
Do you guys think that vaping will become a trend once people realize the health benefits and the vaping market that will make lower prices achievable with years to come?

Do you think market is increasing or shrinking? Does it have a future?

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Fuck, don't those things sometimes explode while smoking, blowing people's teeth out of their mouth and disfiguring them?

Yea, I'm sure it'll catch on.

Sadly the big tobacco companies have been successful in their propaganda, and people don't seem to be curious enough to explore the facts themselves.

People should have realized the health benefits of not smoking at all and yet they smoke.

Never speculate on people becoming smarter.

Funny you mention this because as I walked past a completely deserted (and I mean there wasn't a single person in the shop except for the guy behind the counter) vape shop today in central London I thought to myself "what kind of a fucking retard would invest in this?"

Vaping obviously has no future. There are zero health benefits to vaping. It's actually hazardous to your health since the juice contains nicotine.

The only people who would be suceptible to vaping are people trying to quit smoking.

Quitting smoking to replace it with vaping is incredibly stupid. All studies point to cold turkey being the most effective quitting method by far.

Add to that the social stigma of vapists being seen as "pussies" or "indecisive" your market shrinks even further...

You'd honestly be better off investing in cigarettes that vaping.

t. ex smoker

But everything i have experienced was counter what you said, i tried for years to quit smoking cold turkey and i always came back to cigarette until i tried vaping and i was immediately hooked on non-nicotine, health neutral alternative. Since then i haven't smoked in 2 years and i have no will to go back to stinky cancer sticks that are cigarettes, also my breath is always fresh and vaping even helps me with my sinus problems (the vape smoke moistens my nostrils).

My lung health increased (my lungs no longer hurt after intensive exercise), cigarettes made my teeth yellowish which disappeared after some time.

All statistics and medical literature agrees with me.

The most effective way to quit smoking is cold turkey. Vapists are statistically more likely to relapse.

I know several vapists for example who vape during the week and smoke fags at weekends.

I honestly believe that vaping is stupid as both a lifestyle choice and a business opportunity. But it's your choice.

Congrats on giving up smoking.

No. The only way for shit like this to happen is if you fuck up the batteries. People who build their own mods and don't install the proper safety mechanisms will have this happen. People who are fucking retarded and buy/build stacked battery mods will have this happen to them.

Also, the batteries don't often just "explode". A poorly wrapped, or damaged battery will often get very, very hot before it explodes. It'll be hissing and burning the whole fucking time, too.


It's weird that not any of the legit researches i have seen say vaping has any bad consequences to health , since the ingredients are not toxic to health and the smoke temperature is massively lower so your lungs are not taking an extra hit.

>All statistics and medical literature agrees with me.

[citation needed]

>The most effective way to quit smoking is cold turkey. Vapists are statistically more likely to relapse.

That's not the argument.

>I know several vapists for example who vape during the week and smoke fags at weekends.


>I honestly believe that vaping is stupid as both a lifestyle choice and a business opportunity. But it's your choice.


>Congrats on giving up smoking.

That was nice of you.

Nothing you said backed up your claim an ounce, mate.

Vaping still presents a host of health risks.

Is it as bad as smoking? Probably it's still not good for you.

This is fairly common knowledge. Anyone who has researched how to quit smoking will likely have seen these studies.

If you build your own coils, you have to ensure the amperage of the battery you use has significant headroom with the resistance of the coil. This is literally ohm's law.

Idiots don't understand basic science, and try to build a 0.2ohm coil and power it with a 20A battery not knowing they're holding a pipe bomb in their mouth.

This in addition to idiots building their own vapes like a mech mod which doesn't have a current/voltage failsafe to protect against the aforementioned situation.

So just don't be stupid and learn to science.

Vape is for faggots

Although the study was not designed to show whether electronic cigarettes can cause long term damage to our blood vessels, it shows that [they] cannot be assumed to be risk free

The bottom part of the article literally goes on to say that it's nicotine that hardens the aorta, and it's not clear whether or not it causes long term damage yet.

There are nicotine free juices. It's also not immediately obvious what kind of juice they were using, nor is it stated what kind of mod, atomizer or batteries they were using. Just stating that it's not harmless, and that there needs to be more studies done. If anything, use it as a segue into cessation.


That one is literally just a word salad of scary stuff that cites three separate papers and doesn't make a single point other than there needs to be more research.


Yes, it's already been studied that duration of cessation is linked to success in smoking.

I fail to see what that has to do with someone switching to nicotine free juice in an attempt to quit smoking.

I vape because I was so scared of smoking taking a hold of me.

The main problem with it is the image. It is faggy as fuck. I literally only do it in private or when no ones around..

Funny you mention that because I read that nicotine itself has neuroprotective and cognition enhancing effects.
So pointing to nicotine and not the other hundreds of untested chemicals found in cigarettes is far fetched.

Since fucking when
>t. Still have teeth after years of this

How to play vape roulette

>use an unregulated mech mod
>build your own shitty sub ohm coil that you never tested
>use 20A batteries
>never re wrap your batteries
>get dents in your batteries and keep using them
>use the 50% charge battery you have lying around with your fully charged one
>pass the mod around in a circle with your closest pals and have a laugh when one of them loses their front teeth and half their face

>become a trend

Where have you been for the last 5 years?

You will have to battle uphill with all the mouth fedora astroturf from rival industries; not just tobacco but the other inferior quit smoking products and inelegant promotion public vapers. My locale has been saturated with vape shops so if you're in flyover-ville go for it.

this. fucks wrong with u guys

vape came and went 2 yrs ago. kys

the man in the mirror knows.

the man in the mirror is why people off themselves-- they can't deal with his disapproval

you know your answer, user

Vaping is still a growing market



>the ingredients are not toxic to health
I laughed at this because I read an article a while back saying the flavoring chemicals could cause popcorn lung

That's only the "custard" flavors. Anyone that does even the most rudimentary research knows better than to use those.