What are some good facist intellectuals?
no one, thats why they are/where facists
What's a facist?
Ezra Pound
Gabriele D'Annunzio
Not sure what you mean by "good," good intellectuals justify theories that side with the winners of wars for hegemony.
Interesting fascist/right-wing/conservative intellectuals include de Maistre, Carlyle, Gentile, Evola, Burke, Sowell, and Heidegger. Some 'proto-fascist' thinkers worth reading include Hegel, Hobbes, Rousseau, and Robespierre.
Fascism is extremely hard to define. And after WW2 no country was going to openly consider itself to be "Fascist." Moreover the word itself was basically only regulated to Italy and the government of Mussolini. It wasn't really made to be exported in the same way Capitalism or Communism was. Every country that we may call "Fascist" had their own name for what they were doing.
Really the modern-day PRC is basically a Fascist state, at least in the way Mussolini envisioned it. Everything in the state, socialist, a cult of personality, nationalism focused on the past. And the idea of minority groups not being disposed of like in the case of National-Socialism, but pushing groups to assimilate to the dominate culture (Italianization).
>And the idea of minority groups not being disposed of like in the case of National-Socialism, but pushing groups to assimilate to the dominate culture (Italianization).
Each case involves a lot of both, China's actions in Xinjiang and Tibet indicate that economic and cultural domination/integration of minority groups into the Han majority is entirely a one-way relationship. The Chinese state views everyone as interchangeable, but China functions on a network of what Westerners would think of as improper business relations between family members. I'm blanking on the right word, but you know what I mean. The idea that the Chinese state isn't a Han state at the expense of other underrepresented ethnic groups is just wrong.
Not saying that it's not a somewhat fascist state, just that your analysis is a little wrong, it's an asymmetrical relationship between ruler and ruled, who exist as human individuals even as the state mediates their relationship.
That's true, but there are people who call themselves fascists, or sympathize or make revisionism in order to paint a good light upon fascism. I can think of Julius Evola and Miguel Serrano, but both are kind of a joke. Evola promoted the wave of terrorist attacks that plagued Italy during the 70's, and Serrano supported Pinochet; both were anti-science and believed in homeopathy. If you ask me, pretty pathetic.
That's it
>Evola promoted the wave of terrorist attacks that plagued Italy during the 70'
Sauce? Genuinely curious
Again, the same problem. No serious intellectual is going to call themselves a fascist.
Also Neo-Fascism a shit. Basically just edgelords.
Alfred Rosenberg
Ft Marinetti
Charles Coughlin
Pick up Mussolini's Intellectuals by A. James Gregor for academic rundown on the subject. Best thing you're going to find on a lot of the subjects unless you speak Italian.
Otherwise, Giovanni Gentile is the one to start with.
Is Alessandra Mussolini a Fascist or just an apologist?
Apologist. She's a member of FI.
Giovanni Gentile
>No Nietzche
>No Schopenhauer
>No Kant
>Here enters Julius Evola, whom MSI leader Giorgio Almirante has called “our Marcuse, only better.” To read Evola is to take a trip through a weird and fascinating jungle of ancient mythologies, pseudo-ethnology, and transcendental mysticism that is enough to make any southern California consciousness-tripper feel quite at home.5 And the amazing fact is that MSI deputies and Third Position militants take this mythical metaphysics utterly seriously as the basis for their political or terroristic actions. Without reading Evola you can no more understand why MSI Deputy Pino Rauti votes the way he does than you could comprehend Toni Negri’s actions without knowing Karl Marx. Neither, without understanding Evola, could you understand the ideological tension within Eurofascism between the advocates of de Benoist’s New Right and the followers of what is called Traditionalism.
Besides that, remember he also had a boner for the Iron Guard, who also carried out political assasinations.
That would be be like calling Bakunin marxist.
Fascism was too short lived and too undefined to have any intellectuals. A lot of the high up Nazi's had high IQ's but that was National Socialism and not true Fascism like what was in Italy.
>A lot of the high up Nazi's had high IQ's
Only one with high IQ was Shacht and he was not a really a Nazi
I learned Hitler was inspired by Schopenhauer and most of us know of the Nietzsche thing. But why Kant?
Evola and Mussolini. People always think og Germany and nazis, but its really more of an Italian thing.
The closet thing to a fascist government now is probably China though, although Evola was a lot more into the esoteric spiritual nature of fascism and hated materialism
>A lot of the high up Nazi's had high IQ'
Those were STEMfags probably. Nazism was extremely deficient in the intellectual side as far as germans go.
>China is the closest thing resembling Fascism in modern times
Hmm, never looked at it that way. Very interesting to think about it like that
>what are some good intellectuals of this anti-intellectual movement?
His "boner" was more holy war aspect and radical Christian mysticism that was asserted by the movement, For instance when they met Evola and Condreanu spoke rarely of politics more talking about esoteric i.e inner knowledge of the spirituality of christ. Also the only "armed struggle" aspect in his thinking is in "The Metaphysics of War" and even his discourse on heroism and self sacrifice was in the response to the times that he was living in...the second world war.
>not intellectual
I would be annoyed but considering we're on a board that's regularly raided by a leftist board that worships black supremacism and feminism, I'm not that surprised
Doesn't fascism want to ease class differences? China today has both obscenely rich businessmen and farmers living in crushing poverty.
>and even his discourse on heroism and self sacrifice was in the response to the times that he was living in...the second world war
Introduction to Magic was written by UR back in the 1920's, and there you can find the skeletons of his later thinking. Even Heidegger tried to distance himself from radical right wingers, but Evola openly asserted that, even defeated, radical traditionalists can survive by "riding the tiger". He would later keep in contact people related to the terrorist attack during the anni di piombo period. He could have distanced himself by openly criticizing them, like he did when Mussolini was in power, but instead he kept silence.
Guess it depends on who you ask. Falangistas and italian fascists wanted to maintain the classes, but also wanted class solidarity. More extreme people, like Evola, wanted a return to feudalism and rejected nationalism as a modern invention, while Strasserists were basically racist bolshevists, and the Iron Guard were obsessed with christianity. The thing is, fascism is too loosely defined to be defined as a single, cohesive movement, like socialism, where you find common roots in the values of the enlightenment and the french revolution.
>facist "intellectuals"
>He could have distanced himself by openly criticizing them, like he did when Mussolini was in power, but instead he kept silence.
Every Jew who keeps silent about Israeli violence against Palestinians is complicit in genocide :^)