/drg/ - Danganronpa General

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Previous thread cats cats cats edition

>/drg/ OP pastebin (just copy it and paste previous thread link)

>DRV3 news pastebin - *Updated 1/5/2017*

>New to DR
pastebin.com/mnduF4qj - Spoiler free guide to enjoy Danganronpa
pastebin.com/MUdQJedT - Indepth gameplay mechanics and infomation

>Danganronpa: Trigger Happy Havoc Steam Page:

>Danganronpa 2: Goodbye Despair Steam Page:

>Danganronpa AE: Ultra Despair Girls is coming to Steam and PS4:

>Danganronpa V3: Killing Harmony for PS4, PS Vita, and Steam on September 26th (N. America), and September 29th (Europe)

>DR 1-2 Reload coming to PS4

> DR3 Anime episodes and more

>Kazutaka Kodaka Interviews and more

>DR Manga Scanlations:
>DR Manga Collection (Eng): *You need an account to use Batoto*
bato.to/search?artist_name=Spike Chunsoft

>Download pastebin *contains downloads, art assets, sprites, manga, novels, music, anime, media, charts, and icons.*

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Reminder I want to fuck Kaito!

Going to sleep, it's nearly 2am. Goodnight /drg/.


G'nite, Kaitobro!

>I want them to whore themselves out for low prices

Kirumi pulls out a gun and just fucking shoots tulpafags falseflagging as oumafags falseflagging as hifumibros falseflagging as ishimarufags.

I love my darling husband!


What does /drg/ think about Shinguji's autism ? Personally, I like them.

Post cats

I have four and they're all either rescues or vagrants who turned up on the doorstep.
is mine, she's very small for her age and possibly had few developmental issues. Vet thinks she's mentally a kitten in an elderly cat's body. She's a honey though!

What would it be like if /drg/ cooperatively made a Danganronpa fangame...?

a trainwreck

source? This is so cute

Is the most popular V3 character, everyone that says otherwise is a falseflagging tulpafag!

It would never get finished. On the off chance that it did it would be very very bad.

He's a character I personally don't mind much.


i love this, wish hoshi was my cat

That's exactly what makes it interesting!


Hey /drg/, any news on DRV3 characters' relationships charts translation from the book?

SHSL Anal Masturbator, can hide a dagger up his asshole to avoid being caught.


SHSL Honorable Man

SHSL Typographist. No idea how that would be useful in any way or even a talent, but I really like the word typography.

SHSL Janitor

I want Amami's

Shsl clown

SHSL informant
SHSL Idealist/Optimist
SHSL Medium
SHSL Resting Bitchface

SHSL Prostitute

SHSL Cryptozoologist. Make him a sexy goth man with long hair


SHSL Crossdresser
SHSL Trainspotter


>not making the entire cast sexy goth men with long hair

Okay so far we got
>SHSL Anal Masturbator
>SHSL Typographist
>SHSL Janitor
>SHSL Clown
>SHSL informant
>SHSL Idealist/Optimist
>SHSL Medium
>SHSL Resting Bitchface
>SHSL Prostitute
>SHSL Cryptozoologist
>SHSL Hack
>SHSL Crossdresser (actually saw an OC with this talent once somewhere)
>SHSL Trainspotter
We'd need two more to make 16 but whatever!
WHO'S THE PROTAG? (can be up there or someone new)

>the city of Leon

>Shsl Pilot
>Shsl Archer
>Shsl Ballerina
>Shsl Violist
>Shsl Ninja

SHSL Tulpafag

We need a new version with Maki.

SHSL Janitor or SHSL Informant would be interesting protagonists

Seconding the janitor.

SHSL Exorcist

SHSL Suicide Bomber

Why did our boy Leon get cucked so badly bros

Sorry you got into the party too late...
>SHSL Anal Masturbator
>SHSL Honorable man
>SHSL Typographist
>SHSL Janitor
>SHSL Clown
>SHSL informant
>SHSL Idealist/Optimist
>SHSL Medium
>SHSL Resting Bitchface
>SHSL Prostitute
>SHSL Cryptozoologist
>SHSL Hack
>SHSL Crossdresser
>SHSL Trainspotter
>Shsl Pilot
>Shsl Archer
>Shsl Ballerina
>Shsl Violist
>Shsl Ninja
>SHSL Tulpafag
Protag is SHSL Janitor. He or she has a weird bolt-shaped ahoge or some crap to feel more unique.

We're going good but if these cunts are gonna kill each other we need an interesting setting to keep things... well, interesting.

