Fate/Grand Order General - /fgog/

Previous: >[BB-chan's Counterattack / Let's Meet at the Electronic Sea]
>Period: 05/01 to 05/24
>Extra related servants (and Tristan) will have an advantage during the event
>New combat and NP animations for Liz (Lancer) and Robin.
>New servants:
>4* BB (Moon Cancer) [Welfare]
>5* Melt (Alter Ego)
>4* Passionlip (Alter Ego)
>4* Suzuka Gozen (Saber)

>Pre CCC event campaign
>Nero Bride's NP power-up through Interlude, also animation update
>New Mystic Code
>Servants appearing in Extra CCC have half AP Interludes and Strengthening Quests
>Main quests half AP until Solomon, 19th until 30th
Rate-up gacha:
1 Karna
2 Tamamo no Mae
3 Bride, Gilgamesh, Karna and Tamamo no Mae
>Gawain, Nero, Emiya, Liz, Robin Hood and Cu Chulainn, also CE Victor from the Moon, Another Ending Piece of Year 2030, Ideal Holy King and Demonic Bodhisattva are always on the rate-up

>English FGO confirmed for Summer 2017 in US and Canada
>First 2 chapters on release
>Japanese audio with subs
>No Japanese account transfer
>No censorship unless ESRB takes issue with something



>Farming Guide


>Mega Pastebin

>TLs Pastebin

>FL Spreadsheet (last reset: April 26)
Add yourself docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLScCq3eZgh3zlUtZ3G6Y-zzv1kaXt4GHuWVBRlV__V3Q3rC2Pg/viewform
View list docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1FSN1kmzso2itgjWzaGfysZ5WhEjiL5EcyjGr4k6DffA

>Materials, experience and event AP simulators

>Alternate Servant/CE DB

first for medea

Enjoying the beach event, /fgog/?

thoroughly disappointed with the Sakura ascensions we've seen so far

How do you guys find the courage to roll for NP2? Just got Melt after 5 10 rolls and I'm afraid of trying any further for an extra copy.

Besy boy.


How did your rolls go?


Friendly reminder to not waste your skill gems and shit leveling Suzuka

She's Shit

You just go for it. That's literally it. You go for it and regret rolling. By the time you're done rolling it's already too late.

second part will be beach adventures
trust me, my dad is Shiokawa

First time that I fucked up.

CCC is shit all self inserts are shit you are all cucks

Melt or Lip? Let's settle this once and for all.

210 quartz gavve me meltlilith and suzuka but i really only wanted passionlip

So is there a mooncell in FGO or not? It doesn't seem to take place in the same setting because we don't have that dumb mana is gone issue of Extra.


>the madman actually turned the CCC event into another EoR chapter

The chapter did say there were two locations, one at the sea and other deep in the mountains. I think later we're gonna go to the other place to check things out.

Lip because she is actually pretty useful

my only 30 quartz got me the SSR from a game I don't particularly care about but I like Sakura so that's cool at least.
Also I am huge on Martha so her voice was a big plus.

What's going to be the TWEEST? We know they'll reveal BB is a dindu since she's the welfare.

all the nip comments at the holy scrolls are saying melt sucks
is that true? did I waste my single ticket?

I GOT NOTHING FUCK YOU FOR ASKING YOU PIECE OF SHIT. Unironically will suck cock for quartz at this point

About 300 Quartz and 15 tickets got me NP2 Passionlip so I'm satisfied.
Might whale for NP3 if there doesn't turn out to be a part 2 or anything because of how cute she is.

Chaldea is the one deep in the mountains.


>and other deep in the mountains
So either the physical Chaldea, or more Buddhist shit to indicate Kiara.

What do you suppose happened to Nero & Co?

4 tickets and 18 quartz got me this, i'm a happy man.


Kiara put a magic stick up her ass that was controlling her whole time

Bond CE art when?


kill yourself.

>other deep in the mountains
This was talking about Chaldea. It was comparing their relationship to Roman and Magi Mari in correspondence.

