Did I fuck up? Somebody said there was gonna be big news tomorrow

Did I fuck up? Somebody said there was gonna be big news tomorrow.

any company equity under 10 dollars a share is extremely volatile. But you knew that buying it right?

yep, also my first buy. Wish me luck famalam.

Oh my god. You're insane

yep, but this is also my first buy. Wish me luck famalam.

You"ll be alright user


What pennystock is that?

Why is there confettis/shapes on the screen?

Bro, if you look.


It's the same dude


welp... im thinkin i wait till the close today and see how we do tomorrow and hopefully It ill be a little bit richer, if not... uhh yolo

Good luck my man


You seem to be new, just one advice to you: do not sell below the price you bought. No matter how bad it looks and even if it cuts 50% or worse, never sell below buy price. Hold it until it gets better

is this a meme? I dont see it going lower than what I bought or atleast not that much anyways. From what Im reading and seeing very bullish. They are going through arbitration with the FDA rn that is about to be settled any day now. I guess once the arbitration ends... MOON



this boards cumulative losses must be insanse

Is this you, user?

only a few thousand dollars a day id imagine

You're fine, fampai. We're in for one hell of a ride. Also check out CVM+.

We actually have five or so anons with 100k+ equity.

if it is true equity it isn't losses unless they sold and given they have large equity, they probably don't.

I just mean the pump and dump majority actually

well i feel sorry for them and i look forward to their butthurt posts

how do people that stupid ever make 100k?

Oh yeah, the majority of Veeky Forums makes a profession of catching knives and holding bags. Some of us are actually successful though. The 1% rule applies everywhere and to everything.

since I have your attention, do you have any opinion on the closed fund FTF? Was thinking of switching from long term government bonds to short turn corporate bonds.

>first buy is a soon to be bankrupt penny stock company

Enjoy being bankrupt yourself, faggot

sure is famalam

What made you buy this stock, a guy at my work bought alot of this too and was telling me to as well

hi ronald.

hi guys, and thoughts on $SCON

>Somebody said there was gonna be big news tomorrow
maybe its going bankrupt


Mfw I bought RadioShack stock at 8 cents per share then sold it when it jumped up to 40 cents per share one morning

Then they went bankrupt completely.

That was a good day.

The day isn't over

>No matter how bad it looks
>Company goes bankrupt
>Now it's worth zero
>Still holding guise

spic detected

I thought jej was an alternate form of kek


>that is about to be settled any day now

unless you know someone that works for the FDA and is on this specific case it is practically impossible to tell what way this will swing


What did they start off with $99,999?

There's only one way for it to go

I have 194K. Started with 25K from grandma 20 years ago and road index funds while adding to it.

When it goes wrong, don't give up. Patience is your best friend doing this.

9.9% today. not too shabby.

Nice! I did 4.5% on NUGT

I bought 100 shares of $PULM at 2.12 and its going to 3.50 rn in the after hours. Im absolutely killing it. Second day!!

dont listen to this. Cut losses quickly. So many of these POS companies go bankrupt. Then you lose ALL your money