/owg/ - Overwatch General

Dr.Ziegler edition

>New Nexus challenge for D.Va and Genji skins (new D.Va skin, same Oni Genji skin)
Heroes of the Storm – Nexus Challenge 2.0

>Official Uprising event website

>When does the event end?
May 1st. TODAY

>Loot item checklist

>Latest Comic

>Event video
[YouTube] [NEW SEASONAL EVENT] Welcome to Overwatch Uprising!
>Story video
[YouTube] King's Row Uprising Origin Story | Overwatch

>Developer update video
[YouTube] Developer Update | Overwatch Uprising | Overwatch
>Live Patch Notes

>Overwatch Dev Tracker


>Convert source mouse sensitivity

>Stats and Leaderboards

>Competitive Info

Old thread:


What's the main difference in player skill between bronze and silver, silver and gold, gold and platinum, platinum and diamand, etc?

Consolefag here, if I buy Overwatch on PC and link my account do I keep my skins and shit? My new computer parts arrive today.

Why is passed out hana sexual;

Here comes T. Mercy


looks can only get you so far when the matchmaking, balance and gameplay are insanely bad and or repetitive

don't fall for their evil tricks! the game is ten times grindier and has 4 currencies now, it's all a trap.

its literally what hi-rez does with smite and paladins, don't be sheep.

Last push for legendary uprising, need 3 other people that can consistently clear the payload defense phase at the very least, have been to the last 2 Orisas on Rein and Mercy

I want to whisper sweet nothings into her audio sensors about how she'll see buffs soon.

You are arrested for possessing lewd pictures of me!

how much time until cop dva?

>competitive overwatch

Seagull is a nice guy though and gives out good advice. He's the only one I can think of though.

Third time in a row... Stop posting if you always fuck it up!

How do I make robot pregnant

>playing ranked
>ana on team goes through half of the match without saying a thing
>everyone else having a good time encourages ana to join in
>is a quiet qt3.14 grill voice that goes "sleeping~" whenever she sleep darts someone
>"Genji sleepi~ng~.." "Mercy sleeping~"
Fuck me that was cute as fuck, boys.
Grills a best.

Words cannot describe how much I love Lena Oxton!

Would you like OW to become really popular e-sport, on level with DOTA and CS-GO?
Not talking is achievable or not, just your personal preference.


There is this gm Junkrat main guy that I watch. He was actually giving an Overwatch class yesterday with virtual whiteboard and everything.

>will never have cop d.va because I had no idea they were forcing you to do week 1 before you can do week 2 of that challenge shit
Blizzard needs to accept barely anyone wants to play their shitty game. Officially dropping Overwatch. Bad enough this uprising event was absolutely awful

Would you raise another man's child if she was the mother

Install an artificial womb. China had already made some.

just chill out, get your bong and load up 2*5 HotS games before the end of the month


didnt someone say that you can do the earlier weeks' challenges later on

Wait do we really need to do both weeks?
Can't just do it this week for officer D.Va?

OW is literally the only e-sport that I watch.

I like the big tourneys. The world championships last year was great even though every country got rolled by Korea.

Getting popular on twitch is a one way ticket to having your playerbase be one of the worst things on the face of this earth.
If you think OW palyerbase sucks now, you would kill yourself if it was the same as LoL has become the last few years.
t. playing League since S1 on master level


>watching overwatch
what a fucking snorefest wew fucking lad

So how are they going to handle the Uprising stuff? Are they going to eventually just make it part of the Loot Box pool since the event is not seasonal?

You don't afaik

Of course! Although, I don't really foresee that happening.

About time.

So how many hours is there between the reset and the event ending?

Yes, you need to clear week 1 challenge to get the next one.

Just fucking end me.

To get the D.va skin, do 10 qp games within the month. For spray and icon, add 5. First 5 can be vs. AI
Seriously, just write it out in the OP next time

Ah, well looks like I'm not getting Overwatch on PC then, ain't no way I'm going to give them more money. Guess I'll just wait for Bannelords, thanks for answering my question user.

There will probably be Uprising events in the future that tell a different story and allow you to get the old skins as well as some new ones.

I used to like Surefour a lot when he first started. He seemed pretty chill before. But now it seems like sometimes he tries too hard to ham it up for the stream.

Man HotS is easy as fuck.

>Go to new player chat, spam "Invite and Add for skins

> Get invite instantly

> Play 5 rounds vs bots

> Play 5 rounds vs players

It doesn't even matter if you win or lose.

Bronze, Silver and Gold are all generally trash.

Poor awareness, no coordination, no target priority, no idea how to flank or utilise high ground, no clue as to when to push the advantage or retreat, no understanding of the ult economy etc.

Platinum is where this all starts coming together, but the effect is countered by inflated egos.

At Diamond most players have reached a high enough skill cap that most fights/matches are decided by coin flips, in one way or another.

Team composition is always a sticking point, because at higher levels they are obsessed with the "meta" heroes.

One of the main deciding factors is if people are willing to switch if they are not getting kills or achieving the desired result with their current heroes. Overwatch is very much about counter-picking, but don't expect this to happen in the lower ranks.

Obviously mechanical skill is important, but it usually feels like it is overshadowed by poor (sometimes no) communication, timing or generally bad positioning.

It'll just be gone forever.

Look how many WoW items are permanently gone from events and shit. Blizz doesn't care about autistic completionism.

1-3 Person Team ONLY queues when? This would fix QP.

>hating on streams.

1995 called. They want there zipper jacket and bell bottoms back grandpa.

It's a shame there were no references on the map to what McCree was doing .Like hat or bullet casings
If I was designing the event one of the objectives would be rescuing him.