>it's Karma Points, not Kiara Points

Kiarafags BTFO again


She's incredibly overrated by the people who rolled her. She's just okay. The fact that she has 4 hit quicks should tell tell yourself that she's mediocre.

I'm sorry Melt, I can no more.

I got Lip, with 18 quartz and 7 tickets, and she came from a ticket so I'm pretty happy.

>The fact that she has 4 hit quicks should tell tell yourself that she's mediocre

Fuck you, it's Kotomine points

Thinking about becoming a prostitute on the side so I can earn more money to buy quartz...


l i p

>Implying that won't be part of the twist.

Guan Yu 5* when lads?

git gud fucker

Of something worth mentioning - one Suzuka and 2 Rin/Rani CEs. I'm broke as fuck.

Cow tits > needle feet

>Nasu doing an even for a game only redditers care about

Who farming hands for another month here?


Went good, I got Lip from a ticket, the rest where shit.

Doesn't compare to Jack, who is still the quick God.

The cookie drought is insufferable.

>They didn't use Bottom Black, Moon Gazer as BB's boss theme

Got one of everything from 150 quartz,

Holy fuck me she uses skill gems?

Tamamo was hunted down by her eight rogue tails, and Nero stumbled upon the scarlet harlot's misplaced cup of ostentation. Nero [Beast] is the secret final boss.


What happened to the Emiya which is not Bob

>Karma Points
Saver coming soon.


An accurate depiction of how the boss fight went. I'd still hug him though.

Got trapped in a gay bar by BB clearly.

Is this the "sakura" event?
should i give up at getting a proper sakura servant?

He turned into Bob.

Trapped probably, it is weird that Gawain is there despite not being with MC when transported.
I would say he is gonna betray you later but Gawain is honest enough to not doubt his word, or maybe he is being manipulated.

I was about to call you out that ain't she's an Arts user but then I remember that it's B.B. that's Arts. Carry on.


Spent 60 dollars when I probably shouldn't have since I don't get paid for another 2 weeks and I'm extremely low on money and got only a Lip, a million Hans CEs and one Rin/Rani CE.

Was aiming for the foxy gyaru JK but after rolling that I feel satisfied with Lip. I have one of every class so I'm fine.

Make sure to bring Scathach or Enkidu against Tesla later.

>leveling up skills


33 quartz and 7 tickets got me Lip and Melt, so I'm satisfied.

I would make sure that I end up dating this kind of teacher.

>mfw we actually get Bob in Last Encore

>he's never levelled an avenger

>Quick buff AFTER NP
>atk up with demerit def down
>Melt Virus affect allies too and timer buff meme

There people who said "b-but you can just spam her NP to stack the Quick buff" but in team of 3,you don't always get her card in every fucking turn.

Retard, Avengers don't use skill gems at all.

240 and 40+ tickets quartz but I got Melt.
I also got NP 2 fox and Lip, I doubt I'm gonna level them though, I'm thinking of burning the extra copies.


I'd be ecstatic.

>tfw Hakunon and Bob's talk implies Hakunon got BLACKED offscreen

2 Gil, 3 Rin/Rani, no gold servants in 90. So better than usual.

2 Rin/Rani CE and my 10th Twice.
Fucker seems to show up every time I ten roll a new limited gacha

Better than expected.

>Quick buff AFTER NP

That's really fucked up if so.

>Karma is a thing in Buddhism
>Kiara is a Bodhisattva

Have skills been translated yet?


Well Tesla won't be a problem because I own Scat but George was a fucker with the defense up and BB's gay attack down roulette.

It is

>all those passive skills on Melt and Lip
It somehow feels unfair.

it's like almost impossible not to notice this if you played the event at all

I thought Melt Virus raised your team's NP damage up, not lowered it all down. She's even worse then I thought. Jack 2.0 my ass.

It is.
Lip turned out to be the best unit in the end.

Atk up with demerit might be actually great if the values are good.
Same with Melt Virus.

Between her NP gen and the fact that it's a 3 turn quick up tied to her overcharge, I'm dead certain she's meant to be used in a last stand type situation.