter who relies on doomstack crutches.
What do you expect from a faction that excels at defense and turtleing?
Think im officially burnt out lads
Gonna sit it out till TWW2, maybe dick around in MP
Assuming old friend isnt an alternate Empire start that is
Well you're gonna be waiting. Doesn't look like old friend is empire related.