League of Legends General - /lolg/

new lolichamp when edition

previous: eyosongive.us

1st for Azir getting buffs

Id be OK with this

I wouldn't

let him rot

borktanic shen is pretty gud

Xth for Azir continuing to remain in the dumpster

*wards your bush*

What do you think about this?

>A half year break
Could someone recommend me a good toplaner desu?

Are toplane tanks still dominant?

is trolling in league (inting etc) more fun than tryharding? it kinda feels like it sometimes


t. boosted niggers

>imls taking an autism test
this gonna be good

I don't play ranked though. Hell I don't even play with other people.


i fucking love playing zilean. watching rivens or lucians act all cocky and dash towards you then freak out when they get hit with the gigantic slow and they can't get away.

maybe you'll learn how to actually position now you goddamn animals

Sometimes they don't cry salty bitch tears in chat, so not always.

Why does cancer have to be so lewd

t. mentally ill narcissist who will never be happy

>report a guy for trolling, toxic chat and intentional deaths. some days ago
>he only has 2 more games after that one
do you think he got the banhammer Veeky Forums? FEELS GOOD MAN, THANK YOU RIOT YOU FUCKING PIECES OF SHIT.

Bottom team is going to be destroyed so hard it's not even funny


If at first you don't suck seed, blow another cock.





I know this Zyra. Good Zyra you're in for a ride. Used to be #1 Zyra world.

feathers fly :D

theres little girls in thwe op


What is you opinion on cowtits?

When's midseason patch hitting? I wanna try out my goo man of much displacement

A stone in my hand is worth another rock!

Post baseline retarded orange rat.

>Support Zac into Ez/Zyra
Zac needs to play like a god, Kindred needs to play a relevant jungler. Malph shouldn't be a problem for you but with no hard CC you can't interrupt his tp, will be rough for your bottom lane. You're gonna need to pop off, or Ahri.
Gl Pride.

Thats just what you tell yourself. The reality is you want to climb, but are too shit and dont want to admit it.

gross. i prefer flat chests and small perky tits

Kindred is a shit champ and is overrated


I want to look exactly like Diana (male)!

Tryndamere my greatest creation Tryndamere my greatest creation Tryndamere my greatest creation Tryndamere my greatest creation Tryndamere my greatest creation

>there's are people who consider themselves the ones to make the thread
>making a thread more than once
i actually want you to die

>As Dj Khaled would say "and another one"


i dont know that feel bro, im a winner, i want to win

Sona milk

>get to d4
>lose next 4 games
>still not demoted to d5

wew lads


why is GP so quotable

xth for transcending imperfection!

Make Reckoning great again!

I just miss playing Mage Kayle...

>tryndamere, my gayest creation

what did he mean by this

How do you even get taunts like that to play? I've tried it as Taliyah laning against xerath and Azir and it didn't work either time


Congratulations, user!

>Not stopping after second loss and taking a breather

Its like you guys dont know how to notice a trend.

*Blocks your path*

His new VO is great overall. I just miss how salty his old laugh was. Especially when he ulti'd

post chat my friend

>people dont like my OPs

>new Eve is mobile enough she can go red smite/ignite in the jungle

I miss her in general. I see her played jungle and I am just too chicken to try it.

Usually with ctrl+2 but Aatrox x Tryndamere is supposed to play automatically and only once.

No way fag

You dont need smite thanks to amazing Kite though

who /dodge every time they get support/ here?

I auto dodge immediately i see "support" and if i get it again, I don't mind waiting 30 minutes.

I will never be a support cuck

ignite when laning, need to flash over a wall to save some asses

jg Kayle is really easy and you can clear without taking much damage, but it's still mostly her on-hit build, ugh


No smite means no jungle items means no bonus gold and XP from camps idiot.

I prefer to duo with types like you. More supporting for me

I dodge then just hop between my 2 accounts

is garena lol, a "private server"?

does garena allow you to try all champs?

I take red
smite for echoes and maximum killing chance

>Not going Ignite/Smite on Eve already
I bet you go Flash/Smite on Shyvana

>Eve has a Shaco tier blink better than flash
>Eve's blink also cleanses, imagine GP's orange but it's also a flash rather than a heal

To distract you from how cancer it is

How am I doing so far?
I'm currently level 15.

t. bronze support "main"

I'm not even mad desu, Lee was top most of the game while the enemy bot just inted our Kalista

That manamune though.

nobody knows about garena lol, whats it like? i want somewhere i can test all champs

Someone please help

how do i join the Veeky Forums chat on the new client

Some interesting builds you've got there.


>its another fucking AD Kennen episode

the fuck,i thought matches with the red background coloring were losses
why would somebody do this?

Meh. Might be bronze but I climbed a whole teir yesterday. Hoping to do it again when I get home from work. Had bad placement games.


You just gotta play supports that do things you like to do. If you don't like jacking around and healing then don't play soraka, play thresh or blitz or leo or alistar who engage and pull the trigger on fights that get your team ahead or win/lose the game.

If you have hangups about the role and don't enjoy it then sure dodge all day but there are fun champs in every role

The fact that you are a tank faggot means you should kys yourself.

>new eve isnt out yet

How did they managed to lose with the insane combo with malph Zyra and EZ?

Damn, must've been the hardest game of your life. Take a breather mate, wipe the sweat off your brow.


>aatrox is about to fly away
>i press E with vayne
>stop him from getting away and cc him against a wall
fuck, that kind of shit is better than orgasm

>they don't ban lulu

you get your gold and exp from assassinations idiot, usually bouncing between toplaner and adc

Just bought Darius
Did I do good or will he get permabanned in Soloq forever?

Dying half a dozen times prior to 6, perhaps?

I have no idea what happend bot lane but Ezreal and Bard kept dying over and over again, Zyra was bulding a Stinger and Lee went missing after dying twice for 5 minutes but his team said he wasn't afk. In other words:

I wanna look EXACTLY like shyvana!

Nice projection fag

Pls help I only have 1 refund left