Tfw professional trader

>tfw professional trader
>making 100k in my first year out of college

ask me anything

What do you trade and where?

what's your work life balance like?
what are your hours?

How much capital did you start off with?

have you done the math to see what you make hourly? 100k means shit if you work 80 hour weeks

i work for a firm so none

work about 50-60 hours

about 40 an hour

Why aren't you YouTube king so we can learn from you

What did you do in college? Do you enjoy your work?

What did you major in in college and did you do any internships while you were there? What's your network like?

what do you trade?

its not like you pick stocks or anything.

Should I wait for a correction to buy stocks?

Is RSI/MACD other technical good for picking stocks or entering/leaving a trade

what are some general tips for wannabe swing traders?

why do you want to be a swing trader

market making ETFs

>why do you want to be a swing trader
because it allows me to invest while being somewhat active with my portfolio. I'm a grad student so I don't have time to really check my holdings everyday

If you plan on investing for anything longer than 3 years then don't bother waiting on corrections to invest.

Look up dollar cost averaging and you will see you just end up missing out on huge growth potential because you stop investing for what can be long periods of inactive time during bull or bear markets.

Slow and steady "consistent" purchases are what investors should shoot for. If you wait for market corrections or only buy when at their lowest point you become a trader instead of an investor, which you claim you don't have time for.

What would you reccomend to a college student currently in pre-biz?

>tfw 23 year old fuccboi who doesn't know shit

tell us your amazing trade ideas


Cucks drooling over some fake story of a trader on 4chin and asking for advice on how to employ life savings.

Get a grip you fucking faggots. You are investing YOUR money. Do YOUR own research. Find a method that makes sense to YOU.

If you think "traders" that work for institutions know shit you definitely have NO clue. Plus, being a "trader" literally means "to place orders decided by others, usually portfolio managers + clients". Any trader making big money is because they had the good fortune of getting a few wealthy clients and are getting rich via commission. They hold no crystal ball and don't know more about the market than the usual fuckwit from the street.

TL;DR. Get a grip. Find a method that makes sense to you. Don't believe all the hype. No one has all the answers.

God it does smell like cuck in here. Fuck me.

More like op samefagging with proxies.

this. im a prop trader and have to put in my own money to gain leverage. no one trades for firms anymore unless their FICC and definitely no one makes markets in etfs out of school.

>i work for a firm.

Why not work from your jap economy shotbox or your moms basement.

Why work for a firm