Soraka is the most fun champion in League edition.
Soraka is the most fun champion in League edition.
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can we stop linking this stupid fucking site? kys shill
rate the balance of your preferred lane
top: 2/10
the melee matchups are semi balanced, but theres nothing like facing a champ with an untouchable early game who also outscales you
Wrong image
So i tested some lee builds:
2.Warriors+Black Cleaver
And the dps was pretty close. Like a difference of 100-300.
Wouldn't the Cinderhulk+Titanic build be better overall? Especially when tankiness is such a broken stat all around? Also it falls off much better than the DMG build
Not many generals have a database of tools like eyoson has. Stop being such a hating faggot.
>Spend 6300 to buy Xayah
>Realize she is so fun to play
>Realize she is going to get nerfed into oblivion faster than Kvatch
>Feel sad
Why do people duel the enemy laner after FB?
jungle: 8/10
Only experienced players like high diamond and challenger can make you want to quit the game, but champion wise it's somewhat balanced.
Fun fact: Teemo jungle is sleeper OP for Dragon and buff control.
They are bronzies and thinks that their "skill" can matter more than 400g worth of stats.
If you are Renektop with Ignite why not take the free kill?
my duo partner in a nutshell
>plays ashe
>gets killed by cait
>keeps trying to duel her
Support: 7/10
Would be higher if not mage shit like Malzahar/Zyra/Brand which should fuck off back to midlane.
Ashe is CUTE!
I want to be__ Soraka
The Rain Man given the tyler1 treatment.
Imagine being that washed up
>mid: 3.5/10
LB, Talon, Fizz, Ahri due to the spiritual successor to DFG in Gblade/Lich, same with LB to a lesser extent, Kass, Yasuo and Kata exist. Talon's only a problem due to his absurd roaming, but he needs to get big off others or he's just ok, as opposed to gamebreaking. Yasuo, Kass and Kata are cancer due to the only reliable click to win cc in mid lane to stop them is Malz ulti and Exh, otherwise they're easily handled.
Honourable mention to Akali, 3 click to win dashes with good range and gain a charge off kills, unsure about assists. And Ekko, an AP Yasuo in terms of overloaded kit.
Playing against brand/zyra is so fucking cancer.
The adc doesn't have to do anything because the cunts alone will chunk you for 3/4 of your hp by lvl 3.
>Inting is a good way to gain elo fast
That whole video is amazing (minus the clips at th end)
post butts please
that guy is a huge faggot but how do you tell the difference between intentionally feeding and being shit at the game
>tfw ywn fuck real life ahri
sorry mr diamond senpai but doesnt graves exist
He literally ran it down mid bro. Lol. There's a Youtube video of him doing it and then an after-ban video where he says he will be inting "probably 1 out of 10 games" on his new off-stream accounts
inting is a legitimate strategy though
if the game is objectively lost inting will save you at least 15 minutes of your life then you can continue trying to climb
No game is lost after 5 min below challenger you fucking silver cunt
>hes never been in a 0/9 game with 2 towers down before 5 minutes
do you even play this game
Who was in the wrong here
A: tanky top
A: or atleast playeble champ please
B: shut up
A: reported
B: ahahahha
A: typical yasuo player
B: ??
C: its a prank
C: we didnt tell you what adc to pick either
C: jhin has 43% winrate
C: why no lucian
B: ye
C: report jhin pls
B: :D
D: omg
D: cancer
D: elo
Gimme the replays of those games and i will point out so many mistakes from the enemy that you could have used to bounce back you will be surprised
all of them for being in bronze
I'm a shitter in the search for Top and Support champions that are easy to practice and climb with.
What can you anons recommend?
>Ever demanding that people change their picks to suit your whims
is there a worse feeling than being auto filled into support and having to dodge?
stop shitposting
>objectively lost
Thats the key right there. You have 4 teammates who don't agree on the objectivity or else they would open mid.
Darius, Renekton, Rengar, Fiora, Kled, Irelia, Camille
anyone who has an easy time getting an early kill then killing other lanes
>carrying with support
Being the jungler and hearing "ENEMY DOUBLE KILL" before you get double buffs.
You, for posting this and not just queueing up for your next bronze game.
>You can't carry with support
>legit everygame the brand/zyra has the most dmg in the game
Support and jungle are the easiest to carry from because you fed 2+ people not one (yourself).
