League of legends general /lolg/

pool party cutie edition

i wanna look EXACTLY like kat!

Ignore the OPs pic it's best girl edition time.

Breast pussy > pusspussy

those tits look plastic
bet i could punch them in, those hollow sacs

you ever decay to such low elo that people pick yasuo into your rock?

you ever carry your team from 2-10 cuz you're a pro player?

Will TSM shit the bed and not even make it out of the play-ins? I don't think so but they have that NA meme magic

>tfw 30min dodge timer
kill me


Its a good time to be a midriff lover, thank you based Riot.

I still don't get the Jinxfags. They're just regular faggots who love dicks as much as Sorakafags.

At least she has one good splash. For a skin I don't own.

>Have to first pick Jungle
>Pick Sejuani
>Everyone else on my team picks ranged
Can't wait to get counter picked by my own team.

Haven't Played since season 3, has anything change? Can i still main Lee Sin in the jungle?

>trying to learn the game
>playing bot games to level up
>usual nonsense in the champ select
>get a team of garen, ahri, bard and ashe
>pick Warwick since he can 1v5 easy
>garen bard and ashe go bot and start arguing over who should be there
>ahri runs into the mid tower
>game unfolds like a poorly written tv show
>bot is 0/15 in 10 min
>mid is 0/10
>garen is just walking around in the jungle
>ahri and garen leave
>bots push mid
>I have to 1 v 5 at our nexus turrents
>by some miracle I am able to kill the dumb AIs and push the mid lane to win

WOW I almost lost a bot game! That was one of the most frightening experiences of my life, I don't know if I could bear the shame of it actually happened. At least I am now lvl 11.

You earned an S on Aatrox

good feel bros

Me too! I just came back a lee main. A few important things. E (tempest) does jack shit against stealth now. Or Camouflage. I honestly have no idea which is what anymore.

Camille's ult fucks your life up. Good luck wardhopping ever again.

All Riot cares about is making sure that is possible. He's like the only reason the game still exists. They will nerf any jungler who's doing better into the ground to ensure that he is if not the best jungler at least top three.

How to Udyr?

This is probably the worst meme in /lolg/'s history, namely because we all know you're just a bunch of trannies saying it

I don't own Aatrox

What champion pisses you off the most?

That's only one tbqh, most of them just like druggies. I agree though I don't get it either.

I don't know about champions but you posting that once a thread kinda pisses me off.

Press buttons and run at people. Dodge skillshots. Slap their shit. When at least 3 dead if you're bad, none if you're good, open up D Gatez.

RIP Rek'sai and Sejuani

good because unless you're autistic you probably wont play him

Do you also hate the other memers?

Are you going to post this until you get a thread where peole don't call you out on the retard you are

He likes Azir

who wants to write me some league of legends related smut for me?
Will gift for it.
please tell me


easily the most defined (female) midriff in the game

When I'm home from work 2 months from now I can take a crack at it. Lemme know what you want now though, I have a writing app on my phone; I can at least write a rough draft of some of it.

The absolute best midriff isn't even on a female

gnar support


comfy bfs~

Post some Y a s u o memes.

where is beast hunter sejuani

I'm interested. What tickles your fancy

thing is you can only get 2/4 of those things with a boy but 4/4 with a girl~

Most cancer top laner?

this game makes me feel dead inside

There's like 3 of them at the very least.
Whenever we have one of those >your waifu and your fetish kind of posts, pretty much every jinxfag is a futa lover.


being murdered by qt girls


good choice

If it was one BoX I could see it, but there's zero chance they lose two back to back consecutive BoX series to wild cards.

Not even G2 is that fucking shit internationally

You dont think im a weirdo?
Thats a first

Post your favorite champion(s) without actually posting them

good taste but you sound like a faggot

Sad part is it's a very real possibility

>Top lane picks ranged cancer
>Mid Mage
>Ranged support

Just fuck my shit up senpai. Still gonna spam the shit out of her though

and why do you say that?


