What's the best/worst business degree?
What's the best/worst business degree?
best: Supply Chain/Logistics
worst: HR/Management
sometimes I get irritated that I'm not top 5 in my electrical engineering class
then I realise that there's people out there wasting their time studying mindless shit like business "degrees"
feels good to not be a brainlet
>he fell for the engineering meme
engineers are basically people who are too retarded to study maths
what about people with a math degree and engineering degree
I'm autistic and even I know that only retards and other autists get a fucking engineering or CompSci degree
>he fell for the engineering meme
>he hasnt realized it yet
engineering was the worst decision of my life
>mfw buddy enrolls in comp sci.
>mfw laziest mutherfucker on earth
>mfw 29 and only ever bagged groceries, smoked drugs, and disc golf.
>mfw mooching is apparently a skill
>mfw he bachelore in english. Still no job.
>mfw doctorates in being the smartest fucktard i will ever know.
Where does Veeky Forums rank marketing?
A man in finance knows the numbers and a man in law knows the words. Both are highly valued if you know em, but take it with a grain of salt im just a fag, bro.
Im probably studying como sci next year, why is it bad?
Same. I did a bad one, chem eng, loved applications of chemistry, did extremely well in school. Had 5 coops, but in Canada they only like hiring coops for tax incentives - you want a fulltime job afterwards and they will laugh at you.
I think a Major in financials. Ooh!
Marketing and advertising is useful, but there a reason why many people tend to major in it.
Tfw need to find a job in marketing or advertising once I graduate.
Best actuarial science
Worst marketing
Best: Accounting
Worst: Marketing
What about economy?
Best: Accounting/Finance/Information Systems
Worst: Probably just general business.
Could be worse, like an art degree.
ayy. my cousin is graduating with a degree in marketing this may. I just got an apprenticeship in HVAC after everyone in my family was spewing the college meme at me. So if he can't find a job, I'm going to enjoy being smug for the rest of the year.
he only has a few weeks work experience at starbucks and valeting cars, no internships, and might be getting a BA instead of a BS. AND hes at a private college, getting crushed with loans.
sorry cuz, but my future is so bright, I gotta wear pic related
Veeky Forums Mod
Taxi Driver
>tfw about to enter a master of Tax law
Is it a good choice or did I fuck up?
Is it Yale
Yes-good choice
No-not so much
Where I'm from there are just two types of economy:
''commercial'' / business and economy in general. Like economy in society
I'm a yuropoor, I doubt your Yale thing makes any difference to me
Currently in my first year of a business management degree, with the option to specialize in my second year (accounting, marketing, etc).
My question is, should I specialize in anything? Or should I pick and choose which extra units I want to do (for example, one from marketing, one from global economy, etc) and get a good all rounder in the degree, then do a masters?
I'm gravitating towards the second option, as choosing a specialization limits the extra units I can pick to that specific specialization, and i feel as though being able to do everything would be beneficial.
Also what sort of jobs would you be advise I apply for during and after the degree?
Best: Industrial Engineering, Accounting, Management Information Systems
Worst: Business Administration
>business management
>Also what sort of jobs would you be advise I apply for during and after the degree?
Batista, dishwasher, delivery driver, call center agent come to mind
wow its cool to see my job here.
Im right now a trainee in germany in my first year and hope I will be able to be successful in some years.
Having my own business would be my dream. Lets see if I get the opportunity.
Fucking kek, but seriously though it's not likely I can just jump straight into a management position in a decent company.
Not true. I have 10 years experience in the field and this is an awful idea unless you want to be stuck in IT help (while those positions still exist).Meme major. Accounting, actuarial science and engineering are pretty solid choices.
OP here. Almost everybody seems to say accounting. What's up with that? The subject seems like a sort of blend between law and finance. If we assume employers want specialists rather than generalists then shouldn't that make accounting inferior to both?
Entry level human resources position is probably your best bet.
Business Management degrees are not looked favorably upon
Dont listen to smart allecs on biz. Just make sure you are the best in the field you choose, unlike the guy who studies electrical engineering in this thread
This is the dumbest thing I've read all day and I follow facebook groups where people who work at mcdonalds talk about trading Futures
It's better to be the smartest plumber in town than an average accountant
you can work until youre 70 if youre an accountant
Why aren't they looked favorably upon? Is it because it focuses on many aspects of business rather than a specific niche?
only average accounts work until their 70
smart plumbers have their own business with other people doing the work before their 35th birthday.
do you know how easy it is to stuff a van with tools and create an LLC?
Best: Industrial Engineering/Finance
Worst: Marketing
Accounting is a very stable job, but I feel like most people on Veeky Forums have a get rich mentality. Internships are insanely easy to get and do at accounting companies, but you won't get big at an accounting companies.
I know EY has a mandatory retirement age at 58, but unless you're not planning on partnering, you won't really make it big. And if you're an external auditor then it makes it a lot more complicated to invest.
Not trying to shit on accounting though, it's a very stable, and pretty damn boring job for most. If you're looking for financially well off, but a pretty average life, accounting is the way to go.
External auditors hire young people like crazy, and give out a ton of internships as well (most of them are just watching netflix so don't expect to learn much). Starting salaries for accountants are very good too.
Accounting is boring AF, but it's a nice career track
A business degree is the worst degree. It is no degree at all and only those who are too dumb for serious study go for it.
At least go for IE/OR if you want business oriented education.
What is that?
>This is the dumbest thing I've read all day
Why tho? Much of accounting has to do with business law (taxation, bankruptcy law, corporate law, etc.). Other than that, accounting is the matter of reporting to financial stakeholders, but for that part, wouldn't it be just as good to major in finance and take a few accounting courses?
You say "field." IT is very broad. MIS majors can go a more technical or soft skill route and still make great money. And since it's IT you move jobs every couple of years for +20% raises. Yea if you don't update your skill set or learn soft skills then yea you'll be stuck but that applies to every field if you don't get off your ass and work.