Depends how low you are
Up to like bronze 2 you can abuse fucklords with Darius and Renekton top
Eventually people realise "maybe I shouldn't duel the Darius level 1, especially as nasus"
They never seem to learn not to fight Renekton early though
Funny that
>play a mage with a marksman bot
>im just a support 8 kills tho lol xd
Whats wrong with it. Don't have to cc the enemy if he is dead ;^)
Kills are the ultimate cc.
>bot reported
Talented EUW plat 1 adc looking for a hard working and dedicated support main to get to Master with me.
Team speak and good map awareness is a MUST.
until any competent enemy 4-5man dives you multiple times and now your cheese pick is useless until 45 minutes, which wont be happening
I am bronze 3 and use facebook messenger for voice chat. Sometimes I look at the minimap too.
I think we'll be a great fit.
>zyra support is played at the highest level of competitive play
>but the clowns in gold are going to be able to shut it down
>plat 1
The worst is when you try and help stop the snowball and realize why the bot lane is feeding so hard. It's so frustrating having absolute retards on your team.
>getting fit
>go up 4 divisions after the first 3 days
so the tyler1 method really works..
If you also start cooking healthy food and drink water instead of that piss energy drink you'll be a god amongst men.
>3 days of working out
>getting fit
youre weak and youll give up
i never drunk disgusting energy drinks to begin with
if you say so
benis in anus xdd
Best girl.
Best hands.
Best wife.
Which league girl do you think smells the best?
Lux probably uses expensive perfumes.
I want to go swimming in Lulu.
*Blocks your path*
What's the deal with Kayle? I played her the other day against a tanky team and it felt like I did zero damage. My build was: nashors, guinsoos, runaans, wits end, void staff and I sold boots for a botrk.
I was the only person from my team who could actually dps so the enemy team built mostly health and magic resist but I'm pretty sure once I get six items I'm supposed to shred their team. Did I not right-click hard enough?
*impregnates her*
tch, out of my way worthless yordle...,...... ILLL KILL YOU
>play ARAM
>roll good teaqmcomp for once
>we can win
>person goes AFK
Apparently the legacy client was shoah'd but I never got the new client. Any way I can keep it forever and prevent the new client from making its way into my computer?
>Top picks Pantheon
>Mid picks Yasuo
>Jungle picks Master Yi
>Enemy team has Nautilus and Mundo
>Nobody buys LW
Also, how the fuck does a Pantheon lose lane to a Mundo without getting ganked?
>implying yi needs a dominiks instead of more AS
he melts tanks with just his onhits
How viable is olaf currently? i play mundo and nasus top
>implying mundo didnt just start cloth 5 and out sustain him
>be high plat
>play with friend duoQ
>he goes against Swain / Vlad / Mundo
>tell him to buy exec
>he asks me what that item does
>Play ARAM
>Get master yi
>4 supports
>literally unkillable building full damage
the more supports on aram the easier the win
Lissandra or Kindred
Depends on the opposing team composition. But you can wreck most top lane matchups.
>get supports on aram
>they don't build support items
kalista is a dumb fucking design
not fun to play as or against
she gets a fucking 1500 damage dragon/baron execute
her moving ward is a straight line summon you can't even micro
her ult is boring and makes you even more reliant on support
her hop attack roots herself early game
her range lets her do jack shit if she falls behind
auto spacing on her is going to give me permanent fucking wrist damage
delete this champion
which girl champ would you preform necrophillia with lolg?
Who is that special lady for you?
>telling people what to pick
if you do this shit right here i'm picking yasuo and we're losing the game
why's the bottom of her yoga pants ripped
yordle posters need to be gassed
literally no joking everyone here is at fault. whoever D is, he's at fault for talking and not just dodging when he saw the rest of that chat.
we won the game btw
dodging is worse because the universe puts you up with worse people on your next team for at least 5 games
I started LoL 2 months ago bitch.
i dont even care if you won going into that game after seeing how retarded the team is was a bad idea.
I've won games in Master where my 3 inhibs were destroyed and no enemy inhib turrets were destroyed, but whatever you say bub.
You probably haven't right clicked enough.
Making Nashors and Wits end both is a waste.too. You needed tank shredder stuff too
i want to look EXACTLY like shyvana!
What's the best ADC in soloQ currently?
>2 months
>still plat
lmaoing @ ur life
post ign
But why?