/gbfg/ Granblue Fantasy General #1521

>READ THE FAQ before posting! - it will answer most of your questions if you are new or learning

>Sky Compass Guide (now includes air dates)

>Schedule for May:
4/30 - 5/9 - Alchemist Astray
5/10 - 5/15 - All Four Celestials
5/17 - 5/24 - Guild War (Light)
5/25 - 5/30 - Xeno Ifrit Showdown
5/25 - 5/30 - Hero's Return (Naoise event rerun)
5/31 - ?/?? - New Scenario Event

4/30 - 5/2 - Legfest
5/1 - 5/5 - Free 10 Rolls
5/6 - 5/15 - Free Memerolls
5/1 - 5/15 - Golden Week Special (Free Rolls, Magnafest, 1/2 Off Coop/Specials, etc.)

>How to Start
Go to game.granbluefantasy.jp in Chrome. Set language to English.

>Mega Pastebin - This pastebin has lots of useful things like important guides and other stuff so don't be a shitter and read these before asking something.

>Guild pastebin

Previous thread

Don't post old and busted hags in the OP please.

Is Silva good?

I'm okay with this.


Hi everyone!
I'm really close to hitting rank 90, hehe!
And now look who I pulled yesterday!

>bratposter is back


day 3 of no ssr
what the fuck

Thanks for giving me my first gold moon Clarisse you BITCH.

Hurts just a little bit

fuck off brat, i hope you get banned again



please I didn't even get a moon

It's okay I guess.



A-at least I have 2 grapes now ;_;


Is Halloween cog good?

the most pathetic poster in this thread

Is 58-4 vs Pommern just a pool check, or am I missing something? I don't do any damage to him.

are you stupid?
ah right

Nice buncles

nice quartz breh

He's a slime for the first phase of the fight.

>Beato dupe
Bear I love you but please I wanted Cog.

Be good boys and girls and don't leech

I was hoping that the mentally ill tripnigger would have learned his lesson and stay away for good.

Time to rev up that report button again.

His fights from now on have him beefing up at the X0% intervals you can skip over them by never leaving him in X0%. Poison helps.

Not really, no.

So yes then?
I'm NOT pathetic! I'm just a casual!

Not that great only because dark's characters are all broken.

>Like Heles and Silva
>tfw hearing their voices


>someone is going to lose a Veeky Forums pass

Lol no H Cog is shit and would be shit anywhere.

of course this shit happens in my fucking alt meanwhile my main gets 9r and 1sr

I'm sorry user. I am weak but did the best I could.

Huhhh... I see!
I still didn't get Summer Zooey, either!
Zannen desu ne~!
I l-like you!

Please respond

that's just poor taste.

>people still roll on their alts
Are you guys stupid?

>old ladies have old lady voices
Wow I never saw that coming.

>Dirt Cag yesterday
>This today
I'm fine with this.

Tell me... why should i care about... legfest?
And in my second Alt ( one that i still use) i got Albert.

Kill yourselves.

>letting free rolls waste on an alt

are you?

Absolutely nothing you can do to stop me.

Thanks for the seals
>Tfw brought phalanx but didn't bring the phalanx sticker

>Wasting your luck for no reason

I want bakamuuuuuut

I want haaaaaadeees

As long that we beat it, it's okay user.

Thanks user

Chococats are enabling this tripnigger by the way.

W-wowzers! Look at this pretty girl I got from today's free 10-draw!
She's so pretty! Uwaaa!

>8rs, 1sr all characterless and Marq
i dunno how to feel


>Wasting luck

Do you believe in big foot too?

You cant waste something you dont have desu.

You actually need to see a doctor, you're mentally ill

there's always someone who has to show the thread how enlightened by his own intelligence he is

Sochie is super cute and I'm happy you got her.

quit giving them attention, it only encourages them



Newfag here, is Thor any good?

not bad but not very good


Current Supports

I wish I had some better goddamn balance here.

I can't even reply anymore.

>not believing in superstitions means I'm trying to act intelligent

I bet you also reply to those pics that says "Post or your mom dies tonight".


Thank you so much! I hope your luck is good this entire year!

They're like 20.


>brat is back

Thanks, you too. I hope you roll something even better tomorrow.

Kill me

>So mad he forgot how to quote

>haven't tooted once for these free rolls
>received 0 ssrs
always toot anons...

Should I really start to grind laughing Snek for this Team?

Not for long.

get the fuck out of here with these shitter rolls
you don't even deserve to look this fine lady

1/75th towards a ticket.

Which QIlin weapon is worth picking up?

It's okay I guess.

It's a 9 rare and 1 SR episode.

I wish I could change the channel


>Get Metera.
>Only wind character I ticketed was Korwa.
I want off this wild wind ride.

harp and bow

You're doomed to wind's wild ride, why stop it now?

harp and sword, only take bow if you can hit 440k every attack

Got this in my main acc tho, don't know if it's good or trash.

same, except i'm rolling things like eustace and sarunan on accounts with 3 days of garbage

If you rolled Clarisse.

Fuck you.

do i keep the axe over a sword, and point daggers stays till i get something that gives more damage when added,

Same. Clarisse too.
Not gonna be mad, though. At least I got Rosetta on my main yesterday.