>Bump limit is 315 and thread subject is if AFTER HOURS MATTER
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Stickerbitch's calendar of memes and dreams:
calendar.google.com/calendar/[email protected]

Biopharma Catalyst Calendar:

Shitposting room:

Alternative memechat for poorfags:
-- Robinhood FAQs --
- VISIT THE WEBSITE FIRST DAMMIT!! - www.robinhood.com

> How is it free?
They invest your unsettled funds after a trade. It's also pretty basic shit.

> When is it coming to my country?
Never. They only have "plans" on an Australian beta.

> It's been X days, why isn't my account verified yet?
If it takes more than 3 days, email their support. They are very good.

> Is this the place to pump and dump and/or shill a worthless stock?

> I hit sell when the stock was X.XX, but it actually sold at a lower price, am I being jewed?
No, that would actually be illegal. Robinhood graphs are just shit and only show you an average, not-really-realtime price. To get Bid/Ask prices and important things like candlestick graphs, you should use a more robust platform. -- (also learn difference between LIMIT and MARKET orders!!!)

> Where can I get better charting or bid/ask?
thinkorswim is bretty gud if you want a 2nd account with real broker.
Otherwise you should be using stockcharts.com, finviz, or a non-pile-of-shit for your graphing in addition to Robinhood.

>How do I git gud?
Search for press releases. Don't listen to any advice in this thread.

> Can I use Robinhood on my PC?
Yes, download an android emulator


Other urls found in this thread:



im all in on mstx help

First for DCTH

I'm ready for another day on AMD's Wild Ride.

p...ptn moon mission r..right?

I placed a stop loss order on DCTH for 0.47. Lo and behold the market opens, it plummets, and Robin Hood fails to execcute my orders.

Why do you fags shill this broken PoS again?

Holy shit nigger are you just gonna keep posting this? Leave this fucking board and never come back

P r e - m a r k e t

Is this a new pasta?

>markets open

Unironically KYS asshole

People need to know if the app isnt functioning properly so they dont get screwed too


What do you guys use to track stocks in real time?

I paid for after market access

Yahoo finance or investing.com

For the noobs who dont know that means I can start trading at 9 instead of 930.

Its one of the perks of gold... Or its supposed to be anyways

>Stop loss at 0.47
>Share value is 0.48
What's the problem here?

Wew lads

>I can start trading at 9 instead of 930.
>he cant starts trading at 7:30am

Thankfully nothing this time. I lucked out.

But I am pissed that I have gold but apparently stop limits apparently dont work with pre market orders.

you nak faggots really should cash out. the void beneath your feet is much deeper than you think


Did daycare not pick you up today?

I am aware.

Gold is supposed to give you access to trading at 9AM.

I thought that meant if the stock plumetted after 9AM it would sell.

W/E I got out at .465. Close enough I guess, I still made a bit of money, I just wont trust any of golds "perks" anymore

I sure as hell am not renewing it.

User error




Sold at 3.18. Luckily only lost 4% of my position. Fuck that shit.

Yeah, its my fault gold doeant work as advertised. Hardy har har.

isn't the standard cash account just the best option since it lets you day trade freely?

This isn't RH support you fucking autist, no one here gives a fuck about this retards 10-post long sonnet blaming da joos for not executing his stop.

>3 day settling fees

What do you guys think about SHIP?

I thought I told you to kill yourself? Go do it already!

Riding the CHKR train

then what should i get, gold or instant? seems silly about the day trade rule i think i would break that.

Managed to off load my NAK bags onto some poor soul at $3.20 right as the market opened.

It's dumb to have to wait 3 days to reuse funds. At least with instant you can't day trade too much within 5 days but you can still buy stocks and hold overnight instead of waiting for the cash to settle.

itll be safe to hop back in again soon. just need to wait a couple of days to shake out


NAK looks promising for the long term. But I wouldnt touch it today, its gonna drop a lot more before it rises again

What are you doing

AUPH get in here!

STX might keep running at 22% right now

there has to be a buyer willing and wanting to buy your pumped up and valueless piece of shit meme stock, you stupid mother fucker. get burned.



I told you faggots to not buy AMD but you're not listening it's going to drop to around $8 again, they are NOT going to make money this year wait until the third fiscal quarter before making a decision on whether or not to go back in.



i think DRAM could blow with a bit of volume.

level two is clear

Also this. Just because 1 order was executed at 0.XX doesn't mean your 1500 shares get to be executed there as well.

MOSY trying to break .30 up 24%

Dow 20K niggers. Already up $70 today and hopefully more gains before the close.

I have no day trades left. Will this be good to hold if i buy at .29?

Srs guise he's working on ordering the wall. What are some gud wall stocks?

Inb4 pnk flyd

You should look for less volatile stocks if you cant get out. Id say no.


anyone else in VNR?

bagheld this for a month. finally coming back


Yes just sold. SELLLLL

> tfw everything drops the moment you buy it.

How 2 git gud?

be able to spot when youre late to the party

AMD is too overbought easily manipulated

I see DRYS continue to drop. Is there any point to buying it since its bottoming out it can only go up right anons?

Yes just sold. SELLLLLIve been wondering same thing...especially with recent aquisitions by the company. On a side note, check out BUR

what you thinking on AUPH?

Bankruptcy is inevitable. They cannot pay off all the debt with these shipping rates, avoid!

No, it's just found its correct price range. 9-11 bucks.

watch and wait for OBV, slow stoch, MACD buy signals. then watch and wait for sell signals.

>no daytrades
>buy SHIP at 1.20
>sell SHIP at 1.25 tomorrow
>safe profit

Please find a flaw to utilize this no daytrade day

It is way over valued the company is currently going to be hit financially due to Trump's policies.
More like 7-8 if not less.

Its on my list but Im waiting. It looks like that might have been the double top with the two spikes but I also see a potential trend up forming with the higher lows.

>safe profit
>holding overnight
>safe profit
>but at 1.20 sell at 1.25
>safe profit
>safe profit

you do realize everyone in the stock market is trying to do that same exact thing right?

Nice one.

I went in.

Is SSH launch sequence ready for initiation?

It's just been fluctuating those 5 cents for the past week

What are you in on? Be careful on it.

You guys want a good stock for the day? Pick F. It's got low volatility and is on the up tick due to earnings being released

1500 shares at 0.28.

I have a stoploss in place.

Just waiting for volume to really pick and break 0.3. From there it should run.

wtf is mstx doing

speculate on DRAM fellars. level 2 is clear

Averaged down NAK from 3.30 to 3.14. Kek be with me

level 2?

Can you show level 2 for MOSY?

I told you mother fuckers about MSTX. You would be mad to sell now.

DCTH, suck my cock. Now I have to hold this retarded stock

wall at 1.44

buy dcth on this dip

you might be safe. spot looking to reclaim 1200. might bounce off though and resume the selling


NAK and AMD are done for. Any increase is just people trying to get in on it. Sell your positions now or you will regret it.

>100 shares ask

pick one

That's delayed info no? Cause yahoo finance is saying the volume is 2 mil not 100k

two very different things

MOSY finally bout to break 0.3+.

Watch for breakout.

Any indication where it's going to? I'm in right around .28

1000 shares at .28 lets go!

No, Nak is good for the long haul. But the price isnt done plummeting, I will probably buy in sometime next week lol


Should have sold at .45 fucking noob

Someone put up a huge wall at 0.3.

Once it breaks that wall, it should run hard.

Expecting at least a run to 0.32 but could also go 0.35+.

Set a stop loss.