First for stop picking ana you widowmaker shitheads
Jaxson Torres
fourth for zarya best waifu
Justin Johnson
Here comes T.Racer!
Lucas Murphy
>Always end up playing rein in comp because no one else will even though I'm not very good at playing him >Decide to try some QP just to focus on improving >Team is flankers on the other side of the map from the payload and a widowmaker with no healer
Hunter Davis
Sexy Orisa skins when
Wrong, it's Orisa
Brayden Smith
Sombra online.
Ayden Scott
Obligatory shipping post.
Charles Cruz
This triggers the autistic ones
Aiden Myers
Does Quest 2 start in HotS today? If it does, does anyone want to group up and throw games because MOBAs are dogshit? Post your battletag and I'll add you.
Jayden Stewart
Would Genji still be competitively viable but have a higher skill cap if his Reflect skill was removed and replaced with the ability for his melee to reflect things?
Yeah, this is why people make alt-accounts to practice heroes, good luck trying to practice teamplay in fucking QP.
We can't even use the placement matches to get a fresh start, because you're going to placed near your final rank anyways.
Kevin Peterson
Don't we all?
Ian Sullivan
I fucking hate competitive because of this Every single match needs 2 reinhardts and 2 lucios, bans are desperately needed. Mirror matches are innately boring.
Xavier Williams
I heard they announced Diablo for this game
When is his release date?
Tyler Collins
ITT we continue hating on Chu for being a useless shit, stealing a living.
Colton Roberts
New skin when?
Ian Smith
Eli Cooper
No, I want her huge horsecock to hilt me until I mindbreak by rough fucking.
Michael Bailey
These are both good, yes
Michael Evans
Charles Rivera
What if I told you, Widowmaker + Junkrat works pretty well. Junkrat is the best close range hero while Widow is the best long range hero.
Caleb Morales
>yfw Sombra is 30
fuckin old ass hag
Aiden James
Christopher Cruz
>tfw attracted to older women that act sassy
Carson Hall
Already in the game, it's a skin
William Thompson
what an old bitch god damn
Jayden Green
you know that orisa is some user's wife, right?
Cooper Brooks
>[YouTube] You are doing this on purpose, aren't you... no one fucks up FOUR times in a row.
Daniel Ward
They actually just released Prime Evil Diablo skins.
James James
Christopher Cruz
how are people still playing this game? its the same thing over and over again
Jason Williams
Yes, mine
Nicholas Wright
This is Rein's best skin, prove me wrong.
Isaac Morris
It's that time again. Who would you go gay for if they offered you sex and were real?
It is still pic related for me
Josiah Barnes
What, when? I swear I looked like last week and it wasn't in the game.
Anthony Rodriguez
Prepare to get cucked.
Jason Hughes
Jesus. That did a surprising amount of damage.
Dominic Ortiz
I'm already gay.
Jayden Gray
Not possible my dude
Kayden Diaz
Cutting off your penis does not make you into a female
Kevin Lopez
>Genji's attack pattern already involves him doing shuriken and melee >melees every second or two >Dragonblade is just straight up melee Rather than competitively viable, you made him OP.
Joshua Thompson
McCree for looks Lúcio for personality
Jonathan Perry
Luis Walker
Reminder it has been 10 months and 25 days since this gamebreaking piece of shit was released.
Reminder she is STILL gamebreakingly overpowered and a must have to have any shot at winning a map.
Adam Davis
I'd fuck D.Va and stroke her cock till she cums in a heartbeat.
Angel Rodriguez
I'd rather not go gay for anyone, but if I absolutely had to pick, probably Zarya__
Cooper Nelson
How long until the police Meka becomes available?
Julian Bell
>tfw rein has like 5 or 6 amazing skins and other characters barely have 1 IT'S NOT FAIR
Leo Wood
I wouldn't even hesitate.
Caleb Morales
Im already gay, but Rein
Evan Russell
Here's a challenge: Find one reason deleting Roadhog would be a bad thing.
Pro tip, you can't.
Jackson Robinson
>there will never be lewds where either Junkrat or Lucio passionately hump Zarya in missionary
Evan Sanders
As a Lucio main, I am completely fine with Reinhardt having his skins. He'll look fancy when I push him off cliffs.
Isaac Clark
I swear if I miss out buying skins while waiting for last minute weekly rewards....
Hunter Clark
Because then more people would play Mei, the other completely broken character
Dominic Butler
Post more D.Va!
Landon Richardson
I couldn't resist her cuteness.
Thomas Fisher
junkrat should be taller than zarya
howd the artist mess that up
James Sullivan
No. Post more Zenyatta!
Ethan Wood
No more roadhog porn
David Price
so he can only delfect single bursts of things rather than automatic fire BUT it doesnt have a a cooldown?
Jason Morales
Same here.
David Ramirez
>Play all the time with a friend >After numerous games there's a 400sr difference between us How come? I though the win/loss was determining the gain / loss off sr. How the game can calculate our respective sr gain on our playstyles then?
Colton Jenkins
Best girl, best boy, best friends
Jason Taylor
He's only about an inch taller, so the second panel seems all right. I think he's kind of shrinking away from her in the first one, you can tell because his shoulders are pulled up.
Zachary Morales
When would you want an Orisa over a Reinhardt or Roadhog?
I can understand picking her on really easy edge-kill maps like Well or Sanctum, maybe even Li Jang Garden, but other than that?
Jonathan Lopez
She is literally perfection. I want to wrap my arms around her noggin and hug her into my chest!
Andrew Reed
What is that thumbnail?
Charles Lee
I am not actually gay, but for her I would make an exception
Robert Barnes
I want a Talon PvE event with lots of banter.
Parker Edwards
Someone else posted a picture at the same second
Tyler Russell
Don't judge.
Eli Hughes
Genji: Age - 35 / Height - Unkown McCree: Age - 37 / Height - 6'1" Pharah: Age - 32 / Height - 5'11" Reaper: Age - 56 / Height - 6'1" Soldier 76: Age - 55 / Height - 6'1" Sombra: Age - 30 / Height - Unknown Tracer: Age - 26 / Height - 5'4"