Summer skin leaked


I don't see why not, there's no reason Tracer can't get pregnant


So does Nano Boost instill some kind of berserker frenzy in whoever it hits? Because I think I prefer the idea that Mercy just bottles up her frustrations and leapt at the chance to start wrecking shit.

Torbjorn is father of Junkrat confirmed


Tumblr is too latched onto Blizzard now for anything even remotely sexual.

I'm surprised they haven't patched out Tracer's Olympics skin yet DESU SENPAI.

Looking at bronze players is like watching malfunctioning bots try to play the game

Silver and gold are pretty much the same but the failing is less laggy as you go up

Plat is full of industrial cock inhalers who think they're hot shit and still rock a 20% accuracy on soldier

Diamond is pretty chill but there are a lot of the plat kind of players in there because this is where mechanical skill starts being the main deciding factor in teams' performances

From there on its just more mechanical skill the higher you go, all the theory shit is pretty much learned by plat because this game has horseshit for depth

What a fucking nuisance.
I already bit the bullet the last time around Blizzard, i shouldn't need to play 5 games to get something i already fucking have.

guys is it weird to be sexual attracted to the idea of mei dominating you?

>hardly talk aside from voip call outs
>everyone in awhile I'll say turbonigger or doublenigger in chat to fuck around, not even as an insult, just saying it
>now have a 2 month chat ban

It doesn't effect me since I can just party up, nor do I really talk at all in solo queue. I don't argue with people or whine about picks since it's fucking pointless.

But the audacity of this just kind of pisses me off. A lot. Some bitchy attempt at trying to punish me just rubs me the wrong way.

1. The audacity, all this did was piss me off, if anything it reinforces negative behavior and asks for more. I really only said doublenigger once or twice before getting a ban, which I'm not going to be controlled by some cocksuckers, blizz or anyone
2. I still have to hear the same whiners and 'toxic' players, so I guess I'll make use of the report feature I never used.

All in all, the concept of this and the bitchy message that pops up once in awhile just annoy me and I won't be buying anything blizzard for some time, which sucks because I wanted to see the necromancer

hana's hairy hole

Was reading on it earlier and saw some talking about getting locked out of getting it if you missed the first week stuff as in you only had a week for it.

If that's not the case and I can still do all of it, guess I'll reconsider.

Thanks for th correction.

You do get the skins on console. I link my pc account with a siblings console account and they have Oni Genji from it.


deepest lore

That doesn't even make sense, where would she keep the rockets for the rocket barrage, what the fuck.

talk shit get hit

overwatch anime when

They don't want to "waste" the ult, even though it was already wasted.

how come my team never shoots at widow owg

im 2800

>i shouldn't need to play 5 games to get something i already fucking have.

you already have the cop D.va skin?

Well ever since the Slipstream accident her personal timeline has gone pretzel shaped. There's no telling what kind of effect that may have had on her biologically. Maybe the baby would come out fully grown or be afflicted with some Benjamin Button shit. Or maybe she's infertile. Blizzard's certainly never going to touch on it, so I can workshop this all day.

Actually I think Blizzard would have other problems before even taking tumblr into account:
first of all I think it would be a huge uproar if only some heroes got it, however they never released skins for all heroes in the same event

then there's the bigger issue of the skin needing to match the hitbox and shape of the character so for someone like Pharah, Mei or Rein who are covered in armor / thick clothing I don't see how they could avoid that

>dwarf is the father of a 6'6" guy

his mom must be a giantess

>fly above enemy team; rip off bikini bottoms
>start raining shitnuggets down onto the enemy team

>people who played SHITS the last time to get oni cuckji get cucked this time around


Is there a better feeling, than giving the other Pharah the bidness all game? I'm not talking long extended airfights that remove you from the game. I'm talking full aerial superiority, that when ever she presses Shift, you immediately two shot her, pharmercy be damned.

Aerial Superiority achieved.

solo queue for solo only
6 stacks only queue into other 6 stacks

if you can't form a full team, too fucking bad

No, but i have the Oni one, that's what I'm complaining about.

They could have made the Oni skin the reward for the last week so people who already had it could skip 5 games, but no.

my pants

I dunno if I would go that far - sure the devs talking shit and muting is probably deserving of a black eye but I think excessive violence isn't the answer.

Is Reinhardt the most sexualized character in Overwatch?

The Mexican hacker is pretty cute

I just switch to Diva and throatfuck her with my mech.

> try to have air duel with enemy Pharah
> some asshole barges in
I hate this feeling

>"I say nigger all the time and they silenced me, what the fuck! I'm going to say nigger even more now!"
You're only hurting yourself, pal.

>im 2800
You answered your own question.

Why don't YOU shoot her?

I honestly can't tell if this is a troll post or not. Good one user.

i would sacrifice my firstborn for a whiff of her sweaty cooch, pits and feet

> No reason Tracer can't get pregnant

Aside from being a dude, not really.


Doujin where Sombra hacks Orisa so she becomes a crazy cock craving slut when?

What doujins have you been reading, user?

That's exactly it though. For awhile I was wondering why people were saying bizarre things at the end of a match - it's a filter for ggez or some bullshit.

If I was calling a black guy a nigger - ok. But since the entirety of my saying some special word is an unusual adjective-bigger not directed at anyone - fuck them

I play with friends, the fact that these curs think that they can restrict what I say in such a shitty way, I'll only buck against it and do it more. The moment I'm unbanned I'll intentionally spam nigger in voip now.


In this thread, only cute pictures are allowed.

Tracer only identifies as male, he still has a functional uterus

Hahaha i did the same shit and got a one day ban but it didn't even matter because i just switched servers and was unmuted

I agree!

> Looks like duck
> Quack like duck
> Into Lady Ducks

I love how post-chanology fags never figured out to keep Veeky Forums on Veeky Forums then throw a bitchfit when they're not allowed to act like a complete autist when and wherever they want.