The setting is a nonstop Train.

I want Moekiyo to slap my ass in public.

Shsl Linguist!

That sounds interesting
Maybe they have limited time becuse the train is heading to a dead end and they will all die unless they escape to motivate murders.

I'll return later to continue this clusterfuck

I like this idea. They're on a nonstop train, travelling through different places, but nobody recognizes them. Maybe all the participants have amnesia and can't remember where they come from. Every time someone dies, a new part of the train can be unlocked, but they have to choose which part of the train they want to give up for a new one to make things more exciting.

Seconding this, if the cast isn't cut down to a certain number by a certain time Monokuma sends them off a cliff or something.

You have a beautiful kitty!

I think making Kokichi's hair a lighter or brighter color would clash way too much with his white colorscheme. He'd look washed out as fuck. Look.

It wouldn't change my liking of them but:

>Cut Maki, Tenko and Tsumugi's hair to make it make sense for their talents. It's hard to jump/roll around with hair down to your ankles and do you know how hair it is to stuff hair longer than your shoulders into a wig?
>Give Tenko an outfit that at least somewhat correlates with her talent. Nothing about her, sans her sandals, says "Akido master"
>Remove Tsumugi's jacket.
>Change Miu's sailor suit to be less frumpy. Even with the cleavage it makes her look like one big blob of pink.
>Cut Kaito's hair or have it be down
>Make Himiko with a brighter colorsscheme. She's so dull-colored for a magician.
>Saihara's jacket is cut so awkwardly when you look at it in comparison to his waist. Change it. Or give him his normie outfit.

I want to bring him with me in an empty classroom, pull his pants down and spank his ass repeatedly as hard as I can to punish him for behaving inappropriately in public. I will then forbid him to masturbate for the next two months.

can the shsl prostitute be a effeminate guy?


Can he have a sexually charged rivalry with the anal masturbator?

That sounds like a good idea....

I like Saihara's outfit in this beta. It looks very nice compared to his final version.
I agree with the rest, also I can't stand Kaito's slippers. They make him look silly as fuck.

Yeah, Canon Saihara's face and hair with that outfit would be really nice.

Man, I was sure Gonta would be the 5th victim. Was already prepared for it. Iruma was too pure for this world I guess, she just wanted to live in comfy 3d world. She was v3's Ibuki.

Interesting case, I've read many people saying that this one is very sad, so the culprit is probably Momota, who is the most charismatic character. But at the moment is too obvious. Though Korekiyo was obvious as hell too. Wonder what Ouma is planning and how he will be involved in the murder, since he most likely will.

Wtf was Miu even trying to do with her actions. Also, I thought she would somehow be killed ingame, but it seems she was strangled? So the murderer logged out without being seen... it still doesn't explain the noise Saihara and Shirogane heard. Maybe Momota jumped from the roof? Anyways, this chapter is one of the best so far. Just wish I could play it instead of watching Let's plays

>wonder what Ouma is planning


You should probably be careful around here, also
>Iruma was too pure for this world
Didn't you listen to Tulpaman? He said she wasn't admirable.

Post best boys!

they look like twins

Will Do

I've kind of always wanted a pair of siblings in a DR/killing game. It'd make it that much more upsetting when one dies.

Yeah. Good thing EE is doing it I guess.



I love him so much!
He's Cute!!!

>Kaede's twin sister was real
>she was in V2

OTP right here

He did nothing wrong at all.

Truly the best!

Hes the cutest! And now have him with korekiyo's colors because im still proud of this edit I did

Some normie dudes

Spooky ghost!

You know, if you kind of look at it right, those boys resemble (from left to right) Amami, Ouma and Shinguji in their body language/features.


huh, wonder if that means anything...

this bread is so comfy... night /drg/

night! have sweet dreams!

He's the best in my heart.

Very cute. I wanna figure out how to make a lil waving gif of him

Inb4 they all actually did go to school together and there's a coverup on top of a coverup.

That would be rather interesting. Wonder if V3 Makoto tried to audition for V3.

How many layers of fictions is this fucking series on?

>Makoto is Saihara

Wasn't there a cg of v3 makoto meeting saihara in his shsl outfit? Could have been a metaphorical thing, but interesting to note.
>there will never be a gag manga about the normies in a team dr run dystopia as a v3 spinoff


..i'd do lewd things with the guy on the far right


wheres tenko

wait nevermind

>Tulpaman below 180cm
Why does this make me uncomfortable?

me too. Hes very hot. I also want him and moekiyo to fuck each other very passionately.