>implying I wouldnt rub mine up against my qts dfc

git gud

>pick 5 melee including morde
>get destroyed by wombo
nice game

>Enemy picked panth top
>Jungler picks sej and expects me to pick another melee and get bullied in lane

The tough part about it is ranged supports are way more in meta than melee supports at the moment, so often the only other guy on your team who's gonna help you out is gonna be your top laner

I think that during a Q&A, a Rioter mentioned doing a dev blog when Urgot releases in the 2nd half of the year.

I mean, its May, but even if we don't see anything until like, June/July, that means I only have 2 months left.

I don't know how to feel. SHOTGUN KNEES, of course, but Urgot as he is now is gonna disappear.

>Gays need to call assholes "boipussy" in some thinly veiled attempt to stay in the closet.
Its 2017. There's no stigma in being gay anymore.

Its an asshole.


>missing the joke

I know im a gay, but cmon man stop being a faggot


>Top lane where kled gets all 4 autos off so fast you can straight up e off that, I'm ready for it i just see the melee part of the e as an add on if anything i don't mind all ranged

dont worry brother

trust the rework team

they have a 100% success rate with zombie noxus boys

that's pretty good, I never noticed this skin

the image isn't great though since she's so small in the splash



>The only two mounted champions actually work great together


>a joke of a champ only played by memelords like Heimer is being updated
Those rose-tinted nostalgia goggles aren't letting you see clearly. Admittedly Riot's re-works have fallen flat ala Ryze, Morde and Rengar but they might pull a Sion with this one.

I didn't miss anything. Your joke was bad and so is your meme.

>One of Sion's feet is an iron stump

How did I never notice this before

my bad, replace Kassadin with Galio

This one's pretty easy.


>Implying that the only reason Urgot is a "meme" champ is because he's been the hardest gutted champ in leagues history.

Some of us played him on release, and we just can't let go yet.


>"I don't gank Top"

You know what, I get it. I understand. Every Jungler has his preferences, some don't view Top as a carry lane, some want to focus on Mid/Bot, I get it.

But the AUDACITY to ask why Ignite Fiora is so fed after 15 minutes of pretending my assist pings don't exist? YOU KNOW FULL FUCKING WELL WHY SHE'S SO FED YOU COCKSUCKING FAGGOT



Trust me, he NEEEEEEDS it. I will never deny that. Its just bittersweet, ya know?

Team A did an excellent job with Warwick, so I trust that the crab is in good hands.

Who's the third?

>without actually posting them

You right, he should gank top but if you can't handle a fiora with ignite without FEEDING her you need to improve friendo


The repeated Lee dives really didn't help. I wanted to ask why we weren't getting Dragons but my physician advised me to avoid high-stress situations


ori aniv/xayah lux camille jonks

>has been around for 7 seasons mostly in the state he's been, aside from the pasive change from giving resists to reducing dmg dealt
Other than # changes, wasn't that it? And more importantly, after that long you're not sick of him?

>Enemy jungle doesn't gank top
>Realize this and give top enough ganks to get going
>He is now strong enough to kill the laner and the jungler
>Leave him to splitpush or group later and gank other lanes
Literally as long as you know dragon's safe it's fine, I'm ganking whichever lane has hard CC and if that happens to be top lane I'm in there


I thought that was a man in the forth slot. Like someone from Legend of the Galactic Heroes or something.

>why is the jungler camping my lane


fuck off retard
go find a writer to commission already

>enemy first picks ekko
>pick diana
>bully him so bad his whole team reports him

feels good man, fuck that little indian boy forcing me to pick an out of meta counter

>after that long you're not sick of him?

Maybe, just maybe, we love the champion that much. I only picked Urgot up late season 5, but
since then he has been by favorite.

>struggle to win vs bots because 2 noobs and 1 afk

I have
they're all here :^)
and besides, this is a perfect place to ask for smut

>its a champ gets reworked and they still don't get played because they're still trash episode

name that episode

I don't know considering his fucking lore mentions it.