>Bump limit is 315 and thread subject is 20K DOW EDITION
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- VISIT THE WEBSITE FIRST DAMMIT!! - www.robinhood.com

> How is it free?
They invest your unsettled funds after a trade. It's also pretty basic shit.

> When is it coming to my country?
Never. They only have "plans" on an Australian beta.

> It's been X days, why isn't my account verified yet?
If it takes more than 3 days, email their support. They are very good.

> Is this the place to pump and dump and/or shill a worthless stock?

> I hit sell when the stock was X.XX, but it actually sold at a lower price, am I being jewed?
No, that would actually be illegal. Robinhood graphs are just shit and only show you an average, not-really-realtime price. To get Bid/Ask prices and important things like candlestick graphs, you should use a more robust platform. -- (also learn difference between LIMIT and MARKET orders!!!)

> Where can I get better charting or bid/ask?
thinkorswim is bretty gud if you want a 2nd account with real broker.
Otherwise you should be using stockcharts.com, finviz, or a non-pile-of-shit for your graphing in addition to Robinhood.

>How do I git gud?
Search for press releases. Don't listen to any advice in this thread.

> Can I use Robinhood on my PC?
Yes, download an android emulator


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First for AMD (the eternal meme)

NAK to the moon or the earth's core tomorrow.

RNVA to the moon by next Friday

DCTH probs gonna stagnate

XGTI and RNVA ftw.

Forget the moon, we are going to Mars!

Why tomorrow for NAK?

just another meme

LMAO even though I know it's a troll. I hope you're right. XGTI closed green today for the first time in a while

I figure it'll happen very soon.

If I'm reading the chart right, it has potential to gap down if it drops and triggers stop losses.

But, DOW is over 20k, so I bet it'll go up.


I hope so lad.

Not a troll. I have money in both.
I really thought XGTI would take off today.

We just need some decent news to get some volume in


I held onto my shares from laSt week how fucked am i.

Ah cool. I dumped mine at 3.15 from 2.11

GL all you nakkers

why is Veeky Forums so high on RNVA? Last week their failed to meet Nasdaq requirements

Probably bagholding. It's also at its 52 week low and has potential for a squeeze.

Volume is building like fug. It's ready to shoot its load

NXTD at a bottom, gona pop again

and a thick and prosperous load it will be if the market gods are good

>buy $10 worth of shit stock it goes through the roof
>buy $1000 worth of a solid company, Stock drops like a rock

FUCK! does this happen to anyone?

Happens to me all the time.

Look at RNVA! I'm stuck with everything on 0.10. If i bought at 8 and sold at 0.9 repeat like they've done the last days, i could've made 15-20k..

Wrong picture. I'm with 15k on .10 :&

Not to worry. It finished green today and technicals look just fine

Yeah, but i could have made a lot day-trading, but there is lots of other stocks that goes like this one right? I'm tempted to just sell it at zero instead of waiting for a possible jump before a reverse split.

who holding AUPH here

I have to ask

are there still losers here hagbolding the follow:


pic related
that's a horse without a hoof

what the FUCK.

1 out of 7 ain't bad

hold tight there, or rather don't hold tight- maybe let it go

XGTI here but I bought low. I could sell now but it would only be for change lol

Anyone else bought some bmy? Starting to look okay I think

I flipped a coin.


but why




I hoped you destroyed that fucking coin

Holy shit, have you guys seen SSH.
This shit looks ready to explode.
Anyone else here do TA seeing what I'm seeing??

whats with this pathetic picture

Germany 30 looks ready to dump?

Could pull an $ETRM. I'm in with a meager 75 shares

Another one to watch is $KALV, a fellow low-floater (that doesn't seem to drop 20% on low volume)

know if they have decent fundamentals?

