How does one negotiate salary during/after an interview?
How does one negotiate salary during/after an interview?
Answer this question...
Why should I pay you more money if I can hire someone else to do the job at the same rate?
Unless you're something special or they've had problems filling the position you're going to lose that conversation.
Sometimes you can identify weakness in the hiring manager because they've been covering the duties for like 6 months and are willing to pay more just to not have to deal with the shit anymore.
Fuck if I know. It's an entry level position, and I'm not trying to get kiked. Tell me how to negotiate without trying to sound like a Jew
If you have to give a number first, ask for about 10-15% more than what you think is the market rate for that job. If they give you a number first, always ask for a little more unless it is a job that has a fixed pay rate for some reason. If they really lowball you, just give the same number you would have given had they not even given you the lowball offer. If they say that's ridiculous, they're cheap bastards and you don't want to work for them.
>it's fine if you want to pay someone to look at there phone and screw you over in hours for cuck wages
or just pay me what i think im worth and ill bust my wagecuck balls for you.
>Why should I pay you more money if I can hire someone else to do the job at the same rate?
your call. if you want me, this is the price tag. maybe you can find someone just as good cheaper, i have my doubts but everything is possible.
>Why should I pay you more money if I can hire someone else to do the job at the same rate?
Because I'm better and more reliable than the other candidates obviously.
If it's an entry level position, you often won't be able to negotiate. For higher level positions, you will be often asked in the last interview stage what you expect for compensation. Say something a little higher than what you realistically expect, then try to find a middle point.
Look on glass door and compare salaries within the specific company, as well as within your specific position at other companies.
Doubtful. Chances are there is an internal hire that's better than you in most ways but they can't justify shifting that person from their current responsibilities.
This is the only good advice. Thanks.
Isn't the whole reason you're hiring me because you think I'm better and more reliable than the other candidates?
Otherwise you can hire someone else.
I honestly believe that a big problem today is that people undervalue themselves and then complain about stagnant wages. A person who is confident in his abilities doesn't settle for an inadequate salary.
Most hiring managers will tell you the opposite. Companies typically won't make any money off you for the first 3-9 months as you become proficient in the position. Internal hires can shorten this learning curve substantially if they're already somewhat familiar with internal systems and structures.
It's also likely that someone else in your office or plant can do your job in half the time it takes you but they've been promoted or shifted to another position that's more in need. Every workplace has these "pillars" and you should identify them, befriend them, and learn from them.
You need to put something on their plate that a new hire doesn't have.
For example I can cover receiving duties for the company because I went out of my way to get certified without being pushed to do so because it is outside my normal job field. I hold two cards of experience for the company now than just one and can show my cards at the interview.
if its an entry level job you have zero leverage to negotiate a salary, because the workforce is flooded with unemployed millenials just like you and jorges from mexico who are willing to work for minimum wage
Is this something you just consider in your own head, or is it something you would actually say (respectfully) to your potential employer when negotiating?
I'd like to make some valid arguments during an interview but I don't want to come off as snarky or disrespectful, which could endanger my position or my pay.
Do your research on the market rate and go about 10% above it. You can still negotiate for entry level, but you won't be getting much, if at all.
You would have to backup why you deserve such a salary and how you stand out with other applicants. They will either agree or come back with a counter offer. I would not keep going back and forth and wasting everyone's time.
If you can't justify your offer, just take their offer. They will find someone else with skill to take the job.
No problem. I actually work in the field. Don't listen to all this bullshit about defending yourself or proving your worthn it's pure negotiation. Start a little higher than what you expect and then find a middle ground you both can settle on.
Answer this question: I'm a self driving developer who's over experienced for my age, why should i have to be getting paid 20% by working at your place?
You don't.
Unless you're tremendously hot shit.
which you're not.
You shouldn't have to negotiate salary under stress, first 1) don't accept what they have to offer, bring them to your grounds, and not in their grounds (where the interview takes place is their ground of comfort)
2) look for 5 other options of employment, and when they all have told you the salary prospect, you already can argue with them.
You can't negotiate with them without a 1) counteroffer 2) an argument for increasing your pay before you've placed a single brick of their castle.
If you really want a job, then the dollar difference is not worth it. Most people accept to work at a shit place for 1 $ more per hour because they actually didn't take the time to talk to the people there.
Think differently, you cannot buy peoples behaviour. Thats a worst investment.
10$/hour under an asshole that disrespects you is not as good as 5$/h with a bro that lets you leave early, etc.
Unless your respect costs 5$.
First off your question doesn't even make sense. Second, go find somewhere else to work if you don't like it here
get a second offer
>5 other prospects for employment
This board is just full of NEETs LARPing isn't it?
there are many indeed. but they are still less annoying than coin shills when btc goes up $10.
Wait a minute, you still don't own bitcoin?
I'd be annoyed too if people were making money doing nothing and I disregarded people when they said to buy btc
i sold it all days ago
Enjoy your Pajeet shit.
Look at interviews like dating. Have other offers lined up, have a track record of busting it out, don't fall for shit tests, and always be ready to walk when you are being disrespected.
>coin shills
Yeah, like he said, neets larping
Depends on what job you have; cost efficiency. I work at a plant that makes the largest PVC pipe in the world. I run the most expensive line in the whole plant that takes care of multi-million dollar orders. I get paid $3 more an hour than the next guy to do that job because I am more experienced and smarter about the job and how to do it. It costs about $8k per pipe to manufacture. The guy that gets paid less than me could fuck the product up and cost them significantly more money than it costs to pay me $3 and hour more to do the same job and not fuck the product up.
Make yourself seem valuable. List off your skills and abilities when they ask you what they are. Relate them to how they can help you perform your job better, with confidence. Think these answers through before hand and word them intelligently. Write them down and tweak them of you need to. It always helps me.