Who was in the wrong here?
Who was in the wrong here?
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Commies are always wrong. Yamaguchi literally did nothing wrong.
>brave follower of bushido killing some chink-funded maoist
Gee who could be in the right
Better dead than red.
seven lives for my country
Neither were wrong, both were pursuing what they felt were their destiny.
The guy stabbing a guy in a blatant act of murder. Justice has no regard for ideology.
>act of murder
it was mercy, Asanuma was ill
for the emperor
Didn't kill enough leftist rats
Death of few to save the many.
the glorious altaic speakers of Nippon are right about most things
Who ever "trained" this kid.
>Justice has no regard for ideology.
Kek. Justice IS an ideology.
This is after pulling the sword out.
>justice has no regard for ideology
What we call "justice" is a man-made idea, it's not some force of nature
>Justice has no regard for ideology.
It's the other way around actually
both are yellow japs though
The photographer
the guy betraying his country to china
Lunged guy has a typical ukiyo-e stance.
The guy who assassinated a politician because he couldn't handle a different opinion.
>Doesn't understand that the good has a very real existence, and that justice is one of the highest and most important things to aspire to.
You'll never understand virtue with that attitude.
The kid had a mental illness. What's done is done but do not try to make a hero out of a young adult who had mental issues and killed himself in jail (not you personally user). Same principle that goes with shooters trying to go out with a bang.
you're so wrong. Absolute good and absolute evil are purely western concepts.
the murdering monarchist, obviously
Commies deserve death because that's what they expect for their enemies.
May the Jews forever fear the Samurai.
Who are you quoting?
Because they are incorrect.
>to China
Uhhh to the Soviets you mean. The Japanese Commies have never been Maoists.
Let me analize. The old guy and the young guy are rivals, contraries.
They The old guy is left and his opposite, the young, is right.
So if the young is right, his opposite, the old guy, must be wrong.
he killed the man. hoever did, did a good job
The murderer obviously, this is a stupid question to even ask. If you disagree with someone you don't chimp out and kill them. You use dialogue.
Asanuma died like a hero during his speech in front of million of watchers. He did nothing wrong.
Yamaguchi died alone in a prison by hanging himself after scribbling some shit on the wall with toothpaste.
Dude, the commies were winning and were pretty much about to give the keys of Japan to China. With Asanuma dead, the different strains of communists and socialists fell back to their constant bickering and stopped being as much of a threat.
This was the Cold War, communists were literal traitors, a fith column funded by the enemy. And you can't use "dialogue" with traitors. You have to take action. My Japanese in-laws think Yamaguchi singlehandedly saved Japan, and the world from World War III.
Japan would be Africa tier if that fucker wasn't stabbed
>And you can't use "dialogue" with traitors
Er, no, you can
and should
>we could have had the asian co prosperity sphere but the eternal anglo always fucks things up
t. Oleg Nikolai Yuri Ivan Tovarishovich
Suffer not a commie to live.
Japan was already in the middle of worker's revolt and strikes after the Treaty of Mutual Cooperation with USA was signed and it lasted well until the 70s. When Eisenhower's secretary visited Japan he had to be rescued by a military helicopter just outside of the airport because his car was surrounded by thousands of protesters. Stabbing Asanuma didn't change anything.
Kid was a hero.
>Veeky Forums fashion thread
If I had a gun with two bullets, and my enemy and a traitor were standing in front of me, I'd shoot the traitor twice.
where can i get that?
Why didn't he bother to edit out the hand
Not really, just not exactly the greatest angle to show off gains.
I custom made it, here's the image I used. "CustomInk" was the company I used, cheapest I could find to.
Too much trouble, and why not alter the photo as little as possible?
>Kusunoki, in what would later be viewed as the ultimate act of samurai loyalty, obediently accepted his Emperor's foolish command and knowingly marched his army into almost certain death.
Gee, I wonder
The protests took place mostly before the revision of the treaty was signed. It was finalised on the 19 of June, the Hagerty incident happened on the 10, and Asanuma was killed in October.
After Asanuma was killed, the united leftist front (that was already on the verge of collapse because of Asanuma's pro-China rethoric) just disintegrated. You can't be serious when you say that it didn't change anything. The protests and strikes simply withered out on their own, and while the Socialist party stayed the first opposition party for a while, it just kept slowly losing ground.
And "well into the 70's", really ? It's true that there were students protests in 1968, mostly against the Vietnam War, but it wasn't on the same scale as the 1960 protests. More importantly, the Asama-Sanso incident and the Lod airport massacre happened in 1972, and these two events were basivally the death of any kind of radical leftist movement in Japan. That and the return of Okinawa, which happened the same year.
In 1993 the Socialists did manage to get in power after the bubble popped by creating a coalition of smaller parties. But that coalition didn't last a year, and after that it wasn't a slow decline, it was a free fall. Now the Socialist party has two (2) representatives. But to be fair, the Communist party is growing pretty fast because of the ecomic crisis.
>Absolute good and absolute evil are purely western concepts.
And? That doesn't diminish their philosophical relevance. Aspire to the good, become better than you are, that you may one day not lament the loss of your bodily senses in the beyond, which do little but bewitch you anyway. Be courageous, be temperate, be honest, and most of all, be wise. Then, and only then, can you begin to understand justice.
>If I had a gun with two bullets, and my enemy and a traitor were standing in front of me, I'd shoot the traitor twice.
Marxists wanted to dismantle the empire. Some even called for assassinating the Emperor. Of course with that kind of history wouldn't bode well with die-hard nationalists.
Also, probably the CIA was involved.
The commie.
All these communist apologists ITT should commit sudoku.
Does that mean that Russia got the right to crack down on it's western funded groups?
Just checking.
Any group that tries to subvert the state should be taken care of, either through legal or extralegal means.
>Tells other to commit suicide
This one is my favorite.
Yes, absolutely. Some of the groups funded by the West are the modern equivalent of USSR-backed communist agitators. They prey on the young and the destitute to destroy society from the inside and create instability.
Yuri is not subversive. It's the purest form of love, unless being subversive equals purity.
>false premise on communism being ever tried
I just read up on Yamaguchi, his last words ("Seven lives for my country. Long live His Imperial Majesty, the Emperor!") indicate to me that he was some kind of Empireaboo.
He probably hated America for winning the war.
But I've only read a small wiki article about it so correct me if I'm wrong.
I'm sure the nationalists didn't like being the USA's bitch and essentially a vassal state. But they probably hated the Chinese, and the communists more than the Americans.
Sounds fucking gay mate
when dealing with commies, see
Communists are always wrong
All judeo-bolsheviks fear the samurai
Killing leftist scums should be mandatory.
>weabo neets edging: the thread
i hereby curse you all to die early without offsprings and after long suffering
shitstains, talk shit, get hit
your mothers will see you die
Wow man, quality post
Justice is not a tool for white supremacist trolls. Get out
I assume you are consistent and believe that Russian funded political parties aimed at destabilising Europe, such as Front National, should be banned? Do you think that someone would be justified in assassinating Marine Le Pen not that she is gaining popularity?
no he killed a commie he an hero
your hallucination is noted
yeah totally!!!!
that image does not make sense. why not make a different picture when everyone has seen the original?
more like communist should die