>the average /rgt/ "trader"

haha...fuckin fat fucks man


I've had rnva since April, when it was 1.29, that shit ain't going nowhere except for a reverse split

$SSH has dogshit awful financials. But a super low float, so don't baghold it. Sell as soon as you make gains

$KALV has roughly $130 million, no debt and roughly worth $18 per share. That's not bad

it's me

Anybody MSTX here?

lookin sharp bud

TSLA due for a reversal soonl... .r-right?

>mfw reading these...
My fucking sides people think they can predict the future

Lmao I've come to realize it's pretty dam hard to stay consistent with calls

I can tell you that UGAZ is going down tomorrow and the price action is oscillating.

forgot my %

Thanks I just pissed myself


>tfw bought that glorius AMRS dip

$1 when

any memes that have a catalyst to moon tomorrow?? tryna make a quick buck here

Almost regretted doing this with the AH price action but better safe than assblasted

I have some slush left over from selling stock. I was thinking of trying out JDST and JNUG for lack of anything else to do with it.

Is there any reason I can't buy both at once just sell them at different times? How much should I buy at the minimum to make it worthwhile? How bad is it to hold over a couple days so I don't get flagged as a daytrader?

Yeah I buy Mallinkrodt cause its a $90 price target selling for $50 and it shits the bed.

Awful companies I bought when I was drunk like Chesapeake Energy and Potash Corp went to the moon.

just got robin hood gold. you fags dont even understand how powerful im going to be. im not even in my final form yet.

You'll be fine, just make sure you flip a coin.

Probably a month and a half to be honest.

Literally fucking shocking looking at AMRS and what it's into.
Shit has 3 digit blue chip written all over it.
I am getting in fucking deeeeeeep

>3 digits

Im bullish but lets get real m8 this market is one greedy whore

Okay they make substitutes for petroleum products and petroleum is cheap as fuck and only artificially at $52 a bbl.

How the fuck is a heavily indebted commodities producing nano cap even going to survive the next couple of years?

No fellas, look deeper.
Read all of their recent pr.
They're bio synthetics, and have moved passed alternative fuels.

Their debt is awful I know, but they're already doing some debt restructuring, their science is worth a fortune, they're signing all kinds of partnerships, and if they can hit their goal revenue they'll be off and running.

I fucking guarantee you, this company is already too big to fail.
Did you see what happened last time they had a delisting notice? Fuck a RS, big money just came in and pushed that mother fucker from .80 to 1.00 In a day.

Tomorrows m00n missions:




Hello all,

i'm in the Veeky Forums discord chatroom

I recruit for Xaviers school.

come in and talk to me if you please.

stop trying to steal anons from Veeky Forums

Made a sum of profit today on CARA.

Called it since $9 and still bullish until FDA phase 2 decision near the end of the month.

Wish you blokes would join me in my adventure through gainz land.

$MOSY expecting around a $0.55 tomorrow!

Nice Gains!

Thoughts on Tahoe Resources?

Why is MOSY going up?

Probably sell off tomorrow morning to secure profits would probably buy in for a dip and ride the stock out.

I just sold XGTI for a $600 loss
Nice meme you guys got going here

$13 coming post-ER

Non meme stocks to watch tomorrow:


mosy going .50

Was in 2.35 averaged down to 2.02. I'm just optimistic

tfw bought AUPH @ 3.40 yesterday


Im in on URRE through the next week or so


big rebound today

rebound based on?


we got meme'd on yesterday

I think (((they))) are monitoring our threads


seems like sound logic, im in.

>literally JUST in time for the blast off

hope you brought your oxygen mask

New meme stock: Buy NXS:CA today. 45% yesterday, another 45% today.


MNKD or PTN what gives anybody?
Need a hit

Buy amrs for an easy 25-30% in 1-2 weeks

RNVA. Nuff said.

This is the same site that recomennded I buy RNVA in the first place.

If anything, I would do the opposite of what they suggest.

hell yeah, where do i sign up

You might be right but Im probably holding DCTH til the 31st to see what comes from the conference. I would probably sell if it breaks .50 before that

I meant for a day trade, but you do raise an excellent point.